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Fiona Apple

What's really good is African drum music.

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No Good/start The Dance (Bad For You Mix)

Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.
You're no good for me,
I don't need nobody.
Don't need no-one,
That's no good for me.

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song performed by ProdigyReport problemRelated quotes
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Let It All Be Music

Music is a mirror
Near around my soul
Music is the spirit
Come on let it roll
Music is my nature
People have you heard
Music is my future
Music is the world
Let it all be music
People sing a song
Let it all be music
Let us sing it on and on and on and on
Lets play the music
My kind of music
Lets play the music
Play it on
Lets play the music
My kind of music
Lets play the music
Play it on and on and on
Music isnt somewhere
Music turns you right
Music is a fever
Leads you day and night
Music is like heaven
Where you wanna be
Music is religion
Music sets you free
Let it all be music
People sing a song
Let it all be music
Let us sing it on and on and on and on
Lets play the music
My kind of music
Lets play the music
Play it on
Lets play the music
My kind of music
Lets play the music
Play it on and on and on
Music is tomorrow
Music is today
Music is forever
Music is the way
Music is for women
Music is for men
Music is for children
Sing it all again
Let it all be music
People sing a song

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song performed by Boney M.Report problemRelated quotes
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Beat Of Your Drum

Photograph king, watches you go
Now fashions may change, heaven knows, but you
Still leave a stain on me
Only to go colours may fade
The seasons may change, weather blows, but you still leave a mark on me
Wrong-negative fades-never the twain, reckless and tame
I like the beat of your drum
I like to look in your eyes
I like to look thru your things
Id like to beat on your drum
I like the smell of your flesh
I like the dirt that you dish
I like the clothes that you wear
Id like to beat on your drum
I beat it I beat I beat it
I feel it
Disco brat-follow the pack
Watching you peel, heaven knows, prison cant hold all this greedy intention
Only to go-i picture you now
Music may change-hi-di-ho keen to follow your nose
Wrong-love out of tune
Sweet is the night, bright light destroys me
I like the beat of your drum
I like to look in your eyes
I like to look thru your things
Id like to beat on your drum
I like the smell of your flesh
I like the dirt that you dish
I like the clothes that you wear
Id like to beat on your drum
I beat it I beat cant beat it
I feel it
I like to beat on your drum
I like to beat on your drum
I like your face in the crowd
I like to beat on your drum
I beat it I beat cant beat it
I feel it
Cant beat it
I feel it
Ho beat it
I beat it
Oh yeah
Id like to beat on your drum
Id like to beat on your drum
Id like to yell it out loud
Id like to beat on your drum
Cant beat it cant beat it
I feel it I feel it
Id like to beat on your drum

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song performed by David BowieReport problemRelated quotes
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William Makepeace Thackeray

The Chronicle Of The Drum

Part I.

At Paris, hard by the Maine barriers,
Whoever will choose to repair,
Midst a dozen of wooden-legged warriors
May haply fall in with old Pierre.
On the sunshiny bench of a tavern
He sits and he prates of old wars,
And moistens his pipe of tobacco
With a drink that is named after Mars.

The beer makes his tongue run the quicker,
And as long as his tap never fails,
Thus over his favorite liquor
Old Peter will tell his old tales.
Says he, 'In my life's ninety summers
Strange changes and chances I've seen,—
So here's to all gentlemen drummers
That ever have thump'd on a skin.

'Brought up in the art military
For four generations we are;
My ancestors drumm'd for King Harry,
The Huguenot lad of Navarre.
And as each man in life has his station
According as Fortune may fix,
While Conde was waving the baton,
My grandsire was trolling the sticks.

'Ah! those were the days for commanders!
What glories my grandfather won,
Ere bigots, and lackeys, and panders
The fortunes of France had undone!
In Germany, Flanders, and Holland,—
What foeman resisted us then?
No; my grandsire was ever victorious,
My grandsire and Monsieur Turenne.

'He died: and our noble battalions
The jade fickle Fortune forsook;
And at Blenheim, in spite of our valiance,
The victory lay with Malbrook.
The news it was brought to King Louis;
Corbleu! how his Majesty swore
When he heard they had taken my grandsire:
And twelve thousand gentlemen more.

'At Namur, Ramillies, and Malplaquet
Were we posted, on plain or in trench:
Malbrook only need to attack it

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Mammary Tunes

Under heavy haze I cast an ear…
Was that a distant hymn?

To view, to peer ahead,
I span thro’ sharpened eyes,
Connecting brain. Surprise
Awards emotion to the show –
A fine refrain.

I think I know the source:
Without recourse my keen and
Eager shoes propel my whole.

And she regales me as I close –
The drifting notes propose I place
An ear to verge upon the emanation.
Choice of left or right
Invites and overwhelms;
A brief respite, and then
I poise an aural organ,
Seeking out the balance
In the tone from rhythmic flesh.

O Holy Grail, the sweet spot!

Honed in stereophony and
Mastered out of euphony:
Her music
Diaphragms of luscious areolae
Give the tune

Atop a vibrant bass –
Quivers in the
Belly of her breast.
And presently
I fall beneath a spell of heady music
As her reproductive cushions do the rest.

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2011

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Feel The Music

What is music and why is it here?

Music is made for the ear.

To be made and played for many of decades.

To be embraced by different cultures and race,


the heart of man

Only it seems now only a few understand


The upbeat the down beat the chords the rhythm it plays.

Exchanging and changing forever.


Not one man can take the responsibility for making the music the music made us.

You have to trust in the


Classical Jazz, Swing, Country everything it brings.


Although music has a lot of names it will always remain the same

Music will always change.

The dramatic character of a story.

It will always end with the final glory.

Because of its graceful authority

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02-04-2012 Brother I give you my answer for Black People African Sahara it mesmerizes the wise largest desert it is asked of we What is Africa is to me 3.3 million miles of grea

Brother I give you my answer
for Black People

African Sahara
it mesmerizes the wise
largest desert
it is asked of we
What is Africa is to me
3.3 million miles
of great desert
once a forest
once a great sea
once an empty hole
in space just waiting
to be that it can
birth the blackness
of who my mothers be
3.3 millions
you can not see it all
Trans Saharan trade
is but a child
weather selling slaves
or selling salt
and always
brought and sold
the black man's art, gold
the paintings
was still for the walls
to surround us
a representation of the thing
that be, the God that
rose Africa from the sea
man got his
walking feet
on Africa's soil
Africa Moors
salt caravans
Africa the salt
of the land
what more did Africa
give to man
gold first mimed
found its glow
in the hands of
a black child
oldest gold jewelry
in Queen Zer's tomb
being as old as this
there is nothing
that we can not do

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Booth's Drum [1]

They were “ratty” they were hooted by the meanest and the least,
When they woke the Drum of Glory long ago in London East.
They were often mobbed by hoodlums—they were few, but unafraid—
And their Lassies were insulted, but they banged the drum—and prayed.
Prayed in public for the sinners, prayed in private for release,
Till they saved some brawny lumpers—then they banged the drum in peace.
(Saved some prize-fighter and burglars)—and they banged the drum in peace.
Booth’s Drum.
He was hook-nosed, he was “scrawny,”
He was nothing of a Don.
And his business ways seemed Yiddish,
And his speeches “kid”—or kiddish;
And we doubted his “convictions”—
But his drum is going on.

Oh, they drummed it ever onward with old Blood-and-Fire unfurled,
And they drummed it ever outward to the corners of the world.
Till they banged the drum in Greenland and they banged in Ispahan,
And they banged it round to India and China and Japan.
And they banged it through the Islands where each seasoned Son of Rum
Took them for new-fangled Jim Jams when he heard the Army Drum.
(For a bran’ new brand of Horrors, when he saw the Army come.)
So they banged it in the desert, and they banged in the snow—
They’d have banged the Drum to Mecca! with the shadow of a “show.”
(But Mohammed cut their heads off, so they had to let it go.)

Somewhere in the early eighties they had banged the drum to Bourke,
Where the job of fighting Satan was white-hot and dusty work.
Oh, the Local Lass was withered in the heat that bakes and glares,
And we sent her food and firewood but took small heed of her prayers.
We were blasphemous and beery, we were free from Creed or Care,
Till they sent their prettiest Lassies—and they broke our centre there.
So that, moderately sober, we could stand to hear them sing—
And we’d chaff their Testifiers, and throw quids into the ring.
(Never less than bobs or “dollars”—sometimes quids into the ring.)

They have “stormed” our sinful cities—banged for all that they were worth—
From Port Darwin to Port Melbourne, and from Sydney round to Perth.
We’d no need for them (or woman) when we were all right and well,
But they took us out of prison, and they took us out of Hell.
And they helped our fallen sisters who went down for such as we,
And our widows and our orphans in distress and poverty.
And neglected wives and children of the worst of us that be;
And they made us fit for Glory—or another Glorious Spree.
(So I rather think there’s something that is up to you or me.)

Oh! the Blindness of the Future!—Ah, we never reckoned much
That they’d beat the quids we gave them into bayonets and such.
That the coin would be devoted, when our world was looking blue,
To another kind of orphan—wife, or child, or widow too.

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The Piano Lurched

Contact was sharp…

I jolted from immediacy of senses torn from mind:
Such was I at unawares with you –
To strike with Master’s single chord that pounced and caught me blind –
Piano, how you lurched and rent me through!

Delightful music welcomed me to drift in quasi-syncope:
Soft tranquillo sought to rest my bones –
I glided reaching largo; sang with sweet cantabile, and
Forte let me in to louder tones.

I cried with lacrimoso; squirmed when agitato flared;
My hearing rang when fingers danced the trill.
And so it was, this maestro grand was genius declared –
Acting out in music for the thrill.

Translating pen to piano, this player takes me back thro’ time…
In the chamber, fine composers charm:
I watch the manic hands of Liszt abound with tunes sublime;
Mozart teased my mood with stark alarm.

Then entered Bach to demonstrate his mathematic flare,
Calculating notes supreme of form.
And I – the minion audience – sat wanting in my chair,
Having heard my idols all perform.

Did Darwin’s theory tell at all why Man evolved this way?
Why would music help him to survive?
But scientific muse had veered my thoughts from this display, and
Music called: ‘Just listen - you’re alive! ’

The maestro draws conclusion; lets the piano die a death
To stand as wood, inert just as before –
A pollished casket lined with keys, at calm from naught of breath,
Bade me scream: ‘Bravo! ’ and ‘Hail! Encore! ’

He wakes the box to dance again with noble works of art:
Resurrected; fully primed with zest.
Now even I was back to life with reason in my heart –
Heightened from the pounding in my chest.

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2009
All rights reserved

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Tied Up (7' Version)

Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Tie me up, the city heat
Bring the bell, go down the street
Tie me up to the Babaumba Beat
Try to beat, try to fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
Shake it up, beat down the beat
Shake it up to the Babaumba Heat
It's the African Queen, we got the summer night grand
It's the African Queen, the hottest lady in town
It's the African Queen, who keeps me on my feet
It's the African Queen, the Babaumba Beat
All you need is love
Take my heart
And hold me tight forever, forever
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Ring the bell
Roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay (de-le-maaaaaa)
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Got awaaaaaaaaaay eko-ahll-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ring the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat

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song performed by YelloReport problemRelated quotes
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Tied Up

...tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up...
Gulemo dilemma
Gulemo dilemma
Tie me up, the city heat
Bring the bell, go down the street
Tie me up to the babaumba beat
Try to beat, try to fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
Shake it up, beat down the beat
Shake it up to the babaumba heat
Its the african queen, we got the summer night grand
Its the african queen, the hottest lady in town
Its the african queen, who keeps me on my feet
Its the african queen, the babaumba beat
All you need is love
Take my heart
And hold me tight forever, forever
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Ring the bell
Roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Gulemo dilemma
Gulemo dilemma
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay (de-le-maaaaaa)
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Got awaaaaaaaaaay eko-ahll-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ring the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Take it up, beat on the beat
Shake it up, the babaumba beat

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song performed by YelloReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Tied Up (7' Version)

Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Tie me up, the city heat
Bring the bell, go down the street
Tie me up to the Babaumba Beat
Try to beat, try to fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
Shake it up, beat down the beat
Shake it up to the Babaumba Heat
It's the African Queen, we got the summer night grand
It's the African Queen, the hottest lady in town
It's the African Queen, who keeps me on my feet
It's the African Queen, the Babaumba Beat
All you need is love
Take my heart
And hold me tight forever, forever
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Ring the bell
Roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Tied Up, Tied Up
Gulemo Dilemma
Gulemo Dilemma
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay (de-le-maaaaaa)
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Got awaaaaaaaaaay eko-ahll-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ring the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat

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song performed by YelloReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Tied Up

...tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up...
Gulemo dilemma
Gulemo dilemma
Tie me up, the city heat
Bring the bell, go down the street
Tie me up to the babaumba beat
Try to beat, try to fight
Take me back into the ring tonight
Shake it up, beat down the beat
Shake it up to the babaumba heat
Its the african queen, we got the summer night grand
Its the african queen, the hottest lady in town
Its the african queen, who keeps me on my feet
Its the african queen, the babaumba beat
All you need is love
Take my heart
And hold me tight forever, forever
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Bombo-yo, ko ko ko bombo ya
Ring the bell
Roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Tied up, tied up
Gulemo dilemma
Gulemo dilemma
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay
Got awaaaaaaaaaay (de-le-maaaaaa)
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Got awaaaaaaaaaay eko-ahll-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ring the bell, roll down the street
Tie me up into the city heat
Take me guys, keep up the beat
Bring the bell into the city heat
Take it up, beat on the beat
Shake it up, the babaumba beat

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song performed by YelloReport problemRelated quotes
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The House Of Dust: Complete


The sun goes down in a cold pale flare of light.
The trees grow dark: the shadows lean to the east:
And lights wink out through the windows, one by one.
A clamor of frosty sirens mourns at the night.
Pale slate-grey clouds whirl up from the sunken sun.

And the wandering one, the inquisitive dreamer of dreams,
The eternal asker of answers, stands in the street,
And lifts his palms for the first cold ghost of rain.
The purple lights leap down the hill before him.
The gorgeous night has begun again.

'I will ask them all, I will ask them all their dreams,
I will hold my light above them and seek their faces.
I will hear them whisper, invisible in their veins . . .'
The eternal asker of answers becomes as the darkness,
Or as a wind blown over a myriad forest,
Or as the numberless voices of long-drawn rains.

We hear him and take him among us, like a wind of music,
Like the ghost of a music we have somewhere heard;
We crowd through the streets in a dazzle of pallid lamplight,
We pour in a sinister wave, ascend a stair,
With laughter and cry, and word upon murmured word;
We flow, we descend, we turn . . . and the eternal dreamer
Moves among us like light, like evening air . . .

Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! We go our ways,
The rain runs over the pavement before our feet,
The cold rain falls, the rain sings.
We walk, we run, we ride. We turn our faces
To what the eternal evening brings.

Our hands are hot and raw with the stones we have laid,
We have built a tower of stone high into the sky,
We have built a city of towers.

Our hands are light, they are singing with emptiness.
Our souls are light; they have shaken a burden of hours . . .
What did we build it for? Was it all a dream? . . .
Ghostly above us in lamplight the towers gleam . . .
And after a while they will fall to dust and rain;
Or else we will tear them down with impatient hands;
And hew rock out of the earth, and build them again.


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Ill Be With You Tonight

Words and music by rick nielsen, bun e. carlos, robin zander, and tom petersson
Tonight, tonight, Ill be with you tonight.
Tonight, tonight, Ill be with you tonight, tonight, tonight.
You got me burnin, burnin with desire,
You got me burnin, burnin like a fire, oh yeah.
You got me thinkin, thinkin what Ill do,
No doubt about it, I want it with you.
Though youre not my first love,
You just might be my last.
My heart is poundin like a drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, yeah.
Tonight will be the first night that Ive been in love with you.
You get me so excited, Im not sure what Im gonna do.
Tomorrow you wont be here, and I dont expect you to.
Tonight is all I really want, I really want from you.
Tonight, tonight, Ill be with you tonight.
Tonight, tonight, Ill be with you tonight.
Tonight, tonight.
Everything about you is more than everything
You make me crazy, Im doin crazy things, oh yeah.
Tonight when I first saw you I knew it had to be,
Whyd you have to be so right for me?
Though youre not my first love, you just might be my last.
My heart is poundin like a drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, yeah.
Tonight will be the first night that Ive been in love with you.
You get me so excited, Im not sure what Im gonna do.
Tomorrow you wont be here, and I dont expect you to.
Tonight is all I really want, I really want from you.
Tonight, from you, from you.
Oo, tonight, be with ya, Ill be with ya, Ill be with ya, Ill be with ya tonight, tonight.
Ill be with ya.
(repeat to coda)

song performed by Cheap TrickReport problemRelated quotes
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African Moon

African moon
Roll with the mighty waves
Well be there soon
Feel the winds as we sail on home to african moon
African moon
My heart beats like the drum
Now it is noon
Loved ones we left behind Ill see again
African moon
African moon
I will see you once more
Yes again Ill adore the real sound of the drum
Oh yes Im sailing feel your hot sun
African moon
African moon
Looking out to the sea
A reunion therell be in the evening sun
Oh theres a new life thats awaiting me
African moon
African moon
This land is my rightful home
Well never roam
Youll weep fou your sons no more and daughters
African moon
Hold up your head
One day youll be understood
Stand and be proud
Your sorrows are gone for good
Hold up your head
And youll be satisfied!

song performed by Boney M.Report problemRelated quotes
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The Dean & I

Hum drum days
And a hum drum ways
Hey kids, let me tell you how I met your mom
We were dancin and romancin at the senior prom
It was no infatuation
But a gradual graduation
From a boy to a man
Let me tell you while I can
The soda pop came free
Hey sis, one kiss, and I was heaven bound
Now who would have guessed miltons paradise lost could
Be found
But in the eyes of the dean, his daughter
Was doin what she shouldna oughta
But a mans gotta do
What a mans gotta do
The consequence should be
Church bells, three swells
The dean, his daughter and me
They were dating in the park
They were smooching in the dark
Of a doorway for two
She whispered I love you -
Ooh, you know I never felt this way before
Ooh, you know the elevator in my heart
Has gone awol, awol, awol, awol
And then I kissed her
And when I kissed her
Its a wonderful world
When youre rolling in kisses
Now, the paint is peeling
(hum drum days and hum drum ways)
Now, and when the chips are down
(hum drum days and hum drum ways)
Now, you kinda lose all feeling
(hum drum days and hum drum ways)
Now, your head goes round and round
(hum drum days and hum drum ways)
Round and round and round and round and round
Im throwing myself off this train
Hum drum days
And a hum drum ways
Hum drum days, hes got
Hum drum ways, oh boy
Hey, you know Im really earning now
My ship came in with a cargo of dollars
My names lit up on the prow
Its a wonderful world
When youre rolling in dollars

song performed by 10 CcReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Can You Hear It

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
I like that beat as it comes along.
It’s the same beat and the same tune,
we all know it’ll be here soon.

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
fast or slow it’s a catchy song.
I kind of look forward to its day
and it's a shame when it goes away.

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
It's getting closer and it won’t be long.
At last it's coming down our street
with its catchy drumming beat.

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
it's so simple I can’t go wrong.
It's getting louder as it comes near,
the people watching give it a cheer.

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
the beat’s blasting out loud and strong.
The man inside this sweeping machine
sings as he works to keep the streets clean.

Drum, drum, tipi tap, tong,
the sounds are fading as it goes along.
But it's nice to know as he sweeps the curb,
his drum, drum, tipi tap, tong, has the final word.

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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African Sunrise

This song was first released on the dreamland express album. it is the only album it has been released on.
African sunrise, shine on a brand new day
African sunrise, show us a brand new way
Give us a brand new morning
Show us forever beginning to stand on our own
African sunrise, smile on my african home
In this hour of quiet contemplation
The stillness of the dawning calms my mind
I face the day with heartfelt exaltation
The light is both a promise and a sign
In the darkness we have lost the son of our sister
Though the beauty of his spirit lingers still
This was a child of love, a child of laughter
Who cannot understand the way I feel
Is it not the sun that gives the seasons
Is it not the sun that brings the rain
Our throats are choled with dust, but were still singing
Our song will not be silenced by the rain
All around the village I could hear the roosters crowing
There was a time it was like music to my ears
Now all I can hear is the sound of hungry babies crying
I pray for rain to wash away their tears
African sunrise, light of a brand new day
African sunrise, light of a brand new way
With one who will be our brother
And one who will be our partner and teach us to know
African sunrise, smile on my african home
African sunrise.....
African sunrise.....
Words and music by john denver

song performed by John DenverReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Be Good Johnny

Skip de skip, up the road
Off to school we go
Dont you be a bad boy johnny
Dont you slip up
Or play the fool
Oh no ma, oh no da,
Ill be your golden boy
I will obey evry golden rule
Get told by the teacher
Not to day-dream
Told by my mother:
Be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good be good (johnny)
Be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good (johnny)
Be good be good.
Are you going to play football this year, john?
Oh, well you must be going to play cricket this year then,
Are you johnny?
No! no! no!
Boy, you sure are a funny kid, johnny, but I like you! so tell me,
What kind of a boy are you, john?
I only like dreaming
All the day long
Where no one is screaming
Be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good be good (johnny)
Be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good
Be good be good be good

song performed by Men At WorkReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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