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Today's anniversary: George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw

We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Topic of the Day: tourism

I'm not a good tourist, I don't like tourism.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Quote of the moment

Love justifies the presence of divinity in all that life means, giving it Eternity as an ageless season. You recognize yourself in this eternity as the existence of the other.

in quoted from the book Wall of ThoughtsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Alexander
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True social life is the ability to come together not only to talk about stupid and indifferent things, but also about serious things; Do it without offending, without denigrating, without laughing at their errors, but by emphasizing the positive side and, in any case, keeping the discussion in a constructive context by establishing values ​​of sympathy and solidarity, entertainment, and not in an “all against all” chatter that undermines, destroys and dissolves the appreciation he has for others and inevitably for himself.

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After my mother and my son, I still have two great loves: Romania and Rome.

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You are...

You are one of those "people" you meet
when God decides to give you a great gift.

poem by from The universe of love (13 June 2013), translated by Camelia OpriţaReport problemRelated quotes
Added by clementina forgiero, rome
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