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Jorge Luis Borges

Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.

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Truth and the Devil

The devil unstoppably took pride in salaciously writing; the book of
obnoxious caste-creed and venomously penalizing hatred,

The devil unstoppably took pride in acrimoniously writing; the book of
indiscriminate bloodshed and disastrously traumatizing ruthlessness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in vengefully writing; the book of
tyrannical devastation and lecherously bellicose orphaning,

The devil unstoppably took pride in fretfully writing; the book of
vindictive war and satanically criminal holocausts,

The devil unstoppably took pride in maliciously writing; the book of
coldblooded barbarism and manipulatively bizarre malice,

The devil unstoppably took pride in forlornly writing; the book of
ghosts and mortuaries brutally anointed with fresh blood,

T The devil unstoppably took pride in indigently writing; the book of
nonchalant spuriousness and fecklessly insipid meaninglessness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in torturously writing; the book of
animosity and hedonistically pugnacious illwill,

The devil unstoppably took pride in dictatorially writing; the book of
licentious bawdiness and insanely threadbare nothingness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in heinously writing; the book of
lascivious poverty and baselessly crippling uncertainty,

The devil unstoppably took pride in savagely writing; the book of
defeat and lethally ballistic atrociousness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in raunchily writing; the book of
delinquency and insidiously slandering betrayal,

The devil unstoppably took pride in preposterously writing; the book of
scurrilous lunatism and barbarously incarcerating fiendishness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in frigidly writing; the book of
mockery and impudently castigating brazenness,

The devil unstoppably took pride in heartlessly writing; the book of
bloodshed and indefatigably bombarding politics,

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The Dream Is Over

Psst, hey, come on man, wake up.
Oh, yeah, yeah!
I see the power,
Changin hands
Risin from the streets
A self made businessman,
Knows how the system can be beat.
Oh, were the lost generation,
Have no place to go,
The road to destruction,
Is all we need to know,
Cause its a rip off,
Were stripped, drawn, and cheated,
Were flat stone cold lied to
But were not defeated, nooo, sir
Easy money,
Its your way out,
Join the family
No middleman,
No i.r.s.
Your ticket out of poverty
Oh, were the lost generation,
I hold fate from a string
Lookin for direction
Reachin out for anything, so
Dream another dream
This dream is over, (oooh oooh oh)
Dream another dream
This dream is over, (dream another dream)
Dream another dream
This dream is over, (oooh) over yeah, (dream another dream)
So dream another dream
Oh, its a rip off,
Were stepped on an cheated,
Flat stone cold lied to,
Were not defeated, noooo,
Dream another dream, this dream is over, (oooh oooh oh)
Dream another dream, this dream is over, (dream another dream)
Dream another dream, this dream is over, (oooh oooh oh) oh
Dream another dream, this dream is over, over yeah, (dream another dream)
Dream another dream, (ooh ooh ooh)
Dream another dream, (dream another dream, oooh ooh ooh)
Dream another dream, oh, this dreams all over (dream another dream)
Dream another dream, (dream another dream)
Dream another dream...

song performed by Van HalenReport problemRelated quotes
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When I wasn't breathing

When I wasn’t blissfully snoring; I was still inexhaustibly writing a
cistern of stupendously rhapsodic and gloriously majestic Immortal Love

When I wasn’t unsurpassably fantasizing; I was still inexhaustibly
writing a
garden of ingeniously magical and miraculously mitigating Immortal Love

When I wasn’t superbly adventuring; I was still inexhaustibly writing
ocean of bountifully resplendent and timelessly undefeated Immortal

When I wasn’t scrumptiously relishing; I was still inexhaustibly
writing a
playground of optimistically enlightening and unbelievably royal
Love Poetry,

When I wasn’t limitlessly triumphing; I was still inexhaustibly writing
cascade of beautifully panoramic and effulgently liberating Immortal

When I wasn’t pricelessly smiling; I was still inexhaustibly writing a
lantern of unendingly vibrant and inscrutably tantalizing Immortal Love

When I wasn’t gloriously partying; I was still inexhaustibly writing a
paradise of eternally vivacious and pristinely redolent Immortal Love

When I wasn’t unassailably inspiring; I was still inexhaustibly writing
festoon of incredulously ameliorating and perpetually compassionate
Love Poetry,

When I wasn’t magnanimously feasting; I was still inexhaustibly writing
cocoon of symbiotically philanthropic and ubiquitously coalescing
Love Poetry,

When I wasn’t ebulliently fornicating; I was still inexhaustibly
writing a
mist of wonderfully reinvigorating and blessedly burgeoning Immortal

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The House Of Dust: Complete


The sun goes down in a cold pale flare of light.
The trees grow dark: the shadows lean to the east:
And lights wink out through the windows, one by one.
A clamor of frosty sirens mourns at the night.
Pale slate-grey clouds whirl up from the sunken sun.

And the wandering one, the inquisitive dreamer of dreams,
The eternal asker of answers, stands in the street,
And lifts his palms for the first cold ghost of rain.
The purple lights leap down the hill before him.
The gorgeous night has begun again.

'I will ask them all, I will ask them all their dreams,
I will hold my light above them and seek their faces.
I will hear them whisper, invisible in their veins . . .'
The eternal asker of answers becomes as the darkness,
Or as a wind blown over a myriad forest,
Or as the numberless voices of long-drawn rains.

We hear him and take him among us, like a wind of music,
Like the ghost of a music we have somewhere heard;
We crowd through the streets in a dazzle of pallid lamplight,
We pour in a sinister wave, ascend a stair,
With laughter and cry, and word upon murmured word;
We flow, we descend, we turn . . . and the eternal dreamer
Moves among us like light, like evening air . . .

Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! We go our ways,
The rain runs over the pavement before our feet,
The cold rain falls, the rain sings.
We walk, we run, we ride. We turn our faces
To what the eternal evening brings.

Our hands are hot and raw with the stones we have laid,
We have built a tower of stone high into the sky,
We have built a city of towers.

Our hands are light, they are singing with emptiness.
Our souls are light; they have shaken a burden of hours . . .
What did we build it for? Was it all a dream? . . .
Ghostly above us in lamplight the towers gleam . . .
And after a while they will fall to dust and rain;
Or else we will tear them down with impatient hands;
And hew rock out of the earth, and build them again.


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We Dream In Color

Dream sequence
(wake up, wake up, wake up, time to dream)
(wake up, time to dream)
We dream, we dream, we dream in color
Wake me up in the middle of the night, tell me what youve seen
Ivory clouds in a sea of blue, fields of endless green
But we lie here and we search for stars
Or big bad letters all the way from mars
The sky is black and the moon is pale, and we cry for this world of ours
In the dark we still believe (oh you know that we still believe)
In the dark we see
We dream in color - but we live in black and white
We dream in color - like a rainbow in the night
We dream of peace, we dream of love, but still the dream is not enough
We dream in color
Oh yes we dream
I wake up in the middle of the day, locked within this cell
The sun is weak on the gun gray street, a cold and concrete hell
So I close my eyes and remember the days
Of a blood red sky and a purple haze
The flag was yours and the flag was mine, but we let it fade away
In the dark we still believe (oh you know that we still believe)
In the dark we see
We dream in color - but we live in black and white
We dream in color - like a rainbow in the night
We dream of peace, we dream of love, but still the dream is not enough
We dream in color
(guitar solo)
This is where it all comes down, this is where the truth is found
Someones gotta keep this dream alive
We dream in color - but we live in black and white
We dream in color - like a rainbow in the night
We dream of peace, we dream of love, we dream of life!
We dream in color
We dream in color - we dream, yes we dream
We dream in color - but we live in black and white
We dream in color - and hold on to each other
We dream in color - lover to lover, sister to brother, we hold on
We dream in color
We dream in color - we dream
We dream in color - we dream...

song performed by StarshipReport problemRelated quotes
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Yeah Mahn

Guided by the light.
Guided by the light.
Not too many people know,
They're guided by the light.

And when you pitch in a little bit,
That light turns on.
When you give just a little bit,
That light turns on.
And when you pitch in a little bit,
Those things wrong...
Get up to leave,
And you'll see them gone.

Guided by the light.
Guided by the light.
Everyday in everyway,
We're guided by the light.

When you pitch in a little bit,
That light turns on.
And when you give just a little bit,
That light turns on.
And when you pitch in a little bit,
Those things wrong...
Get up to leave,
And you'll see them gone.

Yeah mahn.
Yeah mahn.
Guided by the light.
Guided by the light.
Not too many people see,
We're guided by the light.

Just pitch in a little bit,
That light turns on.
Just a little bit of you in it.
And the light is on.
And when you pitch in a little bit,
Those things wrong...
Get up to leave,
And you'll see them gone.

Giving up a little bit,
Yeah mahn.
Try a little bit of it,
Yeah mahn.
And when you pitch in a little bit,
Those things wrong...

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Lost One, Have One

Everyone have a dream
Some go, some withdraaw
I went and went far
I had a dream
I have a dream

I dreamt with open eyes
Dreamt with two
One for heart
Another for family
One dissolved, another resolved

One dream happens once
Once in life, once for all
Fortunately it happend to me
Unfortunately was broken
Lost one, have one

I had a dream
To defend her at heart
Be in her arms
Set her in my eyes
Spend an age for her

I had a dream
To live with her
Make a family of her
It was a whole half
Remained only with half

Dreamt her to become
My piece, My sprit
This was a heart dream
This was a lost dream
Dream of every second in a minute.

I have a dream
Get a good name
A standard fame
Rank in the starta
Obidient son extra

I have a dream
Making my brothers proud
Being high in crowd
Hearing my talks in class
Name in mass of every class

I have a dream
Be loyal to my mom

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Over there
In parallel time,
This brain -

Neuronal palimpsest
In striptease
Blood-red dawn to dying dusk;
The husk of bone
Stays the swelling
Of the soul
Within its hellish crypt -

Ironically dimensionless:

Dark deep,
An independent entity
Along the promenade,
Tacky yard of tacky lives
In non-existence,
A shard of me in tow,

Then scurries back to
Promiscuity -
She drools, anticipating -
Poised legs of cogitation
Tingle, brim, desperate -
The imminence of dreams

Such a well-warn bed,
Where fucks with notion, thought,
Spark an orgy
While the conscious blacks in head
And eyes;
Mulling making sense
Beyond the lies against
Reality - whatever that might be -
(But matters not
In abstract dreams) :

Forebrain greys in waking;
I've not a word to tell it! -
Where's the poet?

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2012

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Writing To

Writing to feel
Writing to heal
Writing to steal
Writing every emotion..
With such a white background.
It makes no sound
Even as the keys I pound.
Let my words have bite
Let from my words drip out meanings beyond meanings
Its something I try to be constantly be achieving.

Writing to feel
Writing to heal
Writing to steal
I want every heart and mind
Sucked in cause this is my world stage
No sense of the time.
Never to turn the page
Stuck in to a world oh so oh so fine

Writing to feel
Writing to heal
Writing to steal
Listen to her melody, as she sings.
Let chaos reign down from the skies
What will this day really bring?
Will the letter say good bye?
Will it mend everything?

Making everything better.
Destroying all the consequences
That exist in your world.
Welcome to the place I visit daily.
Inspirational maddness,
It attacks, attacks, and attacks.
With perfect sadness
I must let go once more.
And then the words hit the floor

Writing to feel
Writing to heal.
Writing to steal.
Becoming one with my soul.
Fighting for its one and only control.
Its mine, Its mine. Its mine.
In this reality it subsequently is not
A constant questioning of what?

Writing to feel
Writing to heal.

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I dream..

I dream of floating away on a cloud
I dream of catching a falling star
I dream of my prince charming
I dream of how I'll save him from the dragon
I dream of cows on the moon
And pink grass

I dream of old ladies knitting socks
I dream the twelve Olympians are real
I dream I'll meet them someday
I dream of vast sugar cane fields
I dream of a bed of roses
And how prickly that must be

I dream of firefly friends
I dream of a lighting bug show
I dream of riding a striped horse down the aisle
I dream of hot air balloons
I dream of polar bears
And penguins

I dream of snow
I dream of rain
I dream of summer
I dream of fall
I dream of day
And night

I dream of the moon
I dream of stars
I dream of going to Mars
I dream of how I'll be queen of the Martians
I dream of how I'll love my subjects
And people always said I belonged on another planet

I dream of love
I dream of faith
I dream of hope
I dream of culture
I dream of life
And I dream sweet dreams

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I Dream

dream of a better world where as people would see each other nothing more than people of a different shade of gray
I dream of all my problems crumbling in my hands never to utter another sound
I dream of love renewed no more forsaken the day of my fulfillment
I dream of blues skies and flowers lying in a field of hope and no more despair
I dream of moonlit nights where the smell of jasmine permeates the air with its sweet aroma
I dream of being in love once again with that person that just takes my breath away
I dream of angels dancing in candle light
I dream of naked waterfalls that drench my soul and ease my pain
I dream of earthly fulfillments never imagined before
I dream of paradise lost and never found
I dream of turquoise seas surrounding my unadorned body
I dream of piece no longer the beast devouring the children of the west
I dream of calmer seas that no longer rocks the boat of tranquility
I dream of you and me forever be
I dream no more the lonely night of my salvation
I dream of happiness once more on my enlightened soul
I dream of no more shadows haunting me as I slumber
I dream no more my weary eyes of sadness abound
I dream crying the day cometh the dawn no more
I dream walking on the beach with the one I love hand in hand
I dream of midnight caressing while the sun comes up
I dream of what could have been, what could be, and what has gone
I dream to no longer forsake my sanity to the darkness of my emotions
I dream of a place whereas I can lounge and bask in my redolence roses
I dream a dream of lesser conscienceless to the world that holds me back
I dream of no more waking hours consumed by society at large
I dream the dream of romantics no longer uttering there voices aloud
I am a dreamer, but without dreamers what would this world be
As empty as the heart that knows no love
As dark as the night that knows no stars
I think so there for I must have feelings
I live so there for I must be alive
I sleep so there for I must be a dreamer
Dream on and let the night bring you to places in the sun

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Dream Baby

Roy orbison
Sweet dream baby
Sweet dream baby
Sweet dream baby
How long must i dream
Dream baby got me dreamin' sweet dreams the whole day through
Dream baby got me dreamin' sweet dreams night time too
I love you and i'm dreaming of you but that won't do
Dream baby make me stop my dreamin', you can make my dreams come true
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
Sweet (sha-da-da-da) dream (sha-da-da-da) baby (sha-da-da-da) (sha-da-da-da)
How (sha-da-da-da) long (sha-da-da-da) must i dream
Dream baby got me dreamin' sweet dreams the whole day through (dream baby)
Dream baby got me dreamin' sweet dreams night time too (dream baby)
I love you and i'm dreaming of you but that won't do (dream baby)
Dream baby make me stop my dreamin', you can make my dreams come true
Aww, sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Yea-eh-ah, sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
How long must i dream
Sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby (dream baby ah-huh-huh)
Sweet dream baby

song performed by Roy OrbisonReport problemRelated quotes
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I'm writing in hope for something with sweet melody,
A rhythm that can be felt,
A beauty that can be read.
With words flowing like water over rocks,
Steadily without fault or obstruction.
A liquid in its purest state.

I'm writing in hope for something with sweet remembrance,
Like the scent of falling rain,
Or the memorable sound of a mothers cooing voice.
Something so memorable,
The slightest reminder sends you back to the exact moment,
Replaying in unbroken pattern of mind.

I'm writing in hope for something spectacular to happen,
For my words to form a feeling so deep they hurt,
For each image to be as clear as these words on this paper.
I want you to feel what I feel,
A feeling of lonely discontent,
Sitting alone in my own my own world, writing away.

I am writing this in hope for something to stick with you,
A message or a meaning that I've hidden inside a syllable,
A voice of reason that you have kept from yourself,
Silenced with the voice of your shallow desires.
A dream that you once had forgotten,
Lost in the darkness of the night.

I am writing this in hope for something to be brought to light.
Maybe a buried thought that you wish you never had,
Or an inner conflict that you hadn't noticed but feel tearing apart your skin,
Even an aspiration you promised to live up to but left to die.
Something so lost in the world of your mind,
Swallowed by deep chasms of thought and memory.

I am writing this in hope of telling a story.
The story of a world that can only be imagined in a dark room,
Hidden from the world and apart from anything else.
The story of a broken heart of a shortened life,
The story of the silent cries of a lost soul reaching for sanity.
My own story, perhaps, or even yours, is this your story?

I am writing in hope of making your thoughts and feelings dance,
A slow and steady music in the background,
Propelling your eyes left to right and back again.
Following the steps of each word,
The flow off each line and stanza.
An endless waltz with the reader and the writer, will you dance with me?

I am writing in hope of making an impression on your mind,

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dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
dream - dream - dream - dream
until to the end draws nigh
to wake up and breath high

Ency Bearis
(c) copyright 2008

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Whos Been Writing On The Wall Again

Someone keeps on telling me how much he loves me so
Writes it on the wall outside so I will always know
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Lori, I love you , lori, I love you
Evry evening I come home , its waiting there for me
Three little words, one little voice , someone I cant see
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Lori , I love you , lori , I love you
Is he tall or is he small
I wonder what his game is
I wish hes write it on the wall
And tell me what his name is
I dont know if his hair is blonde or if his eyes are blue
But I know that when I meet him ,Im gonna love him too
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Lori , I love you , lori , I love you
Is he tall or is he small
I wonder what his game is
I wish hed write it on the wall
And tell me what his name is
I dont know if his hair is blonde or if his eyes are blue
But I know that when meet him , Im gonna love him too
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again
Lori , I love you , lori , I love you
Whos been writing on the wall again
Whos been writing on the wall again (fade)

song performed by Bee GeesReport problemRelated quotes
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A Dream

[jay-z] it was all a dream
[scratched simultaneously: it was all a dream - b.i.g.]
[faith evans + (jay-z)]
Last night I had a dream
Thoughts was racin through my head (it was all a dream)
Felt so real to me
This is what was said..
Had a dream I said, bout who he said?
Bout b.i.g. I said, thats big he said
Dig he said, proceed he said
Indeed I said, so - breathe I did
Dont repeat what I say I said, he said nothin
He agreed with his head, he just nodded like this
What I believe to be a yes I re-peated what was said
It came to me like a .. well as even I said
You feel playboy, was the greeting he said
First thing I wanted to know, whats the reason he was dead?
More money, more problems, better believe it, he said
Careful what you wish for you might receive it, he said
I see I said, jealousy I said
Got the whole industry mad at me I said
Then b.i. said, hov remind yourself
Nobody built like you, you designed yourself
I agree I said, my one of a kind self
Get stoned every day like jesus did
What he said, I said, has been said before
Just keep doin your thing, he said, say no more
[faith evans]
Was it all a dream - tell me
Was it all a dream, was it a dream
Was it all a dre-eeee-eeeee-eeam
I gotta know (it was all a dream)
Was it all a dream - was it a dream
Was it all a dream, a dream
Was it all a dre-eeee-eeeee-eeam
[notorious b.i.g.]
It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine
Saltnpepa and heavy d up in the limousine
Hangin pictures on my wall
Every saturday, rap attack, mr. magic, marley marl
I let my tape rock til my tape popped
Smokin weed and bamboo, sippin on private stock
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack
With the hat to match
Remember rappin duke? duh-ha, duh-ha
You never thought that hip-hop would take it this far
Now Im in the limelight cause I rhyme tight
Time to get paid, blow up like the (world trade)
Born sinner, the opposite of a winner

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song performed by Jay-ZReport problemRelated quotes
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Touched A Dream

(Talking) Girl you just don’t know
Last night was incredible. Listen. Check it out.
Last night, I felt the skies open up and rain down heaven
Last night, I felt the sun, the moon and the stars come together
Last night, I heard an angel speak to me he said us forever
And while we were making love, I saw visions of a tropical river
Last night I
Touched a dream
When you were here with me
Last night I
Touched a dream
Girl you fulfill my fantasy
Touched a dream
Said we rewrote the book of love making history
Touched a dream
Last night you brought my dreams to reality
Now last night, I could have sworn I saw an eagle spread his wings
Last night, I heard a massive choir lift their voice and sing
Last night, I saw the world living in peace and harmony
While we were making love, I felt my soul being set free
Last night I
Touched a dream
You were here with me
Last night I
Touched a dream
And you fulfill my fantasy
Touched a dream
I said we rewrote the book of love making history
Touched a dream
Ooh yeah, girl you brought my dreams to reality
After the rain comes the rainbow
The sun will shine after the storm
Oh yes it will and Mother Nature guarantees
Jumped the mountain and touched the sky
Over the sea baby we can fly
When we made love I see the flowers the trees the birds the bees
Last night I touched a dream girl
Touched a dream
You right here with me
Touched a dream
Ohhh ohh oooh a dream
Touched a dream
You fulfill my fantasy oh baby yes you did
Touched a dream
And baby we rewrote the book of love making history yeah yeah
Touched a dream
Girl, you brought my dreams to a reality yeah hey
Last night when you were lying next to me
Touched a dream
You fulfill my fantasy

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song performed by R. KellyReport problemRelated quotes
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Bad Dream

Im living in a bad dream.
Theyre supposed to be here by now.
What the hell is taking them so long?
I parked the car just like they said.
Now, Im sitting, waiting for a bullet in my head.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream gone bad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream
Im living in a bad dream thats sad.
Im supposed to be feeling better by now.
What the hell is taking me so long?
I hit the hay just like they said.
Now, Im sitting, waiting for a bell in my head.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream gone bad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream
Im living in a bad dream thats sad.
On a curve, lost control.
On a cliff, lost control.
This is not happening to me.
I say so.
Im supposed to be a better person by now.
What the hell is taking me so long?
Dying saviors off sum cross.
Now, Im hoping and Im praying that theyll nullify my losses.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream gone bad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream
Im living in a bad dream thats sad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream gone bad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Im living in a bad dream
Im living in a bad dream thats sad.
Im living in a bad dream.
Gordon gano: vocals, guitar
Brian ritchie: acoustic bass guitar, vocals, autoharp
Guy hoffman: drums, vocals
David vartanian: electric piano
Produced by brian ritchie and gordon gano
Recorded and mixed by david vartanian at dvs perversion room, milwaukee, wi
gorno music reprinted with permission

song performed by Violent FemmesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Waiting... For My Dream Girl

Who is my Dream Girl?
Who is my Dream Girl?

Who is made just for me,
Who is only such girl made by Thee,
Who is no less than an angel,
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

The moon and the star
Bow down in honour,
Seeing the beauty marvel
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

The 'Goddess of Beauty'
Who is titled
In the Bible,
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

Not only for her gorgeous nature,
But also for her beautiful heart like a shinig mirror
Who is worshipped in temple
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

Who is as purified
As the innocence of a child
From mind nad body, heart and soul,
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

Who is innocent of anger
Whose sweet voice can never be heard louder,
In front of everyone who is always humble,
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

Whose eyes so resplendent
Express every feeling hidden,
Who is so much adorable
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

For whom I am the only one,
Who makes me feel like Heaven,
For whom I am so special,
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

For whom the courtesy strictly matters,
For her family, from the core of her heart, who cares,
Who can't be more liable
She is my Dream Girl...She is my Dream Girl.

Who can distinguish very well between wrong and right
Who can be the most responsible wife,

[...] Read more

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dream, dream dream dream, dream, dream dream dream
When I want you in my arms,
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is
Dream, dream dream dream
When I feel blue in the night,
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is
Dream, dream dream dream
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine,
Any time, night or day
Only trouble is, gee wiz,
Im dreamin my life away
I need you so that I could die,
I love you so, and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is
Dream, dream dream dream, dream
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine,
Any time, night or day
Only trouble is, gee wiz, i
m dreamin my life away
I need you so that I could die,
I love you so, and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is
Dream, dream dream dream (repeats out)

song performed by Nitty Gritty Dirt BandReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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