Water Of Life
Meaning of Water Of Life:
We all tend to forget what it means to have water in life and that what life is all about. Water that we use today for every works of life but yet still how many people appreciate Water. Drinking Water pro-long the human life spern but some of us tend to neglect it.
Whatever you do in life you need water,
Attaining to the water of life you have to show
That and prove that you need that water.
Edurance is important as you go along in becoming a
Righteous one.
Often times we strive but at the same time
Forget about the teachings and guidiance of our maker.
Lifting Him up is all he ask from humans but we ignore that, why
Insufficient instructions that the leaders of the world (Christian) mostly
Forgetfully intend for others not to know about.
Enforcement on his side will make us believe.
By DJones.
poem by Dalton Jones
Added by Poetry Lover
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