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My Heart Desires To Speak


Greetings from the abyss of my heart
Hail queen of my empire
In my excursion down the memory lane
My heart desires to revert to that superb day
I fell head over heels in love with you queen bee
That day your heart-stoppingly beauty invaded my thoughts
Your scent a surprise a faint exotic blend
Of tropical flowers was and is
Your smile veiled suggestions of more to come
For you tones of love I will surely vomit

My heart desires to verbalize
Of the preparations I had to hunt for your love signature
I rehearsed to perfection how to vomit facts before you
I was truly humbled by your manners
My train of thought
Stopped on your striking angelic beauty
Dug from the womb of gracefulness
Soon interpersonal chemistry between us became right
I was lost in your Ice Kingdom

Yes my heart desires to speak
Of your knee- weakening, strength-sapping kisses
Your eyes smoky with desire
Your melting, sexy voice
Sharp like French horn that pitches low in my subconscious
You extinguish the burning desires of my body
Smile my heart
With the self satisfied air
Of someone in possession of a wonderful secret
In time of strong currents
Your bright face like a rising sun
Oozes rivers of solace in my heart
You embrace and curdle me when my times turn gray
Come and coil around my waist my Christmas morning
For my heart desires to speak.

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