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Quotes about tightrope, page 5

Beautiful Game

These shoulders
almost wide enough
to play the hand
fountain quill fanning

talon wingtip splayed

My God;
You The One So Beautiful
we the airborne glide drawing

cards laid
tenuous tempest
hearts and spades
hearts in spades laid

tessellate tightrope
clawing down-wind
downe betraying

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Evolved Aspirations

Witness presumptuous birth
dawned high-tech technological
prosperous promised age.

Heralded Age Of Scientific Reason.

Timely sugar coated
dreams preceding sweating
clamorous wake-up calls.
Promisuous life promises.

A bad trip homebaked.
In dusk twilight
tightrope terminating
twentieth century.

Mammon inspired;
crack-head prostrated.

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One wanders on and wonders much - 1387 - Initial Version

Pillows' billows set deceptive scene,
surface calm masks sadness few ignore,
one-sided sleep has hibernation been,
dreams teem with team but rhyme with rime in store.

Lonely, at dawn, one wanders from the room.
Experience seeds prudence. What before
may lie that may belie deception's gloom,
or answers find that confidence restore?

Door closed, one wanders on and wonders much
hope's tightrope comes at price too few dare touch.

(14 May 2008)

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Jean Cocteau

Jean Cocteau’s poem for Welles

Orson Welles is a poet
through his violence
and through his grace.
Never does he tumble
from the tightrope
on which he crosses cities
and their dramas.

He is a poet too in the
Loyal friendship he bears
our dreams and our struggles.

Others will know better than I
how to praise his work.
I content myself with sending him
my fraternal greeting.

His handshake is as firm as he is
and I think of it each time my work
obliges me to leap over an obstacle.

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The Act of Writing Poetry

Writing poetry
is making honey for the unseen,
or from the unseen, perhaps.
It's being busy building sweet combs
from faults, memories and failures
while remembering the importance
of keeping an earthly link
while remaining part of the Outerworld.
It's walking a tightrope
for the Outerworld has no boundaries,
only scattered seeds
sometimes burning, called stars then,
that serve as six points
with which we make a specific place
in which to move and float.

2 august o8

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0379 Species: sonnet 190

It's said that every species in the world
displays one gift beyond the scope of Man;
how dangerous the skies - to men and birds -
how soiled the air, if wings were in Man's span!

Suppose that every species made extinct
by Man - God's guardian of all things that live -
deprived us - as indeed it may - by dint
of mindlessness, of something God's mind gives?

I watch the spider, humble in my praise:
self-spinning tightrope walker; engineer;
the knower of all Nature's weathered ways
and bold explorer on the winds that veer:

Nature spares the spider Man 's wild mind;
should mind in Nature rest, God's there to find.

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0420 Trust Nature

It's said that every species in the world
displays one gift beyond the scope of Man.
How dangerous the skies - for men, and birds -
how soiled the air, if wings were in Man's span!

Suppose that every species made extinct
by Man, the guardian of all things that live,
deprived us (as indeed it may..) by dint
of mindlessness, of something God's mind gives?

I watch the spider, humble in my praise:
self-spinning tightrope walker; engineer;
the knower of all Nature's weathered ways
and bold explorer on the winds that veer:

Nature spares the spider Man's wild mind;
should mind in Nature rest, there's more to find.

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Law of Opposites

the world walks on a tightrope
deriving strength from its opposites.
from every minus spins a plus,
every shout, an echo,
poison, antidote
and every man, a women
and between them the power
that sustains the world.
ying gives rise to yang
and darkness gives that
extra edge to the beauty of light.
in the positive and negative sparks
of the split atoms
nagasaki and hiroshima
turned to ash.
the union of men and women broaden civilisations throughout the ages.
god and satan gave birth to religion
that helps build up the characters in men
who skilfully walk
between his desires

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One wanders on and wonders much - 1387 - Current Version

Pillows' billows set deceptive scene,
surface calm masks sadness few ignore,
one-sided sleep has hibernation been,
dreams teem with team but rhyme with rime in store.

Lonely, at dawn, one wanders from the room.
Experience seeds prudence. What before
may lie that may belie deception's gloom,
or answers find that confidence restore?

Day's page is turned, one mask asks of fate's doom,
festina lente? carpe diem's roar?
which way will stitch win, loss, uncertain loom -
responses rich? or hung, drawn, lovelorn core?

Door closed, one wanders on and wonders much
hope's tightrope comes at price too few dare touch.

(17 May 2008)

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Requiem For A Princess Murdered By Her Gardener

Blondin walks the tightrope
over Niagara,
forwards, backwards,
blindfolded, on a bicycle,
to distant applause
among crashing waters.

Ten times, twenty, fifty….

One step missed
answers the first step taken
onto the swaying rope.

Then, everything is,
as it has always been;
jagged rocks and thundering waters.

Into the silence
where yesterday's applause
cannot reach.

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