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I Chose Hope

I chose to hope again today
To believe in beauty,
In sunsets,
In the rain

I chose to laugh again
To dream,
To dance
And to sing with abandonment

I chose joy instead of despair
Smiles instead of many tears
Colors replaced the dull
And a rainbow filled my vision

When all around me I could not see
And when the coffee was toxin in my blood
When the world was full of trouble and nothing else
I chose hope

Hope discovered,
For a while undecided
Hope now declared

I chose to dream of a better day
To wish for things unseen
To search for the unimaginable

I chose to place my hope above
Hope not in mans strength or ability
Not in political systems,
in racial tribalisms,
in ethnic loyalties

Birthed out of a love that endures all things,
I chose hope that never fails
Hope for today and hope for tomorrow
I chose hope

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