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Dancing to the Harp of Passion

Dancing to the Harp of Passion

Let the fire silently burn within,
our hearts as we dance tonight.
Let us dance from the peak of dawn,
to beginning of twilight.
Soak in this solitude-just you and me,
as we dance to the Harp of Passion.
A silent sound to others but us:
a song in melodic fashion.
Cast our shadows on the wall,
for they shall never age.
Remember this moment for all your life,
until our final days.
Dance through the fall of night,
and the rise of the moon.
The stars as our audience,
as well as the lune.
Dance is the art of movement.
Through it, love moves.
With you as we dance,
the feeling soothes...
Keep pace with the Harp of Passion,
with you only, do I feel this.
Dancing to the Harp of Passion,
an eternal state of bliss

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