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Quotes about thermal


Energy exists in different forms:
Thermal energy, electrical energy,
Magnetic energy, chemical energy,
Wind energy, solar energy and et al.
Bio-energy consists of chemical,
Thermal, electric, magnetic energy.
Bio-energy confines to bodies
And is distinct from their counterparts
That exist outside the living bodies
In that it as a unit cannot exist
Without the living mass in any way,
That it ceases when bodies disintegrate,
And that it transmits through reproduction.
Bio-energy is only expandable.

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Patrick White

Double Full Moons In The Thermal Panes Across The Street

Double full moons in the thermal panes across the street,
elaborate fractals of disproportionate replicates
in a seasick multiverse warped by the aging ripples of the glass.
I see Li Po drowning in all of them trying to embrace
the euphemistic screening myth of his suicide. I don't think
a lotus bloomed where he died, but Jesus has a star
where he was born, so let's put one there anyway
for a man who sang and drank and chanced his path
through life because no one offered him a job as a bureaucrat.
I love the double entendres of the unadorned.
How the waterlilies land like migrating swans
in the wetlands of the windows, and don't expect to drown
like Narcissus in the mirrors of their own reflections.
But then I'm not in the habit of looking at things
like the emergency mentor of telescopes that suffer
nervous breakdowns looking for their third eye among the stars
as if it were interred in neuronic masses of black matter
and you could uproot it like a grail quest for ginseng
in the deep woods of Lanark County if you know where to look.

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I did some products for the Apple II, most notably the first small low cost thermal printer, the Silent Type.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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There once was a silly old Colonel
Who read in an old battered journal,
That to keep warm in Wales
Keep out of the gales,
And make sure your undies are thermal.

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You can see these boxes which are covered with metal foils for thermal reasons, and they are also, most of the time, thermally controlled inside to keep reasonable temperature inside each of these containers.

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All I know about thermal pollution is that if we continue our present rate of growth in electrical energy consumption it will simply take, by the year 2000, all our freshwater streams to cool the generators and reactors.

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Eagle Sight

sky images

earth heat

energy fields
keen eyes

pierce heat

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
See also complete mosaic concept in the poem ‘Eagle Spirit’.

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For both reasons, owing to the thermal motion and to the working together of various wavelengths, factors arise which, in a similar manner to the structural factor, exert some influence upon the brightness of the interference points but not upon their location.

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Seasonal Random


faceless number
screen flicker
thermal print out
fades in summer

walk the line
find some time
primal scream
stuccoed spring

mudprint carpet
trigger finger
curdled milk
forgotten winter

stadium heckler
prison clatter

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Bridge at Rio Vista

The bridge stands low
over the swollen

black water,
rushing to
darker seas,


sucking breath
from the fallen,
the overboard,

the suicide.

Its sturdy stanchions,
hold fast,

give refuge

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