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Quotes about oil, page 4

Pancakes and With Baked Salmon

I do have this 'thing'
For my own homemade pancakes.
And with baked salmon!
What a treat to eat.

You are not going to get any that I make!
But here is the recipe.
You can do it just like me.

First beat an egg in a mixing bowl,
Add a tablespoon of baking powder.
A third teaspoon of salt
A full teaspoon of sugar.
And about a third cup of vegetable oil.
Beat that all together.
Now you want to add the flour.
About a cup...maybe more...
If you're serving more than two people.
I choose to use evaporated milk.
At least a cup.

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Old Mother Nature's One Powerful Device

The oil beneath land began to run out,
So they decided to look under the sea,
To do this, the laws of nature they flout,
Their black gold they just had to free.

They kept on drilling but nothing was found,
So they decided to go down even deeper,
To a place that was so far underground,
They eventually found the grim reaper.

He said you're in an area you can't control,
What will you do if something goes wrong?
The oil barons said we're now on a roll,
Extracting oil is where we belong.

Suddenly their drill went through the ocean floor,
We've done it they were heard to cry,
The grim reaper said, you've breached the Earths core,
I'm afraid you're all now going to die.

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The Incredible Shrinking Country

It’s become more and more evident that there
is a concerted effort by global oligarchs to emotionally,
and financially bankrupt the United States of America.

Wall Street bankers, Federal Reserve Bank, corrupt
Politicians and the Military/industrial complex
are the instruments of the destruction.

The “Derivatives” debacle created more debt than the
American people will ever be able to effectively reduce,
much less pay off.

Greed drew in other Countries that are now moving toward
or are already bankrupt. The “domino effect” threatens to
destroy global economy. Global elite have effectively enslaved
the World using debt.

To further globalist agenda;
Higher food and oil prices.

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Breaking Boundaries

Cheers of the same glass
Here we live in togetherness
In a classy wine glass or just a table cup
But, still in layers, we never mixed up
As oil and water forever split up

A line of separation
Draw boundary between us
Touch each other surfaces but never hold phases
Never, upside cross the line to reach down
While, impossible is the line, false mind?
Forever isolating us, you and I
As you an oil and me, water

Undelivered lavender fumed words by you
Stayed there without pass the unbreakable line
Never, i know, cant have your adored scent in me
As there is a boundary, a thin door, locked for us
Tried, yes we tried, again and again
Essence of crimson red heart color

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A New Kind Of Oil Monopoly

“how about
middle east

oil? ”

plan of attack
smash and grab
middle east oil

can’t be done?

it would need
a united nations
world backed

justified pretext
political slight
of military hand

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There's More To Our Lives Than Oil

The Gulf of Mexico is a beautiful place,
Where nature and wildlife abound,
Spoiled by who else but the Human Race,
These disasters no longer confound.

Whenever they happen we say never again,
An enquiry is what is required,
We know for a fact it's not if it's when,
These incompetents should all be fired.

Being brutally honest what do enquiries achieve?
Apart from wasting our money,
The outcome reached none of us believe,
If it weren't so sick it'd be funny.

What kind of profits are they making?
When twenty billion dollars can be set aside,
It is nature they are forsaking,
From that we must not let them hide.

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No Crustaceans Fresh to Eat

You prefer to have your shrimp,
With a side of lobster.
Oodles scoobie dooed,
With a ooo-ah-doo.

You want to shell the meat,
To release an aroma.
Oodles scoobie dooed,
With a ooo-ah-doo.

But the sea has been tainted with oil grease.
And what releases from that oil stinks and reeks,
To heaven.
And you see what's coming to you to be served,
Is breaded tuna that's been noodled.

You prefer to have your shrimp,
With a side of lobster.
Oodles scoobie dooed,
With a ooo-ah-doo.

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US NATO Afghanistan Invasion Leaked Before 9/11

Oil Date June 26,2001 (Afghani Invasion Leaks)
magazine states India and Iran
are in the game will facilitate US Russian plans
for 'limited military action' against target Taliban
the fighting will be fought by US Russian troops
aided by once Soviet Tajikistan and Uzbekistan...

Oil Date July 4-14,2001
Osama bin Laden receives chronic kidney disease
treatments at the American hospital in Dubai meets
with top CIA official presumably Chief of Station
meeting is held in bin Laden's private suite mystery
CIA man returns to CIA headquarters on July 15th...

French daily Le Figaro dropped this bombshell on
October 31st,2001 stating fugitive Osama bin Laden
wanted for bombings of two U.S. embassies an attack
on the U.S.S. Cole with a cool 25 million bounty on
his head eligible for execution according to a 2000...

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Bible in Poetry: Gospel of St. Matthew (Chapter 25)

‘The Heaven’s kingdom is like ten
Virgins, who took their lamps to meet,
The bridegroom in his wedding feast;
Five were foolish but five were wise.’

‘The foolish ones went with their lamps,
Which had no oil in them at all;
The wise ones also took their lamps,
Along with oil to use in flasks.’

‘The bridegroom came a bit delayed;
The virgins felt drowsy and slept;
A cry was heard at midnight loud,
‘Behold, the bridegroom comes, meet Him! ’

The virgins woke and trimmed their lamps;
The foolish ones then asked the wise,
‘Spare us some oil to keep lamps on.’

The wise ones then replied, ‘Sorry,

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Cover You In Oil

I like to slip into something good
I see a young girl in the neighbourhood
The way she move, I must confess
I like to run my hands up and down her legs
The way she dress, she look so fine
Ill make her wet, Ill make her mine
She like it hard, she like it slow
All right honey, come on lets go
Baby feel what you want, its the way she move
Baby feel what you need, come on lets go
Cover you in oil
Let me cover you in oil
I wanna cover you in oil
Cover you in oil
Pull on the zip, she give good lip service
Its nothing for the show, I just pay to see her go
She make you hot, you spray your lot
Come on in honey, were headin to the top
The way she push, dont give a dime

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