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Quotes about deplete, page 4

Where Lieutenants Of Apartheid Train

Home of the plastic smile.
And where lieutenants of apartheid train.
With a doing of their homework in the suburbs...
To test the inner city people they deplete of resources.
And divide within districts to 'apply' for assistance.

These separatists insist with dieing colonialistic wishes,
They know something about diversity.
With a sucking of life from everything that moves...
They suppress with an effectiveness,
To ensure those they stereotype be kept duped and fooled...
As they maintain a draining of their identities.

And the ones survivining without them are obliged,
To remain limited to an ignorance for them that thrives...
With a persisting upon it to keep flourished and alive,
To please the oppressors they pray not to offend.
And in the environment they share to live in...
This reflects a mindset left to breathe as if to snuggly fit.

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Pastoral Malaise

In time, though snow would fall, barn will be warm,
As chores for Summer had been done complete
The sleepy spell that soon befalls the farm
Could not, by slightest bit its mirth deplete

The cows have all the hay on which to feed
With grains that with the fodder would enmesh
If hay is brown, I guess what cows would need
For each a green eyeglass, so things look fresh

The barn sparrows found crevices for nests
Though naught are seen by cat's eyes that explore
One way to find if flock thereat still rests
Is by droppings that scatter on the floor

Insects abide, in sizes big and small
And crawl among the bales, to chirp or play
Crickets and kin, that since the end of Fall
Have lodged as ground tenants without delay

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The Ethics of a Duel

When a coarse concept, descends to mind,
when a lowborn idea breaks down to grind,
mental opposition will arise, as part of nature,
only well favored by Laws, a mind to adjure.

Atrocious behavior appears as subjective,
reason of insecurities - lack of perspective,
and then a kindly solution should complete,
cause nature expects balancing, to deplete.

Elements of ill-nature may uplift for fights,
when vile glowers in soul, to create 'rights',
true then solution be, for objectivism to try,
if you insist to attain thyself, duel and die.

But if you manage to survive and live to tell,
dispiriting your life will be in darkened well,
because you did not accept Laws' shields,
Noble souls you won't see in Valhalla fields.

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Themes of Self Patheticness

Most of their lives they have degraded themselves.
Looked down upon their neighbors.
And desrespected their children...
By offering them a life deplete of discipline.

Today these same people,
Share grief and sorrow!
All claiming to have faith.
These same people pray in their temples...
To come out of them,
With nothing positive to say.

And yet...
With their 'down-to-Earth' outlooks,
Most of their lives they have degraded themselves.
Believing such ignorance,
Would produce floral bouquets from garbage they discard.
And remaining hopeful success would come to be bestowed.

'What about us?

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Wrong Where I Am?

Oh my love
Jus tell me
For once,
Wrong where am I?
If only of jus love
The whole world's a creation,
And jus love
Yet the greatest creation
To see the love fails,
The love that's true,
The love that's jus there,
The love that's happened,
And all the love
That surrounds the air around
That makes me feel
To be in love
And my head to reel
Of wondering
Where from does this;
Pretty being "love"hail?

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She Is Everything

She Is Everything
Written by: Wilfred Mellers, Sunday, April 10,2011, @ 11: 23 AM

With a voice sounding so sweet
She said please come, have a seat
She so slender, tender, and petite
Her looks no other can compete

When I come home her beautiful smile always greets
Wonders and merriment's given under the sheets
A gift from god for she is an absolute treat
My love she will never ever deplete

She keeps herself so really neat
Her personality always bright and upbeat
Always the lady when she’s on the street
Even though she always brings the heat

Modest, humble, and continuously discreet
She moves and grooves to her own beat

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It is not good sign

'Feel for the poor
Never show a door'
We have been nicely schooled
The life as such has to be pulled

Shame self for not being considerate
Little improvement for showing moderate
Even though for sake of show of, it is great to feel
A humanity pulse never felt at will

Even dogs have plenty to eat
So others also try and meet
Their needs are not tailor made
Still something they forget and forbid

It is human to feel pity
Being generous is good quality
To part with little is noble gesture
It makes you feel great for sure

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Users United

Played sensitivities,
Have played out...
For those who do it.

Users united,
Have become identified and busted.
And thrown out in the cold,
By those who have not been sold...
Such creatures who leech,
Are givers who reach out...
With unquestionable integrity.

Marketing that has been their difficulty.

Played sensitivities,
Have played out...
For those who do it.

Abusers who use others for what they have.
Appear upon the scene,

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It Has Been Earned

What more can be believed,
When only one belief is given.
One can be set free...
When truth is not a perception of life.
But received as an acknowledgement of it.
And that is not a perception...
To be defined by someone's acceptance,
Or rejection of a presence full of light!

One's awakening to the 'self'
Provides all truth defined!
And a peace of mind like that discovered and found,
Is not a debate subjected to confusion or mental conflict.
Awaiting one to be attached and baited.
Scraped over hot coals to be heated.
To fulfill a use...
Until that has been done to deplete.
In a despair that mistreats with deception.

It has been earned!

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They Are Waiting For Him To Fail

They are waiting for him to fail!

Waiting for 'who' to fail? '

President Obama?

'Have you seen the signs of decadence?
How long have people stood by?
Many sitting on the fence.
As generations fed greed...
And slimed the skyline,
With crooks and thieves!
To leave your pockets now empty.

Who has already failed who here?
Your local leeching politicians...
Proving their incompetence to fill leading positions?

This stench has been left to nurture,

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