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Childhood was in every snow butterfly

aphorism by (25 December 1997), translated by Camelia OprițaReport problemRelated quotes
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Song Of The Evergreens

Listen to the briskly whistling winter evergreen
Whispering through the frozen morning light
And tell me whats to come
Saying my time is near
Never fear
I close each year
Im winter
Reminding me to trade my t-shirts for my woven wools
Trade my sandals for my skis
Whispered warnings in the wind
Saying soon come the dancing snowflakes
Theyre kissing every tree
Theyre kissing you and me
Please hurry
Dazzling dancing diamonds from the sky
Rainbow sparkled flurries in our eyes
Whipping across the frozen crystal meadow
Pond of ice
Race the snow
Well build a warming fire there
And cuddle close and wine and dine
The setting sun
The morning light will find us high
Shooting down the glistening mountain side
Screaming through the whispering pines
The freedom of each day
Will cleanse our minds
I can hardly wait for winter
I can hardly wait for the snow
I can hardly hardly wait for winter
I can hardly wait for the snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow

song performed by ChicagoReport problemRelated quotes
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Butterfly Poems

1 wing pages of the butterfly

at the nursery
while people
are at purchase
and at transactions
a blue butterfly
comes by
and opens its pages to me
swift and quick
and it says to me:
'Read! Read!
Read my pages! '

'I can’t read, '
I say,
at this brash butterfly

'Read and write!
Read and write
about me,
and all flitting butterflies
and write, you silly! '
it commands

And so I read
and I copy
and these are the words
the words from those
the butterfly
holds up to me

2 song of the butterfly

w hy do you fly? '

I’ve got wings
I’ve got aerodynamics

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Butterfly Logic


Butterfly logic is the intelligence of beauty. These poems represent my attempts at butterfly logic.


the butterfly
cannot fly back
to the cocoon
he grabs thorns
from the rose
to arm himself


butterfly angel
soars with infinity
no rest stops
gliding from
blossom to blossom
bringing new flowers
to her fold to bloom
butterfly angel
shifts into winged ecstasy
morphs into woman
touching hearts without compromise
butterfly angel
flies into infinity


It is the essence
of magic
for a butterfly
to be earthly
angel singing
watch her
spread wings
as colors
and me.

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Transformation Extraordinaire

For this I know, it was not so long ago I met a captivating butterfly
On its journey by and by perched this butterfly on my windowsill
Beautiful the butterfly to my eye brought a tear I dry
Every waking moment I tried to spend with my friend the butterfly for which I had fallen

Colors so great of interest I could relate to the magnificent butterfly
Day in day out time without a doubt moments spent the striking butterfly
Morning rendezvous I spent with you my gorgeous butterfly of love so true
Anything I would try for you I would die for my vivacious butterfly
Having you was paradise for things were so nice my delightful butterfly
Never showing your true colors I loved you like no other enchanted butterfly

Till that day it all went away for alterations came to the exuberant butterfly
Metamorphosed and modify to the butterfly into a dragonfly
Where went my butterfly I asked why turn I to the dragonfly
Buzzing at my ear without a care wisp the dragonfly
Messages no longer conveying, nor in one place staying, dashed the dragonfly

Time spent so rare but I still cared for the beautiful butterfly within
I saw less and less of the dragonfly busy so I cried for my transformed butterfly
Fit no longer like a pair of gloves for me the dragonfly no longer loves
Pushed to the side arms open no longer wide I wept for the revolutionized butterfly
To hard to handle and to hard to control flew the amended dragonfly away

No longer fluttering in the air, nor self aware, was my butterfly extraordinaire
And in the end the dragonfly changed again into a furious polar bear
Loss to time a love one of a kind, my stunning butterfly to the past was committed
This is a born sin for love I cannot win arrested dawn flew olden times gone by

A lesson well learned that money should be earned my tantalizing butterfly of old
A butterfly is nothing more than a bug incapable of love my eccentric butterfly
Separate paths now seeking of faith no longer believing my outrageous butterfly
These things I didn’t anticipate, nor could I relate, to rest went the troubled butterfly

I sit now and ponder, from time to time I wonder, what went wrong with my lovely butterfly?
Alone once again without my best friend, gone my love the butterfly
No more spellbound is the night, to the bear no more I shall fight for tomorrow as risen a new
On to the ever after for now gone is fun and laughter for my butterfly was nothing more than a mere dream
A vision at best, but it doesn’t mean I love you any less, for the day now draws to a silent slumber

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Butterfly... own, Butterfly

My butterfly, I remember the
day we met. You bumped into me.
Well, sort of floated, from no where,
and from that moment, I recall what
I said, 'Well, my little butterfly,
where did you come from.?

Butterfly, you laughed, and responded,
'I picked you out, and just floated down,
and landed on your shoulder.

Butterfly, there are many that think
that a Butterfly, can't laugh, but you did.

They think that a Butterfly, does not cry,
but you have.

Can a Butterfly be happy, cause happiness?
Butterfly, of did.

Can a Butterfly, caused one to nearly burst
with joy? Butterfly, you did and you have.

Butterfly, there is not a moment, since I
met you, that I can not recall.

Some might wonder what a butterfly, drinks.
Butterfly, shall we let them know, we became
intoxicated, as we sipped the nectar of life.

As my butterfly and I floated through the
wonders of earth, I wish we could share the
joy we found, with all of this planet.

Butterfly, shall we always be together?
Butterfly, I do not mean, just here on
earth, I mean until the stars stop shinning.
Butterfly, I mean, until there is no moon...
no anything, but my Butterfly and I.

Butterfly...I think that we will. Butterfly,
I believe that we were meant to be.

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On Wing and Wind...

My butterfly, I remember the
day we met. You bumped into me.
Well, sort of floated, from no where,
and from that moment, I recall what
I said, 'Well, my little butterfly,
where did you come from.?

Butterfly, you laughed, and responded,
'I picked you out, and just floated down,
and landed on your shoulder.

Butterfly, there are many that think
that a Butterfly, can't laugh, but you did.

They think that a Butterfly, does not cry,
but you have.

Can a Butterfly be happy, cause happiness?
Butterfly, of did.

Can a Butterfly, caused one to nearly burst
with joy? Butterfly, you did and you have.

Butterfly, there is not a moment, since I
met you, that I can not recall.

Some might wonder what a butterfly, drinks.
Butterfly, shall we let them know, we became
intoxicated, as we sipped the nectar of life.

As my butterfly and I floated through the
wonders of earth, I wish we could share the
joy we found, with all of this planet.

Butterfly, shall we always be together?
Butterfly, I do not mean, just here on
earth, I mean until the stars stop shinning.
Butterfly, I mean, until there is no moon...
no anything, but my Butterfly and I.

Butterfly...I think that we will. Butterfly,
I believe that we were meant to be.

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Apparition of a Butterfly

Upon a fuzzy vista – vision blurred –
I tried to focus; nothing ever solid
Came to view, but undeterred, I blinked
An eye to try again. Through the mist
A coloured hue; polychromatic flames
Had flickered at a whim; a rhythm bore
A thrumming too: a naturalistic hymn.
Behold! Were I to find a synonym to
Reproduce or recreate
The apparition of a butterfly,
Evolving through the waning vapour,
Drawing on a sigh from this romantic.
Glory be! The raging sun above
Had fired his furnace, flaming off
The hangers on. Now I saw the flare:
His time has come. He spread a tortoiseshell –
A scene of Mother Nature at her best.
I lay in peace in knowing I was blessed.

Copyright Mark R Slaughter 2009

Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly
Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly fly
Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly fly

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You could flap your wings a thousand miles away
A laughing salesman sings
His world so far away
You could take the storm away forever every day
Cause you're mine
And i don't know what to say
You could let my smile disappear for a year
Cause you're mine
That's the only way i like it to be
You could flap your wings a thousand miles away
I'd still feel the pain
I'd still feel the pain
You could flap those eyes a thousand miles away
I'd still feel the way
I'd still feel the way
Here she comes now
Here she comes now
Here it comes now
Here she comes now
Here it comes now...
When we get to the best part
It happens all the time
You tell me all your lies
You tell me all your lies
You get your kicks from seeing me on the floor
Tied to your bed
Tied to the things you said
Butterfly is coming back
Butterfly is coming back
Butterfly is coming back
Butterfly is coming back

song performed by VerveReport problemRelated quotes
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Catching The Butterfly

As though you were born
As though you were born
And so you thought
And so you thought
The futures ours
The futures ours
To keep and hold
To keep and hold
A child within
A child within
Has healing ways
Has healing ways
It sees me through
It sees me through
My darkest days
My darkest days
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
In that dream of mine
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
In my lucid dreams
In my lucid dreams
In my lucid dreams
Something now? ? ? ?
In my lucid dreams
Through life no fun
I want to feel
I want to run
Something numb
Through life no fun
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
I want to feel
In that dream of mine
I want to run
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In my lucid dreams
In that dream of mine
In my lucid dreams
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
Im gonna keep catching that butterfly
In that dream of mine
Keep catching that butterfly
In my lucid dreams

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song performed by VerveReport problemRelated quotes
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The greatest sin

Having supremely spell binding eyes was simply not a sin at all; but
pretending that you were gruesomely blind; unable to see a step
further even after possessing them right since innocent childhood;
was the greatest sin,

Having robust complexioned feet was simply not a sin at all; but
pretending that you couldn't walk even an inch forward; had not the
slightest of capacity to run even after possessing them right since
innocent childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having tenaciously knotted fingers projecting from the palm was
simply not a sin at all; but pretending that you had grave difficulty
in hoisting objects; didn't posses the most minuscule of power to
defend yourself even after possessing them right since innocent
childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having dangling earlobes delectably cascading from the periphery of
your rubicund cheek was simply not a sin at all; but pretending that
you couldn't bear the tiniest of sound; floundered miserably to
decipher the intricacy of voice even after possessing them right
since innocent childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having a perfectly throbbing heart palpitating in marvellous
synchrony inside your chest was simply not a sin at all; but
pretending that you just didn't have the power to love; the virtue to
embrace other humans of your kind even after possessing it right
since innocent childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having dual pairs of luscious lips was simply not a sin at all; but
pretending that you couldn't speak a single word; abysmally stuttered
to convey the most infinitesimal of message to your compatriots even
after possessing them right since innocent childhood; was the
greatest sin,

Having ravishing clusters of hair on your scalp was simply not a sin
at all; but pretending that God had kept you disdainfully bald; that
your head shivered uncontrollably in cold even after possessing them
right since innocent childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having boundless lines on your glowing palm was simply not a sin at
all; but pretending that your entire life was ruined; your progress
had come to an abrupt standstill even after possessing them right
since innocent childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having pompously bulging muscle in your arms was simply not a sin at
all; but pretending that you were as feeble as a mosquito; couldn't
lift your very own body even after having them right since innocent
childhood; was the greatest sin,

Having thousands of voluptuously tantalizing eyelashes extruding from

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Butterfly Flutterby

The butterfly was young
Her vibrant wings of delicate lace
Such grace such poise
A hcarming butterfly
The cricket was slick thicket
Moving quick but swift
Yet smart somewhat wise
Proud of his chirp
Hopping through the grass
Butterfly fluttered by till upon a rose
Spreading her wings a dainty show
Slowly sipping sweet
Hopping skipping
Cricket saw
Butterfly glanced
The cricket saw butterfly
The butterfly looked yonder
Cricket hopped and chirped
A jumpety crickety song
Butterfly sighed
And rolled her eyes
Cricket hopped closer
Butterfly laughed
Silly cricket trying hard
Butterfly cared less
Poor cricket hopped and hopped
Butterfly sipping nectar sweet
Cricket sang sonfter sweeter
Butterfly stopped
A song so sweet
Too lovely than nectar
Cricket hopped upon a rose
Butterfly jumped
Almost to fly away
Cricket song too lovely to fly away
Butterfly in a trance
Fluttering her wings lovely
Too charming
Too tempting
Crickect sang
Butterfly in a spell
Too late to break
Lovers forever
Strange couple though
Yet lovely
Yet happy
Suave cricket, Princess Butterfly
Flutterby, flutterby.......

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Constantly creepin' caterpillar,
Still a swoon in a cocoon.
Soon you might emerge,
And you're made to emerge.
A little longing to love, lush,
Starving for affection.
Hidden by the size of my perfection,
With one exception...
If you wanna butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
Still a swoon in a cocoon.
If you wanna butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
How do I hide somebody from the great blue wide?
I'll come and sweep you up,
'Cause your time ain't up, be patient.
Now you see the sun is rising and your realizing,
Wise enough to know,
That you gotta let yourself grow.
If you wanna butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
Still a swoon in a cocoon.
If you wanna butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
What goes around comes back around;
This is nature's way.
Be conscious of what you do,
Because you will be repaid.
If you put turnips in the ground,
You will not harvest grapes.
You are what you attracted,
And this is why I say;
If you wanna a butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
Still a swoon in a cocoon.
If you wanna a butterfly,
You gotta be a butterfly.
You know that nothing falls out of the sky.
Constantly creepin' caterpillar,
Still a swoon in a cocoon.
Soon you might emerge,
And be made to emerge.
Still a swoon in a cocoon (repeated MANY times!)

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song performed by India ArieReport problemRelated quotes
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Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Oh! the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since weve no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
No it doesnt show signs of stopping
And I brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss goodnight
How Ill hate going out in the storm
But if youll really hold me tight
All the way home Ill be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And my dear were still goodbye-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss goodnight
How Ill hate going out in the storm
But if youll really hold me tight
All the way home Ill be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And my dear were still goodbye-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow
One more time
Let it snow, let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow

song performed by Gloria EstefanReport problemRelated quotes
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The Spirit Of The Snow

The night brings forth the morn-
Of the cloud is lightning born;
From out the darkest earth the brightest roses grow.
Bright sparks from black flints fly,
And from out a leaden sky
Comes the silvery-footed Spirit of the Snow.

The wondering air grows mute,
As her pearly parachute
Cometh slowly down from heaven, softly floating to and fro;
And the earth emits no sound,
As lightly on the ground
Leaps the silvery-footed Spirit of the Snow.

At the contact of her tread,
The mountain's festal head,
As with chaplets of white roses, seems to glow;
And its furrowed cheek grows white
With a feeling of delight,
At the presence of the Spirit of the Snow.

As she wendeth to the vale,
The longing fields grow pale-
The tiny streams that vein them cease to flow;
And the river stays its tide
With wonder and with pride,
To gaze upon the Spirit of the Snow.

But little doth she deem
The love of field or stream-
She is frolicsome and lightsome as the roe;
She is here and she is there,
On the earth or in the air,
Ever changing, floats the Spirit of the Snow.

Now a daring climber, she
Mounts the tallest forest tree-
Out along the giddy branches doth she go;
And her tassels, silver-white,
Down swinging through the night,
Mark the pillow of the Spirit of the Snow.

Now she climbs the mighty mast,
When the sailor boy at last
Dreams of home in his hammock down below
There she watches in his stead
Till the morning sun shines red,
Then evanishes the Spirit of the Snow.

Or crowning with white fire.

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Green fields where we used to wander
Purple valleys , near my home
We would play there , beneath the sky
And then I kissed you , butterfly
Young girl , you came restless
And you left me here to cry
My big teardrops, in red pastures
For I loved you , butterfly
Butterfly , yeah
I dream about you , lonely without you , butterfly
Butterfly , yeah
Each night Im sleeping, your face goes creeping, butterfly
Green fields where we used to wander
Purple valleys, near my home
We would play there beneath the sky
And I kissed you , butterfly
Butterfly, yeah
I dream bout you , lonely without you , butterfly
Butterfly , yeah
Each night Im sleeping, your face goes creeping, butterfly

song performed by Bee GeesReport problemRelated quotes
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Little butterfly come back to me
Everything that I want written on your face
I want it, I want it
I want it, I want it
So take me where you want to
Its your love that I chase
I want it, I want it
I want it, I want it
Now you got something
I want it, I want it
So beautiful
I want it, I want it
And the way you move me baby
Its like no other girl
I want it, I want it
I want it, I want it
Butterfly that came and butterfly in june
So colour in my wings
And let me hold your hand
I could be the sun and you could be my moon
But all you ever say is catch me if you can
Feel like a butterfly
Searching in the summer sky
A perfect love so hard to find
Little butterfly come back to me
Honey you pushing a condition
But I dont mind
I want it, I want it
I want it, I want it
I think youre my addiction
But thats alright
I want it, I want it
Thats alright
I want it, I want it
Youve got to slow down
I cant keep up with you
I want it, I want it
No no no all the other butterflies
They dont love like we do
I want it, I want it
I want it, I want it
I feel like Im a butterfly in june
So colour in my wings and let me hold your hand
I could be the sun and you could be my moon
But all you ever say is catch me if you can
Feels like a butterfly
Searching in the summer sky
A perfect love so hard to find
Little butterfly come back to me
Little butterfly come back to me

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song performed by JamiroquaiReport problemRelated quotes
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Torn Butterfly

Torn butterfly torn butterfly
Seeing you there it makes me cry
Torn butterfly your wings they tore
From the weight that they bore
Torn butterfly it's plain to see
That you are just the same as me
Torn butterfly the world is tough
Hard as stones and just as rough
Torn butterfly I know your pain
And I don't want to know it again
Torn butterfly come join me now
And we'll regain our wings somehow
Torn butterfly it's sad but true
In death our wings become brand new
Torn butterfly just fade away
And we will fly this very day
Torn butterfly this note I send
And hope that you will cause your end
So we can fly in clear blue skies
Where no one hurts and no one cries
Torn butterfly with my last breath
I ask you to come join me in death

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Butterfly Fly Away

You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back

You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be

And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me

Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream

Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

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Butterfly Kisses

There’s one thing I know,
That I hold close to me
My dreams are drifting
Off and onto the sea

I stand at the shore
The cool wind in my hair
And I remember one spring
You were here then

I felt your butterfly kisses
Shining over me
My butterfly kisses mean so much to me
I promise that I
Shall never let go.
My butterfly kisses
I love you so.

The waves crash on the rocks
The white twirling waves
You hold me so close
So I never stray

So close to the edge,
And I hold on tight
Knowing you’re my anchor
My anchor
On this cold spring night

I felt your butterfly kisses
Shining over me
My butterfly kisses mean so much to me
I promise that I
Shall never let go.
My butterfly kisses
I love you so.

Oh my butterfly kisses
On the cold stormy nights
Oh my butterfly kisses
Feel like home
You’re butterfly kisses
Warm me to the core
And our butterfly kisses will last
On and on

No matter if the world may stop
No matter if I’m in L.A or
Somewhere you can’t reach me
Remember, my darling

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Let It Snow! Let It Snow!let It Snow!

(s. cahn/jule styne)
Oh! the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
Since weve no place to go let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
It doesnt show signs of stoppin
And I brought some corn for poppin
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss goodnight
Oh I hate to go out in the storm
But if youll really hold me tight
All the way home Ill be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And my dear, were still goodbyeing
As long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss goodnight
Oh I hate to go out in the storm
But if youll really hold me tight
All the way home Ill be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And my dear, were still goodbyeing
As long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

song performed by Diana RossReport problemRelated quotes
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