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Antoine is a Vampire Ghoul,

Barbaric, bloodthirsty and cruel,

With a fang in your throat

He'll suck slowly and gloat

And smile as you whimper and mewl.

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She's Not My Girlfriend

Her heart is in my hand
It shivers like a toad
She tries to understand the
Tiny lump that's down inside her throat
It goes
Suck suck
Suck suck
Suck suck
Her head is in my lap
It twists and coughs and sings
Her hair is in my grasp
It hangs and swings like swollen strings
It goes
Suck suck
Suck suck
Suck suck
Her face is inside out
An open book report
I read what she's about
And she's filled with words that hurt
It goes
Suck suck
Suck suck
Suck suck
Sometimes I want her in
Sometimes I want her out
My perception of sin
Is filled with pain and fear and doubt
She she she she, she isn't my girlfriend
No no, I'm not who you think I am
She she, she isn't my girlfriend
No no, I'm not who you think I am
Her clothes are on the ground
A crumpled rainbow mass
She's scattered all around
And she's scattered now like broken glass
It goes
Suck suck
Suck suck
Suck suck
Sometimes I want her in
Sometimes I want her out
My perception of sin
Is filled with pain and fear and doubt
She she she she, she isn't my girlfriend
No no, I'm not who you think I am
She she, she isn't my girlfriend
No no, I'm not who you think I am
She she, she isn't my girlfriend

song performed by Marilyn MansonReport problemRelated quotes
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Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry
Say what you like
Ill do what you want me to do
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Sun in the kitchen
Boy youre still sleeping
When you get hungry
Ill do what you want me to do
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Night in the city
New orleans pretty
Do what you want
And then can I do it to you
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Its a reflex
Just a reflex
Like fear or sex
Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry
Say what you like
Ill do what you want me to do
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Youre a vampire, Im a vampire, too
Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry
Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry
Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry
Brother it dont matter
Sister dont worry

song performed by Pet Shop BoysReport problemRelated quotes
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Ive Got A Fang

Glistening white triangular tooth
Open up a can of tomato juice
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Girlfriend took me to meet her dad
He didnt like me because I look so bad
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Girlfriend took me to meet her mom
Her head exploded like a atom bomb
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Glistening white triangular tooth
Open up a can of tomato juice
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang
Ive got a fang

song performed by They Might Be GiantsReport problemRelated quotes
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Bruce Lee

( bullet got the wrong bloke )
Life kid suck
Drink from the box
The juice kicks up
Life give suck the box drink
Life kid drink from the box
The juice kicks up
Life kids sucker
Box drink
Bruce lee
Life kid seen from the box
Seen from the box
The juice from the box
Kids suck life
Kid get suck from the box
Bruce lee
Life kid suck from the box
Drink from the box
The juice kicks up
Life kid suck from the box
Bruce lee
Life gets in from the box
Seen from the box
The juice from the box
Kids suck life
Kid get suck from the box
Bruce lee
Life kid suck from the box
Drink from the box
The juice kicks up
Life kid suck from the box
Bruce lee
( yeah yeah yeah yeah )
Life kid suck from the box
Drink from the box
The juice kicks up
Life kid suck from the box
Bruce lee
Life kid ? ? from the box
Seen from the box
Drink from the box

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song performed by UnderworldReport problemRelated quotes
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Charles Baudelaire

Le Vampire (The Vampire)

Toi qui, comme un coup de couteau,
Dans mon coeur plaintif es entrée;
Toi qui, forte comme un troupeau
De démons, vins, folle et parée,

De mon esprit humilié
Faire ton lit et ton domaine;
— Infâme à qui je suis lié
Comme le forçat à la chaîne,

Comme au jeu le joueur têtu,
Comme à la bouteille l'ivrogne,
Comme aux vermines la charogne
— Maudite, maudite sois-tu!

J'ai prié le glaive rapide
De conquérir ma liberté,
Et j'ai dit au poison perfide
De secourir ma lâcheté.

Hélas! le poison et le glaive
M'ont pris en dédain et m'ont dit:
«Tu n'es pas digne qu'on t'enlève
À ton esclavage maudit,

Imbécile! — de son empire
Si nos efforts te délivraient,
Tes baisers ressusciteraient
Le cadavre de ton vampire

The Vampire

You who, like the stab of a knife,
Entered my plaintive heart;
You who, strong as a herd
Of demons, came, ardent and adorned,

To make your bed and your domain
Of my humiliated mind
— Infamous bitch to whom I'm bound
Like the convict to his chain,

Like the stubborn gambler to the game,
Like the drunkard to his wine,
Like the maggots to the corpse,
— Accurst, accurst be you!

I begged the swift poniard
To gain for me my liberty,
I asked perfidious poison

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Desperate and Dreaming

And dreaming.
Of a life that would be the best,
With a lot less guessing kept.

Yes, I'm desperate.
And dreaming.
To leave behind a manifesting of,
All that is that comes to suck my blood!

Aches and pains that cause me strain,
That come along to suck my blood.
Emotions that seem to remain the same,
That come along to suck my blood.
Relationships splitting over petty business,
That come along to suck my blood.
It's hard to move forward when a stagnant sits.
That comes along to suck my blood.

Yes, I am desperate.
And dreaming.
To leave behind a manifesting of,
All that is that comes to suck my blood!

I'm ready to leave behind the tit for tat pits,
That come along to suck my blood.
And people who decide they wish an argument,
That come along to suck my blood.
While stirring up their needless conflicts meant.
That come along to suck my blood.
From me I want all of that pushed and shoved.
That comes along to suck my blood.
That comes along to suck my blood.

Oh yes, I'm desperate.
And I'm also dreaming.
To leave behind a manifesting of,
All that is that comes to suck my blood!

Aches and pains that cause me strain,
That come along to suck my blood.
Emotions that seem to remain the same,
That come along to suck my blood.
Relationships splitting over petty business,
That come along to suck my blood.
It's hard to move forward when a stagnant sits.
That comes along to suck my blood.

And dreaming.

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Cruel Summer

Dans la chaleur de la nuit qui s'enroule tout autour de moi
Je marche seule sans savoir pourquoi tu n'es plus l
Ca tourne dans ma tte
Et tout s'arrte
Ta voix me parle tout bas
Je ne sais plus o j'en suis, je ne vois plus que toi
It's a cruel, cruel summer
C'est fini
Tu n'es qu'un rve qui s'enfuit
It's a cruel, cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
The city is crowed
My friends are away
And I'm on my own
It's too handle
So I've got to get up and go
It's a cruel, cruel summer
C'est fini
Tu n'es qu'un rve qui s'enfuit
It's a cruel, cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel, cruel summer
C'est fini
Tu n'es qu'un rve qui s'enfuit
It's a cruel, cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
Cruel summer, it's a cruel summer Cruel summer, it's a cruel summer
It's a cruel, cruel summer
C'est fini
Tu n'es qu'un rve qui s'enfuit
It's a cruel, cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
Cruel summer, it's a cruel summer Cruel summer, it's a cruel summer
It's a cruel, cruel summer
C'est fini
Tu n'es qu'un rve qui s'enfuit
It's a cruel, cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a crue , cruel summer, c'est fini

song performed by Ace Of BaseReport problemRelated quotes
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Amy Lowell

The Hammers


Frindsbury, Kent, 1786

Tap-a-tap! Rap!
All through the lead and silver Winter days,
All through the copper of Autumn hazes.
Tap to the red rising sun,
Tap to the purple setting sun.
Four years pass before the job is done.
Two thousand oak trees grown and felled,
Two thousand oaks from the hedgerows of the Weald,
Sussex had yielded two thousand oaks
With huge boles
Round which the tape rolls
Thirty mortal feet, say the village folks.
Two hundred loads of elm and Scottish fir;
Planking from Dantzig.
My! What timber goes into a ship!
Tap! Tap!
Two years they have seasoned her ribs on the ways,
Tapping, tapping.
You can hear, though there's nothing where you gaze.
Through the fog down the reaches of the river,
The tapping goes on like heart-beats in a fever.
The church-bells chime
Hours and hours,
Dropping days in showers.
Bang! Rap! Tap!
Go the hammers all the time.
They have planked up her timbers
And the nails are driven to the head;
They have decked her over,
And again, and again.
The shoring-up beams shudder at the strain.
Black and blue breeches,
Pigtails bound and shining:
Like ants crawling about,
The hull swarms with carpenters, running in and out.
Joiners, calkers,
And they are all terrible talkers.
Jem Wilson has been to sea and he tells some wonderful tales
Of whales, and spice islands,
And pirates off the Barbary coast.
He boasts magnificently, with his mouth full of nails.
Stephen Pibold has a tenor voice,
He shifts his quid of tobacco and sings:

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The Crazy Lady of Jiao Ba Lu

Jiao Ba Lu is an ancient street,
The cobbles are overgrown,
A few mean dwellings still bar their doors
The others are falling down;
They say a woman who lives down there
Is three parts gone to the moon,
While children mutter a curse, or pray
When she stumbles out in the gloom.

For Gao Fang Fang has pure white hair
That blows like a ghost in the breeze,
Her eyes are wild, and she never smiles,
And she often falls to her knees;
She falls to her knees with a cry of pain
At visions she only sees,
And wails at night when the moon is bright,
Or shadows form through the trees.

Over the hearth of her meagre home
Is a picture of Mao Zedong,
And she is there in the picture too
A girl with an armband on,
A girl with the light of reforming zeal
That shines from her hard black eyes,
Her hair tucked under a forage cap
With the rest of ‘The Helmsman's' lies.

D'eng Xiao Bei was her only love,
So young in those distant days,
But he was the son of a landlord who
Was threatened to mend his ways,
They took his land and his money too
And cast him out in the rain,
While D'eng Xiao Bei hid his head in sin,
And cried for his father's pain.

Then one dread day in the neighborhood
The Red Guards came in force,
So Gao Fang Fang put her armband on
But D'eng just hid in the house;
They dragged him out as a traitor then,
And put him up on the stage,
But D'eng Xiao Bei had nothing to say
To the Guards in their rabid rage.

They tied his arms, they made him kneel,
They beat him with sticks and a club,
Your father, he was a landlord pig,
So you are a turtle's egg! '
They tied a sign on his chest that said:

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Secretly Cruel

I saw my pictures hangin on her wall
She cut it out of that magazine
It was a hot day, she wore lingerie
And nothin else in between, ooh
She had long hair and thigh high snake skin boots
And she was all over me like a cheap suit
Then she bared herself, aha
And stripped my soul
Began to shake, rattle, and roll
Then I took control, yeah
But I know shes secretly cruel
I aint nobodys fool
Yeah, I know shes secretly cruel
Just when I though it was safe
She puts her lips to my face
Shes secretly, secretly cruel
Well she grabbed my hair
And I began to rise
I could tell what she wanted
By that look in her eyes, oh, ow
By that look in her eyes, yeah
I said come here babe and make it quick
She said not so fast
And had a drink
Well it aint just luck
But I better knock on wood
Shes gonna give me everything
Somehow I knew she would
Oh, but I know shes secretly cruel
I aint nobodys fool
Well, I know shes secretly cruel
I said baby youre the fire, but I am the fuel
Shes secretly, secretly cruel
Yeah, so cruel
Well it aint just luck (aint just luck)
But I better knock on wood, yeah
Shes gonna give me everything
Somehow I knew she would
Oh, but I know shes secretly cruel
I aint nobodys fool, nobodys fool
Secretly, shes so cruel (cruel)
Im in love, but I dont play the fool
Secretly, shes so cruel, secretly, so cruel
Cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah
I know shes secretly, shes so cruel, secretly, so cruel
Cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah
I know shes secretly, shes so cruel, secretly, shes so cruel
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, secretly, secretly cruel, cruel

song performed by KissReport problemRelated quotes
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The House Of Dust: Complete


The sun goes down in a cold pale flare of light.
The trees grow dark: the shadows lean to the east:
And lights wink out through the windows, one by one.
A clamor of frosty sirens mourns at the night.
Pale slate-grey clouds whirl up from the sunken sun.

And the wandering one, the inquisitive dreamer of dreams,
The eternal asker of answers, stands in the street,
And lifts his palms for the first cold ghost of rain.
The purple lights leap down the hill before him.
The gorgeous night has begun again.

'I will ask them all, I will ask them all their dreams,
I will hold my light above them and seek their faces.
I will hear them whisper, invisible in their veins . . .'
The eternal asker of answers becomes as the darkness,
Or as a wind blown over a myriad forest,
Or as the numberless voices of long-drawn rains.

We hear him and take him among us, like a wind of music,
Like the ghost of a music we have somewhere heard;
We crowd through the streets in a dazzle of pallid lamplight,
We pour in a sinister wave, ascend a stair,
With laughter and cry, and word upon murmured word;
We flow, we descend, we turn . . . and the eternal dreamer
Moves among us like light, like evening air . . .

Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! We go our ways,
The rain runs over the pavement before our feet,
The cold rain falls, the rain sings.
We walk, we run, we ride. We turn our faces
To what the eternal evening brings.

Our hands are hot and raw with the stones we have laid,
We have built a tower of stone high into the sky,
We have built a city of towers.

Our hands are light, they are singing with emptiness.
Our souls are light; they have shaken a burden of hours . . .
What did we build it for? Was it all a dream? . . .
Ghostly above us in lamplight the towers gleam . . .
And after a while they will fall to dust and rain;
Or else we will tear them down with impatient hands;
And hew rock out of the earth, and build them again.


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Give It Up

He wants her, she wants him too
Broken message coming through
Same story for different fools
Give it up
Give it up
Thats what they all say say
Pressure from the boys to give it away
Suck it up
Suck it up
Don't treat me that way way
My hearts gonna tell me when its time to play
Give it up
Give it up
Thats what they all say say
Pressure from the boys to give it away
Suck it up
Suck it up
Don't treat me that way way
My hearts gonna tell me when its time to play
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
It's time to play
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
It's time to play
She sees him
He stares right through
Nasty rumors so untrue
There's nothing that she can do
Give it up
Give it up
Thats what they all say say
Pressure from the boys to give it away
Suck it up
Suck it up
Don't treat me that way way
My hearts gonna tell me when its time to play
Give it up
Give it up
Thats what they all say say
Pressure from the boys to give it away
Suck it up
Suck it up
Don't treat me that way way
My hearts gonna tell me when its time to play
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up

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song performed by UfoReport problemRelated quotes
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Brice Lee (Short)

bullet got the wrong bloke.
life kid suck
the juice kid suck
life kid
suck the box drink
life kid drinkfromthebox
the juice kid suck
life kid suck theboxdrink
yeah, bruce lee
life kid sinkfromthebox
seen from the box
the juice from the box
kid suck
kid yeah suckfromtheboxdrink
bruce lee
life kid suckfromthebox
drink from the box
the juice kid suck
life kid suckfromtheboxdrink
yeah, bruce lee
life kid sinkfromthebox
seen from a box
the juice from a box
kid suck
kid yeahsuckfromtheboxdrink
bruce lee
life kid suckfromthebox
drink from a box
the juice kid suck
life kid suckfromtheboxdrink
yeah, bruce lee
life kid suckfromthebox
drink from the box
the juice kid suck
life kid suckthebox
yeah, bruce lee
life kid drinkfromthebox
the juice kid suck
kid sucktheboxdrink
yeah, bruce lee
tan blonde
life kid suckthebox...

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song performed by UnderworldReport problemRelated quotes
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Smile For The Camera

I see you standing out there in the hall
You seem so nervous waiting for his call
I focus on you
I reach for the lens
The shutter snaps again
Smile for the camera
You know
The camera never ever lies
Ive been watching you with
Eager hungry eyes
For sometime
I hold my lens in the middle of the night
Visions of you dancing in the strobe light
Up on my wall is a picture or two
Of someone who looks like you
Smile for the camera
You know
The camera is my wide lens
You know the camera is my private eye
I got color transparencies
I got black and white
Smile for the camera
You know that
Cameras never ever lies
Ive been watching you with telephoto eyes
For some time
Smile for me
(come on)
Smile for me
(come on)
Smile for me
(come on)
Smile for me
(come on)
Smile for me
(come on)
Smile for me
(come on)
Wont you smile for the camera

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song performed by Rick SpringfieldReport problemRelated quotes
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Pharsalia - Book IX: Cato

Yet in those ashes on the Pharian shore,
In that small heap of dust, was not confined
So great a shade; but from the limbs half burnt
And narrow cell sprang forth and sought the sky
Where dwells the Thunderer. Black the space of air
Upreaching to the poles that bear on high
The constellations in their nightly round;
There 'twixt the orbit of the moon and earth
Abide those lofty spirits, half divine,
Who by their blameless lives and fire of soul
Are fit to tolerate the pure expanse
That bounds the lower ether: there shall dwell,
Where nor the monument encased in gold,
Nor richest incense, shall suffice to bring
The buried dead, in union with the spheres,
Pompeius' spirit. When with heavenly light
His soul was filled, first on the wandering stars
And fixed orbs he bent his wondering gaze;
Then saw what darkness veils our earthly day
And scorned the insults heaped upon his corse.
Next o'er Emathian plains he winged his flight,
And ruthless Caesar's standards, and the fleet
Tossed on the deep: in Brutus' blameless breast
Tarried awhile, and roused his angered soul
To reap the vengeance; last possessed the mind
Of haughty Cato.

He while yet the scales
Were poised and balanced, nor the war had given
The world its master, hating both the chiefs,
Had followed Magnus for the Senate's cause
And for his country: since Pharsalia's field
Ran red with carnage, now was all his heart
Bound to Pompeius. Rome in him received
Her guardian; a people's trembling limbs
He cherished with new hope and weapons gave
Back to the craven hands that cast them forth.
Nor yet for empire did he wage the war
Nor fearing slavery: nor in arms achieved
Aught for himself: freedom, since Magnus fell,
The aim of all his host. And lest the foe
In rapid course triumphant should collect
His scattered bands, he sought Corcyra's gulfs
Concealed, and thence in ships unnumbered bore
The fragments of the ruin wrought in Thrace.
Who in such mighty armament had thought
A routed army sailed upon the main
Thronging the sea with keels? Round Malea's cape
And Taenarus open to the shades below
And fair Cythera's isle, th' advancing fleet

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Needing To Be Treated And It's Halloween

You want a love depicted,
That's open free to limits.
With eyes dripping fixed on love.

And everyone you meet,
You want them left believing...
They've been picked to get your touch of love.

But then you creep and sneak and cheat,
Like a vampire seeking...
For anyone to suck them of blood.

You creep and sneak,
Like a vampire seeking...
For anyone to suck them of blood.

I'm needing to be treated and it's Halloween.
So let me suck up all of your blood.
I said I'm needing to be treated and it's Halloween.
So let me suck up all of your blood.'

That's ghastly and too ghoulish.

'I'm needing to be treated and it's Halloween.
So let me suck up all of your blood.'

That's ghastly and too ghoulish,
And to me that's just too foolish.

'It's Halloween.
So let me suck up all of your blood.'

That's just for me too ghoulish.

'Let me suck up all of your blood.'

Is this a trick?

'I'm here to suck up all of your blood.'

You're here to trick and I wont be your treat to eat.

I just want to suck all your blood.'

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Very Slowly

Tick tock
The moonlights hummin
My fingers on the button and my hob-nobs drummin
Slow down were moving too fast
Better wait a minute make the good times last
Ive learned something bout livin
You dont get nothing if you dont stop givin
We both know that we got so much but there aint no rush
Wanna love you slowly
When you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly turn that body round
You wont be able to control me
When your love slow down
Wanna love you slowly slowly slowly slowly
Hold tight
Love is all I need I guess its sweeter when its more than just a tease
Let me hold you close enough to stick
Love is an illusion lets play that trick
Slow hand moving down my back
If you get a chance u feel my heart attack
Real love has never been a crime
Wanna take my time
Wanna love you slowly
When you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly
And turn that body round
You wont be able to control me
When your love slow down
Wanna love you slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly...
Slowly... yeah...aah...oah...uah...
If you get a chance you feel my heart attack
Real love has never been a crime
Wanna take my time
Wanna love you slowly
When you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly
And turn that body round
You wont be able to control me
When your love slow down
Wanna love you slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly...
Slowly... yeah...aah...oah...uah...aah...oah...uah...

song performed by Geri HalliwellReport problemRelated quotes
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Cloak to Gloat

I am not inspired by those who conspire,
To undo what the good ones do.

I am so tired by the backstabbing done...
By those who cloak to gloat and run.

I am not pleased by any of this.
And wish this evilness dismissed.

But this is how we live today and breathe!
It's got to flee!

Maybe someone like Barack will stop it.
Blocking ignorance that mocks it!
Hopefully this sleaze will up and leave.
And a peace to feed we'll greed.

I am not pleased by any of this.
And wish this evilness dismissed.
But this is how we live today and breathe!
It's got to flee!

Maybe someone like Barack will stop it.
Blocking ignorance that mocks it!
Hopefully this sleaze will up and leave.
And a peace to feed we'll greed.

I am not inspired by those who conspire,
To undo what the good ones do.
I am so tired by the backstabbing done...
By those who cloak to gloat and run.

Maybe someone like Barack will stop it.
Blocking ignorance that mocks it!
Hopefully this sleaze will up and leave.
And a peace will feed our needs.

Hopefully Barack will stop it!
Blocking ignorance that mocks it.
To undo what the good ones do we see.
And those who cloak to gloat will leave.

Put those who cloak to gloat on the run!
Put those who cloak to gloat on the run!
Put those who cloak to gloat on the run!
To redo all the good deeds done we need.
And those who cloak to gloat will leave.

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I Had A Vampire

I had a dream about a vampire
His hair was fair with flames
His eyes sparkled like sapphire
Only a few who knew his name.

He had big and bulky muscles
And he stood around 6 feet tall
Only the bravest of the bravest
And the fearless of them all

Would ever be so valliant
As to even walk up to the tree
Where this monster awaits for dinner,
And say 'Lord, be with me.'

The bravest of the bravest
And the fearless of them all
Would take upon this vampire
And possibly make it fall.

He drew his sword out of his sheath,
And approached the wicked beast
For it leaped into the air
And onto him the very least.

Man slung his sword left and right,
But vampire had already won
With a bite of pearly white fangs
The evil deed was done.

But wait why is he standing up?
Man was a man no more
For vampire only bit once,
And the venom had the score.

Two vampires now there are,
Out to get the strong ones
The men who think superior
And did what had to be done.

Now an army of vampires,
Each one different but the same
Hung to the courage they had
Still a few hold their name

Of man, though they were not man,
But they had a man's willpower
To overcome this evilness
And fight hour after hour

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Cruel Young Lover

Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Just because you can
You treat me like a fool
But just because you can
Dont make it right
Can it be so hard
To be a little kind
And you could be here
With me tonight
Ive got feelings
Dont be unkind
Dont be unkind
Stay with me tonight
Youve been stealing
Thats so unkind
A heart, a mind
Stay with me tonight
Cruel young lover
Blow your mind out
Time will come when
You will find out
Time will take your cruel power away
Cruel young lover
Try to stand out
Will it always pay
To bland out?
Time will take your cruel power away
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Once again youre gone
Somewhere in the night
Leaving me alone
The lure of city streets
The pull of unknown souls
The overpowering draw

[...] Read more

song performed by Human LeagueReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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