Sonnet To The Vigilante!
My quiet vigilante, returns for a few stolen glimpses,
Like the casket of treasures on the horizon, before light vanishes,
Content with the approachable distance and suspense,
Silent tidings; never to intervene or throw a harsh word,
My heart aglow, its light on his face bygone years record,
While its reflected shadow finds me, lingers on the threshold of pride,
When he arrives my skies lit up, their light on my face mirrors
My frantic self, as he chooses to stand in the shadows.
Sit still restless heart; do not raise your dubious dust,
Let the world find its way to you through him.
Like the creamy moon gives credence to the dull earth,
Peeks between palm fronds & beyond a grey cloud rim,
Killin suspense in my hurried steps throws me in the open, meantime,
And cuts off my return. To hail him down or to abide by his time?
poem by Seema joglekar
Added by Poetry Lover
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