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Hodi tmina čari tmurne
Daha presječenog
Tu je jutrom zora gurne
Od sna nerečenog

Hodi podne nebu sunca
Noći gaze svijetom
Sve pepelno sebe bunca
Sebe zove prvim letom

Hodi čovjek šume guste
Zgazile ga vode
Gdje ga tope suze puste
Tu ga tuge hode

Hodi ptica sinja mora
Hodi nebo oblak tmast
Hodi tmasto do izvora
Da utopi hoda vlast

©Miroslava Odalović

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The dawn sways the birds/Zora njise ptice

The birds of flight, my love
The dawn bathes the faces
The faces of love, my love
The dawn sways the seas
The seas of infinity, my love
The dwan moves the bodies
The bodies of breathing, my love

The dawn sways the mornings
The mornings of wake, my love
This is why you never sleep
The restless of dreams, my love
Sealed within my kiss
Signed within my heart

Zora njiše ptice
Ptice od leta, ljubavi moja
Zora mije lica
Lica od ljubavi, ljubavi moja
Zora njiše mora
Mora od beskraja, ljubavi moja
Zora kreć e tijela
Tijela od disanja, ljubavi moja

Zora njiše jutra
Jutra od buđ enja, ljubavi moja
Ti zato ne spiš
Nemirom od sna, ljubavi moja
Poljupcem mojim zapeč ać en
I u srcu zapisan

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Come in and meet my friend-Udi i upoznaj mog prijatelja

come in and meet my friend

he's got eyes of different colours
one eye is blue the other is like honey

he's got a scar somewhere beneath his heart
and the wound under the heart a bitter snake of a dream

he's got a coat and a hat on his head
the coat with two facets and the hat full of thoughts

come in and meet my friend

he knows the names of the rivers and the limits of the globe
and the salt stolen from the bottom of the sea

he knows the ribs of rocks and the whisper from the cliff
and the words hiding under the whisper

he knows all the streets all the houses at twilight
their numbers and addresses through the mother's bloodline

come in and meet my friend

he rides his thoughts like bicycles
up the hills down the slopes by the rivers and lakes

he drives his thoughts like many coloured trains
their vibrant call is layered on the rails

he leads his thoughts like caravans
so that the hot deserts don't die without water

come in and meet my friend

he loves the tramps the clowns and acrobats
the circles of fire and the walk on the wire

he loves the travellers and their suitcases
filled with memories of a step to the goal

he loves the drunkards the beggars the lost and the forgotten
who give their handful of love to the mute world

come in and meet my friend

he thinks your thoughts when you're alone
so that everyone can be there within your solitude

he thinks the thoughts of the sky when all the suns fade out

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The Door Of Humility

We lead the blind by voice and hand,
And not by light they cannot see;
We are not framed to understand
The How and Why of such as He;

But natured only to rejoice
At every sound or sign of hope,
And, guided by the still small voice,
In patience through the darkness grope;

Until our finer sense expands,
And we exchange for holier sight
The earthly help of voice and hands,
And in His light behold the Light.


Let there be Light! The self-same Power
That out of formless dark and void
Endued with life's mysterious dower
Planet, and star, and asteroid;

That moved upon the waters' face,
And, breathing on them His intent,
Divided, and assigned their place
To, ocean, air, and firmament;

That bade the land appear, and bring
Forth herb and leaf, both fruit and flower,
Cattle that graze, and birds that sing,
Ordained the sunshine and the shower;

That, moulding man and woman, breathed
In them an active soul at birth
In His own image, and bequeathed
To them dominion over Earth;

That, by whatever is, decreed
His Will and Word shall be obeyed,
From loftiest star to lowliest seed;-
The worm and me He also made.

And when, for nuptials of the Spring
With Summer, on the vestal thorn
The bridal veil hung flowering,
A cry was heard, and I was born.


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Mit o postanku zla

I sotona rece:
'Neka bude laž! '
I bi laž.
Skrila se u kamenju
Pa sa visina sipa.

I sotona rece:
'Nek licemjerja bude! '
I bi licemjerje.
Skrilo se u rijecima
I ceka da progovori.
Pokrilo se paucinom
I pauke hrani.
Od samog sebe se skrilo.

I sotona rece:
'Nek otrova bude! '
I otrova bi.
Šejtani ga iz olujnog daha
Vitlajuc macem prosuli.
Nataložio se na zemlji
I njenim tokovima tece.
Skrio se u krvi.

I sotona rece:
'Da bude mržnja! '
I bi mržnja.
Prštala na sve strane
Kao krv koja ne može da se zgruša.
Šapama trigova hodala
Pa se i ona pod mahovinom
Na sjeveru lednom skrila.

I sotona rece:
'Neka bude covjek! '
I bi covjeka.
U laži i licemjerju se skrio
Otrovom ga mržnja ko mlijekom dojila.
Pirat se skrio u jedra umotan.
I bi covjeka
U zvijerima se skrio.

I sotona tece:
'Da misli da me nema! '
Ali tako ne bi
Bješe mu laž u pocetku rijeci.

Napisano 1989. rekonstruisano 2012-02-06.

©Miroslava Odalovic

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Budi od svijeta

Budi od svijeta
Grumen od sna
Pticom od leta
Okom bez dna
Pogled u nedogled
Satkanog neba
Nogom u nedostup
Korak od hljeba
Načinjen trag
Buđenja dodir blag

Budi od svijeta
Tkanicom halje
Od nebopleta
I zemljom dalje
Krilati cvijet
Što šušti listom
Jesenji pad
I dušom čistom
Plavog neba glad

Budi od svijeta
Što jede svijetom
Smrt soptvenog tijela
Budi od leta
Što budi letom
Zemljom zamrla vrela
Budi od spleta
Tkanog nebokretom
Duša što cijelo je srela

©Miroslava Odalović

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The Undying One- Canto III

'THERE is a sound the autumn wind doth make
Howling and moaning, listlessly and low:
Methinks that to a heart that ought to break
All the earth's voices seem to murmur so.
The visions that crost
Our path in light--
The things that we lost
In the dim dark night--
The faces for which we vainly yearn--
The voices whose tones will not return--
That low sad wailing breeze doth bring
Borne on its swift and rushing wing.
Have ye sat alone when that wind was loud,
And the moon shone dim from the wintry cloud?
When the fire was quench'd on your lonely hearth,
And the voices were still which spoke of mirth?

If such an evening, tho' but one,
It hath been yours to spend alone--
Never,--though years may roll along
Cheer'd by the merry dance and song;
Though you mark'd not that bleak wind's sound before,
When louder perchance it used to roar--
Never shall sound of that wintry gale
Be aught to you but a voice of wail!
So o'er the careless heart and eye
The storms of the world go sweeping by;
But oh! when once we have learn'd to weep,
Well doth sorrow his stern watch keep.
Let one of our airy joys decay--
Let one of our blossoms fade away--
And all the griefs that others share
Seem ours, as well as theirs, to bear:
And the sound of wail, like that rushing wind
Shall bring all our own deep woe to mind!

'I went through the world, but I paused not now
At the gladsome heart and the joyous brow:
I went through the world, and I stay'd to mark
Where the heart was sore, and the spirit dark:
And the grief of others, though sad to see,
Was fraught with a demon's joy to me!

'I saw the inconstant lover come to take
Farewell of her he loved in better days,
And, coldly careless, watch the heart-strings break--
Which beat so fondly at his words of praise.
She was a faded, painted, guilt-bow'd thing,
Seeking to mock the hues of early spring,
When misery and years had done their worst

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I build within the houses I will never live in (Nafaka)

the beds I sleep in I have never made
rains I drink I will never fall with
and the rains I fall in I never drank
the wind I breathe embracing the sides of the worls

what I want I can say no more
open for everything
for happiness and sorrow
good and evil
a cloud and a sun
even though
what I say can embrace me no more

u kucama gradim koje stanovala nisam
u krevetu spavam koji pospremila nisam
kise pijem s kojima pasti nikad necu
s kisama padam koje nikad popila nisam
s vjetrom disem koji strane svijeta grli

sve sto hocu vise ne mogu da kazem
otvorena za sve
za srecu i patnje
za dobro i zlo
oblake i sunca
sve sto hocu vise ne moze da me zagrli

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It's written in here/Ovdje pise

It's written in here all that hurts
it's written in here all that laughs
it's written in here all that wants
it's written in here all that waits
it's written in here in every tear
it's written in here read beneath
or do not read at all

it's written in here butterflies in heart
it's written in here all dresses torn
it's written in here twilight and dawn
it's written in here clocks in the soul
it's written in here in every tear
it's written in here read beneath
or do not read at all

ovdje piše sve što boli
ovdje piše sve što se smije
ovdje piše sve što hoće
ovdje piše sve što čeka
ovdje piše u svakoj suzi
ovdje piše čitaj ispod
ili ne ćitaj uopšte

ovdje piše leptiri u srcu
ovdje piše rašivene halje
ovdje piše zore i sutoni
ovdje piše satovi u duši
ovdje piše u svakoj suzi
ovdje piše čitaj ispod
ili ne čitaj uopšte


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Lada, the road godess- Lada, boginja puteva

Whatever one is drawned in is the place to learn to swim
Whatever path one takes it is the path to find a road
Whatever one asks for it the thing one cries for
Whatever one dies in is the place one cries in
Wherever the steps go crying tearful walk
Whatever path one takes it is the path to find a road
Whatever one asks for it the thing one cries for
Wherever the steps go crying tearful walk
Whatever path one takes it is the path to find a road...

U cemu se utopi u tome i propliva
Kojom stazom hodi njome nadje put
U cem ište u tom nade
U cem gine u tom vapi
U cemu mu korak proplakuje hod
Kojom stazom hodi njome nadje put
U cem ište u tom vapi
U cem vapi u tom nadje
U cemu mu korak proplakuje hod
Kojom stazom hodi njome nadje put...

Written in 1995.

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What the word has said to the lock of silence/Što rijec je rekla pramenu tišine

Should not speak in hair outgrowing the hours
Tense in a verse it's woken up at dawn
It ties it with a cloud at the sky made scales
It breathes the sound it paints a sign
It's mute it thunders swims and flies and crawls
Each quiver a lock getting close to the sky
It's shivering of a dream and reality doom
Conceived of earth set free still a slave

Što riječ je rekla pramenu tišine
Da ne zbori kosom nadrastanja sati
Sapet u stihu zorom ga budi
Vezuje oblakom na vagi od neba
On diše zvuk on slika znak
On ćuti grmi pliva leti gmiže
Svaki titraj pramena nebu sve je bliže
Drhtanje je sna a stvanosti kob
Od zemlje začet slobodan a rob

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I quote the mornings/Citiram jutra

I quote the mornings and awakening
And a sunbeam exploding in a treetop
I quote an old hope between my lips
And the fall of the sun down the abysses of the twilight
I quote the fire that cannot be extinct
In the torches of a cave-like current
The mark of the light on the palm of my hand
And the ashes of my future
I quote the passion of an eye
Destructive and horrifying
Fearing eyesight
I quote the alphabet that goes beyond words
Inexpressibility of every alpha and beta
Gamma and delta
I quote a life
And within my bosom I quote a fear
That everything will remain just a quotation

Citiram jutra i budjenje
I zrak sunca raspuknut u krošnji
Citiram nadu ostarjelu medju prstima
I pad sunca u sunovrate sumraka
Citiram vatru neugasivu
U bakljama pecinskog toka
I trag svjetlosti na dlanu
I pepeo svoje buducnosti
Citiram strast oka razornu i strašnu
Pred kojom strepi pogled
Citiram azbuku koja nadilazi rijeci
Neizrecivost svakog alfa i beta
Gama i delta
Citiram život i u njedrima ko guju gajim strah
Da ce sve ostati u citatnosti

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Saint Dominics Preview

Shammy [chamois] cleaning all the windows,
Singing songs about edith piafs soul.
And I hear blue strains of no regredior
Across the street from cathedral notre dame.
Meanwhile back in san francisco
Were trying hard to make this whole thing blend,
As we sit upon this jagged
Storey block, with you my friend.
And its a long way to buffalo.
Its a long way to belfast city too.
And Im hoping the choice wont blow the hoist
cos this town, they bit off more than they can chew.
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint dominics preview
Saint dominics preview
Saint dominics preview
All the orange boxes are scattered.
We get to safeways supermarket in the rain.
And everybody feels so determined
Not to feel anyone elses pain.
(you know that) no ones making no commitments
To anybody but themselves,
Hidin behind closed doorways,
Tryin to get outside, outside of empty shells
And for every cross-cuttin country corner,
For every hank williams railroad train that cried,
And all the chains, badges, flags and emblems
And every strain on every brain and every eye (? )
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint dominics preview
Saint dominics preview
Saint dominics preview.
And the restaurant tables are completely covered.
The record company has paid out for the wine.
You got everything in the world you ever wanted
Right about now your face should wear a smile.
Thats the way it all should happen
When youre in, when youre in the state youre in;
Youve got your pen and notebook ready,
I think its about time, time for us to begin.
And were over in a 52nd street apartment,
Socializing with the whino few,
Just to be hip and get wet with the jet set.
But theyre flying too high to see my point of view.
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
As we gaze out on, as we gaze out on
Saint dominics preview
Saint dominics preview

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song performed by Van MorrisonReport problemRelated quotes
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While I Gaze In Your Eyes

While I gaze in your eyes, cool cerulean blue,
Sifting night, straining stars through morning's sweet dew,
I can fathom the depths of empyreal skies,
Angels fluttering by, riding wild butterflies

While I gaze in your eyes, changing, aqua-blue greening,
I'm sucked into chasms, cascading, careening,
And yield to enticements which meekly disarm,
Seeping virtuous beauty, sad sensuous charm

While I gaze in your eyes, bleeding fiery blue
Ever tempting with treasures, with pleasures for two,
Being caught at the core of a blazing sapphire
Possessing, enthralling, aflame with desire

While I gaze in your eyes, misty emeralds, deep green,
Veiling laughter and banter, and echoes between,
Then I dream, so it seems, in whatever the place,
Of your scent, of your breath, of your radiant face

While I gaze in your eyes, at times placidly blue,
Near' as calm as the weirs in the woods all bedewed,
Forty winks relegate to a shimmering lake,
Gently floating on lilies, while waiting to wake

While I gaze in your eyes, caught engulfed in the greens
And consigning my fate unto verdant ravines,
My reactions, at length, become shyer and shyer
Reminiscent of ravens at risk in the briar

While I gaze in your eyes, restless, hesitant blues
Overwhelming sensations with turbulent hues,
I'm succumbing to waves of a storm battered sea,
Being cast like a plank, never meant to be free

While I gaze in your eyes, shadowed, Midnight Lake green
Glowing hazy with dreams, misty thoughts so serene,
Sudden silence befalls me, a fast sinking stone,
Looming lost in your eyes, I am never alone

While I gaze in your eyes, saddened, lachrymal blue,
Spilling trickles of rain, pearls obscuring your view,
I'll attend to your anguish and feelings morose,
Lightly kissing your tears, touching, holding you close

While I gaze in your eyes, pulsing infinite green
Of the earth and of heaven and all in between,
It is simple to see that my hands can hold all
Of the treasures I find which so humbly enthral

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San O Letu

da on je znao ko mu je tkao
ko mu je tkao carobni sag
on nikad ne bi ni njemu ni sebi
stopalom ljudskim sazido prag

da sunce je znalo sve tajne kobi
sve tajne jednog suncanog sata
reklo bi ne kupi mrve zivota
hajde razuzdaj krilatog ata

da on je htio sna biti dio
on ne bi pio s otrovom svijet
vjecno bi snio vjecno bi snio
da zauvujek bude sa pticom let


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A Beat Of Sorrow That Thinks Of Beauty/Otkucaj Tuge Sto Ljepotu Mni

it takes a memory that runs over itself
to get to learn and endless southern rhythm
it takes a fire that burns itself down
to get to know an ocean wave
it takes tender enough strong enough fingers
to summerize anything into a touch
so that the heard amidst the things could recognise
a beat of sorrow that thinks of beauty

it takes much more and reaches much stronger
to ask for more to search and look
so as to eventually know
the one in the seed of wake planted
the being cut off from itself
into the cliffs of the world pushed forever
it takes a huge knowledge an endless one
of this world's drama
for just one beat of sorrow that thinks of beauty

otkucaj tuge što ljepotu mni
potrebno je sjećanje koje samo sebe gazi
da bi se spoznao beskrajni ritam juga
potrebna je vatra koja samu sebe spaljuje
da bi se spoznao okeanov talas
potrebni su dovoljno nježni i snažni prsti
da bi se išta saželo u dodir
da bi srce u srži svega moglo da prepozna
otkucaj tuge što ljepotu mni

potrebno je mnogo više mnogo snažnije
da se ište dalje da se traži
da bi se najzad saznalo
ono u sjemenu buđenja začeto
od sebe samog otkinuto biće
u urvine svijeta zauvijek bačeno
potrebno je jedno veliko beskrajno veliko
poznavanje drame ovog svijeta
za samo jedan otkucaj tuge što ljepotu mni


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You, very human/Ti, veoma ljudsko

you who are everything out of your nothing
you co-builder co-creator
you whom I'm building and you're being torn down
you a participant of my answer
someone facing the otherness
I facing myself
you facing yourself
you very human sometimes too much
sometimes not at all
a token inhaled into dust
you a tribe you a nation you a world
you the skin of the sun the desert the night and the snow
you always the same
your heart and mind paving heaven and hell
you who are everything out of your nothing

ti koji si sve od svoga nista
ti sa-graditelj sa-tvoritelj
ti što te gradim a ti se razgradjujes
ti sa-ucesnik mog odgovora
spram drugosti neko
spram sebe ja
spram tebe ti
ti veoma ljudsko nekad isuviše
nekad uopšte
ti pleme ti narod ti svijet
umom i srcem poplocan pakao i raj
ti koji si sve od svoga ništa

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How to interpret the distance between two smiles/Kako protumaciti razmak izmedju dva osmjeha

It should be interpreted as an attempt to reconcile a plus and a minus, black and white, the poor and the rich. Like tranquility between two joys in which the first one calls the second one using the bridge of the unsaid. Some people go so far as to interpret the distance between two smiles through tears, blood or simply an inexpressible sorrow. Some interpret it as a way to preserve both smiles. The length of a smile is of no importance. It does not make any difference whether a smile is 2mm or 2 light years long, there's always a space which can contain the possibility of coming closer or distancing. Smileness in each case is a precondition for any kind of approaching.
Or it may end up in a Pavlov's reflex that does not reflect anything. And what is a smile at all? There are different ways to determine this and each one of them slips any kind of definition.
Chronologically speaking a smile is a living time it takes to put the corners of our lips upwards to get in the first touch with the other being. According to its purpose it carries the burdens of goals just like bags full of hours spent in waiting for a smile from the other side of a bridge. A smile can be a means to an end, an instrument of compulsion that we sometimes use for practice in the morning after we've washed our face and brushed our teeth for it's time to get out, leave ourselves and devote time to the others that standing in front of their mirrors disinfect their own smileness.
It's something like a business smile which if we practice it to the point of perfection can make us rich.
A smile can carry anything from a living quiver of love to a complete frozenness. There are many things that can get frozen on our lips. The problem arises when it is us who gets frozen on them.

Treba tumaciti kao pokusaj izmirivanja plusa i minusa, crnog i bijelog, siromasnog i bogatog. Kao smiraj izmedju dvije radosti u kojoj prva doziva drugu mostom precutanog. Neki odlaze toliko daleko da razmak izmedju dva osmjeha tumace suzama, krvlju ili prosto neiskazljivom tugom. Neki kao pokusaj ocuvanja oba osmjeha.
Duzina razmaka pri tom ne igra nikakvu ulogu, svejedno dali su u pitanju dva milimetra ili dvije svetlosne godine razmaknutost ostaje prostor u koji staje mogucnost priblizavanja i udaljavanja. Osmjehnutost u svakom slucaju predstavlja uslov za bilo kakvo primicanje.
Ili se zavrsava kobnim Pavlovljevim refleksom koji ne reflektuje ama bas nista. I sta je uopste osmjeh. Postoje razliciti kriterijumi po kome moze da se odredi i svaki od njih sasvim sigurno izmice bilo kakvoj odredljivosti.

Po hronoloskom kriterijumu osmjeh predstavlja zivo vrijeme u kome se odvija laganim izvijanjem usana na gore prvi dodir sa drugim. U odnosu na svrhu on nosi terete cilja kao vrece pune sati u kojima zeljno iscekujemo osmjeh sa druge strane mosta. Osmjeh je sredstvao, instrument prinude koji ponekad poslovno uvjezbavamo izjutra ispred ogledala nakon umivanja i pranja zuba jer je kada izadjemo vrijeme da napustimo sebe i posvetimo se drugom koji takodje tu ispred ogledala dezinfikuje sopstvenu osmjehnutost.
To je nesto kao business smile koji ako se dotjera do savrsenstva moze donijeti veliko bogatstvo. Jedan osmjeh moze da nosi sve, ama bas sve od zivog treptaja ljubavi do potpune ukocenosti. Postoji veliki broj stvari koji moze da se zaledi na nasim usnama. Problem nastaje kada se na sopstvenim usnama jednom ukocimo mi sami.

A Little School of Interpretation, …in x lessons,2007.
©Miroslava Odalovic

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That's not it-To nije to

Excuse me sir
You look like someone I've met before
And I am sure it is like that
I'm sure everyone has met everyone before
In what's called preceding lives
Do you believe in that sir
I mean those karmas
Moving along cyclic zodiacs
Made of illiterate stars
Sounds quite familiar to me
A life through trials and errors
I think sir
When I outstretch the palm of my hand
(Do not worry you don't have to give me any
Of your monthly revenue
I am not that kind of a beggar)
When I outstretch the palm of my hand
And look at those divinely entangled lines
So cryptic
That are supposed to determine my fate
I think there's got to be some mistake there
That they are not there to determine me
But to tell me that this palm belongs to me only
That I am just like you sir
A creature born once a creature divine
Unrepeatable and free
For most when I outstretch the palm of my hand
To see my own geometry of the universe
Or to turn it into a fist
To strike the face of Fortune
Then I think sir
For sure we've all met before
In the faces of Adam and Eve
Hitting their foreheads against the ground
Once they vaguely hinted the Heaven is perhaps
Nothing but a wholeness of a soul in unity with its Creator
And Hell the lack of the same thing
Yes I am sure we've met before
In the face of Christ crucified on the cross
That redeemed us through his blood
For a dream in which an Idiot
Will not have to find a compartment
In which he would, with a roomful of thoughts
In his head just like me right now,
He would not have to repeat
That's not it that's not it until he cannot
Thinking perhaps about those marbles of lifeful life
Whose glimmer fades away once they break out on the surface
To dry in the fire of their own eyes
Thinking that's not it that's not it

[...] Read more

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What a path cannot say (Nafaka)

Eternity will
All of us there
Take a long rest of all the thoughts

What treetops cry will settle in a breath
Pass away alongide myself
Everything there
Take a long rest of all the thoughts

sve sto staza srca ne moze da kaze
reci ce vjecnost
svi tamo
na veliki odmor svih misli

sve sto placu krosnje stace u dah
nestati zajedno samnom
sve tamo na veliki odmor
svih misli

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
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Your eyes beyond the sky- Tvoje oci iznad neba

your eyes beyond the sky
the most innocent, I know
they will survive
all the burns of the body
and preserve the soul

for - all that you watched
for - the nightmare on the nuclear trash
and the breath left on the split atom
once all these things
will have to take a rest

tvoje oci iznad neba
najnevinije, znam
one ce preživjeti
sve opekotine tijela
i sacuvati dušu
jer - sve što si gledao
jer - nocna mora na nuklearnom otpadu
i dah ostavljen na pocijepanom atomu
sve to jednom morace
da se odmori

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
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