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Somebody' With A Validation

'Somebody' With A Validation

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You're dealing with the demon of external validation. You can't beat external validation. You want to know why Because it feels sooo good.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Stranger in Strange Crowd


Dreams stranger’s path divide
from crowd’s uneven t[h]read
who's tissue, issues poorly understood, through dread
is left behind, swirls second rate as flotsam on life's tide,
noise windmills, senses silent, life-blood sped,
bled white, so often fearing fear, by wisdom wide,
unblessed, unsteady set sights low instead.

Despite stress, sentiments denied, imagination set aside,
stranger story stores till head heeds heart, until desires well led
fire understanding rich allied with empathy sustaining ride.
Swift Pegasus is supplied
with neither saddle, A to Zed accoutrements life tears to shreds
when vested interests, motives pure collide.

Defy temptations of soft ride
along straight road which, comfort fed,
selects ‘safe way’, too often dreads
free choice, autonomy. Self-pride
corresponds to quest for bread.

Distrust that moment Fortune’s tide
entwines in fickle thread
conformity, convention wed.
Scorn empty homage, those who glide
through vain p[l]ain life, misled.

Survival instinct, safe homestead, a ‘living wage’, priorities
appear, as opportunities to seize as each spins finite set
tripped, snipped, then ripped by Norms with ease.

Far from madding crowd who dares assign
himself true rôle in life, who thinks,
who sifts chaff, grain, drains lees from wine, palms pearls from swine?
Who, intact, acts and interacts, discerning fiction, facts,

opposes expedience, authority which hoodwinks
manipulated herd unheard, which lacks
true overview impartial, thus reacts
rather than responds, its armour: chinks.
On each new generation weigh rigid systems spawned by Fate unkind.
As pawns most men play puppet parts in Time’s relay game of tiddly-winks.

Is search for self through mirrored minds
just base reflection on sight lost?
Insisting on base ‘skills’ man finds
intuitions atrophy - cost

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Continuous Is The Flowing

So vast is a Universe.
Where flights of fancy are condoned.
And taken undisturbed...
Unlimited and free of boundaries.

Free of words spoken,
To utter descriptions of what is seen...
That may come to hinder one's voyage,
With a seeking of definitions...
One will never find on lips to depict the unknown.

Only sights are observed within this majesticness.
Manifesting a peaceful and pleasing birth of a journey.
Continuous is the flowing that grows.
Only sights are observed within this majesticness.
And manifesting without a need for validation,
Is this creativity which is never at rest.
Nor is there a time capable enough...
To give to it to satisfy its completion.

Only sights are observed within this majesticness.
Manifesting a peaceful and pleasing birth of a journey.
Continuous is the flowing that grows.
Only sights are observed within this majesticness.
And manifesting without a need for validation,
Is this creativity which is never at rest.
Nor is there a time capable enough...
To give to it to satisfy its completion.

So vast is a Universe.
Where flights of fancy are condoned.
And taken undisturbed...
Unlimited and free of boundaries.

Continuous is the flowing...
Unlimited and free of boundaries.
Continuous is the flowing...
Unlimited and free of boundaries.
Continuous is the flowing...
Unlimited and free of boundaries.
Unlimited and free of boundaries.
Unlimited and free of boundaries.

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Entertaining the Absence of Logic

There are still those who are amply baited,
Who remain over medicated...
With hallucinations they satiate.
And prescribed just the right mix,
Of delusions to keep them fixed.
With a bombardment of mental distractions...
To ensure denial and truth is resisted.

There are still those who are amply baited,
Who remain over medicated...
With hallucinations they satiate.
The time to awaken their minds has passed.
Addicted to fantasize and this will last.
As they have been treated to dismiss,
All elements of reality in their consciousness.

Confirming with validation the admittance of conflict.
Entertaining the absence of logic and common sense.
Numbed and insisting this existence persists.
Entertaining the absence of logic and common sense.
Numbed and insisting this existence persists.
Entertaining the absence of logic and common sense.
Confirming with validation the admittance of conflict.

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Permanent Reminder Of A Temporary Feeling

By: jimmy buffett
She was no marine back from the philippines
She was their pride and joy, their incarnation
Her parents viewed the chief with shock and disbelief
Looking for some other explanation
The indian on her back was poised for an attack
She said a tatoo is a badge of validation
But the truth of the matter is far more revealing
Its a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Permanent reminder
Of a temporary feeling
Amnesiac episodes that never go away
Its no complex momemto its not set of revealing
Just a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Vegas in the rain
Drunk on cheap champagne
He hears out of tune synthesized chapel bells painfully ringing
Wheres his limo ride
Whos this foreign bride
Is that really elvis spinning around the ceiling
Permanent reminder
Of a temporary feeling
Forgotten fabrications in the chapels of love
Whats this ring on his finger
Why is he kneeling
Shes just a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Chromosomes and genes
Spawn these fateful scenes
Evolution can be mean
Theres no dumbass vaccine
Blame your dna
Youre a victim of your fate
Its human nature to miscalculate
To make up for the fight
They go out for the night
Sex drugs and rock n roll seem like the easiest answer
But a short nine months later
Theres no way of concealing
That permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Permanent reminder
Of a temporary feeling
Amnesiac episodes that never go away
Complex momentos not subtle revealings
Just a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Permanent reminder of a temporary feeling

song performed by Jimmy BuffettReport problemRelated quotes
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David Strathairn

It would be real nice to have some kind of bell or whistle attached to this film - it would give it a longer life. People seem to need that validation to go to a film these days.

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The logic of validation allows us to move between the two limits of dogmatism and skepticism.

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I Want The One I Cant Have

On the day that your mentality
Decides to try to catch up with your biology
Come round ...
cause I want the one I cant have
And its driving me mad
Its all over, all over, all over my face
On the day that your mentality
Catches up with your biology
I want the one I cant have
And its driving me mad
Its all over, all over, all over my face
A double bed
And a stalwart lover for sure
These are the riches of the poor
A double bed
And a stalwart lover for sure
These are the riches of the poor
And I want the one I cant have
And its driving me mad
Its all over, all over my face
A tough kid who sometimes swallows nails
Raised on prisoners aid
He killed a policeman when he was
And somehow that really impressed
And its written all over my face
Oh, these are the riches of the poor
These are the riches of the poor
I want the one I cant have
And its driving me mad
Its written all over my face
On the day that your mentality
Catches up with your biology
And if you ever need self-validation
Just meet me in the alley by the
Railway station
Its all over my face
Oh ...

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Marlee Matlin

When I was 13, I told Henry Winkler I wanted to act. He said, Do it and don't let anyone stand in your way. His validation just made it all the more true. I haven't stopped thanking him since.

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I think that the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the survival of conscious. And many times that validation message is negative or sad.

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Naomi Watts

The biggest place I look for validation is from my mother. That's the little girl in me that will never grow up.

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A lot of people say this honor validates my career, but I didn't work hard for validation.

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(Attention Seeking Poem) A Whisper That Wants To Be A Scream

That kind of validation should be but the silence among the lambs.
A quietness to never be heard.
A whisper that wants to be a scream but doesn't exactly know how.
As if to say I have a question, yet I'm to afraid to ask.
A game of self pity.
Beckoning for attention.
As if it's our fault of that which they did not mention.
A homeless man walking on the poorest streets of the city.
A prostitute getting in the car with another Jon in a place known for such vices.
We have to take notice and We have to stand out to be noticed.
And pessimism does nothing to farther such a cause.
Unless that is what one desires.

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A Moral Diet

A validation as we hit the ground.
Yes that does hurt.
Just open your mouth and eat a little bit of the dirt.
Chew it on up and ingest.
Swallow it on down.
Call it moral fiber.
A psychological diet.
We must learn to live with it.
Just another part of our life.
The bricks keep piling up.
Soon the wall will map out what use to be our history.
The creative creatures that never made it.
No one voice could save them.
Even with, most logical reasoning.
Worshipping the dead, wasting the living.
Why should we feed you, what can you do?
Just maybe I'll be the one save a entire population before to late.
We do not know who the hero will be.
How could we, but still there is this ignorance in the form of greed.
It is not a valid excuse.
Other must suffer for your unending desire for power.
A need to manipulate and control.
But where we fail is always in what we don't know.

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Not easy to play
In the area of constrained.

This is my poor land
And I assume validation
To revive growth.

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A Spicing Done That Delivers Innuendos

People express their opinions.
And most opinions made,
Have been gossip relayed.
It seems to excite those kept entertained,
By a dropping of their two cents...
Upon situations lived by others,
With the adding of additional...
Nonsensed ingredient.

And when their taste to degrade,
Has been proven wrong...
No apologies are made,
As these people just move on...
To someone else that is picked,
For a spicing done that delivers innuendos...
Without proof or validation,
To assassinate another character as seen fit!

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Above Sea Level

After ten years,
A myth created ends.
And in the ending of this myth,
Not a shred of evidence...
Can be confirmed that this existed.
But a validation of conflicts,
Continue to afflict above sea level.

To magnify the difference,
Between traditions.
To keep the expense,
Of a meaningless purpose...
Kept deceptively mystified,
And unknown in the doing!

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Demanding Confirmation

Once a validation has been made,
A declaration of its effectiveness...
Does not have to be kept replayed.

And an achievement,
That has been reached,
Has no need to be repeatedly preached.

Unless those who are doing this...
Live in denial,
And reality is disbelieved.

Leaving them demanding confirmation...
To only restrict success,
Until an acceptance of approval...
Is given with their authority.

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Getting to Know You

Poetry pretty much mirrors
Different stages and places
In one’s life

It’s given away… in what you say
In your sense
of peace or strife

Your words describe you…
They strip from your soul
The shrouds and lay bare…

Your true thoughts, your ambitions
Your insights, your inhibitions
You perhaps unknowingly share

It’s a venting perhaps…
A release from the restraints…
Of cold hard reality

In some it’s of hope
In others of complaints
And in others still…of finality

In others it’s a cry for validation
A way of saying “I’m me…
I’m still here! ”

In others It’s a cry of repudiation
Saying “listen to me now,
But don’t come near! ”

When I read a poem
I see the person
Behind the prose

And that I see…
this person properly
Is something I can only suppose

You’re not writing a poem or a rhyme
You’re openly inviting me into your mind
And just why? …only God knows

One develops opinions about you
And biases, both good and bad
Based on what you’ve unknowingly said

In your writings, choice of subject
Turn of phrase, become suspect

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Trial and Tribulation

If you allow yourself
To sink and wallow
In misery and fear
It will surely overcome you
Until you slowly disappear
Return to me,
I beg of you
You'll always have
A place here

Don't let the world tell you
Who you are
Don't let the world decide
who you're not
Sadly, you're still battling
Everyone else has already
So preoccupied in the race
To catch up
That you only end up falling
Further behind
Carrying the weight of the world
Upon your shoulders
With nowhere to turn or hide
Darkness arises
And overwhelms you
Creating a heavy heart
Brewing trouble in your mind

No one but God
Is Judge and Jury
It takes time to heal
There's no need to hurry
Searching all the wrong places
Trying to fill your need
For love and validation
Causing so much devastation
It brings you to your knees
Repeating the same mistakes
All over again
Causing old wounds to reopen
And bleed

Learn your lessons
Walk through the pain
Look for the sunshine
As you walk in the rain
Once you've lived within

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