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The Space Between Us

Cast: Britt Robertson, Carla Gugino, Gary Oldman, BD Wong, Asa Butterfield, Janet Montgomery, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Jenny Gabrielle, Sarah Minnich, Mia Stallard

trailer for The Space Between Us, directed by Peter Chelsom, screenplay by (2016)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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The Space Between Us [trailer 2]

Cast: Britt Robertson, Carla Gugino, Gary Oldman, BD Wong, Asa Butterfield, Janet Montgomery, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Jenny Gabrielle, Sarah Minnich, Mia Stallard

trailer for The Space Between Us, directed by Peter Chelsom, screenplay by (2016)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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The Space Between Us [trailer 3]

Cast: Britt Robertson, Carla Gugino, Gary Oldman, BD Wong, Asa Butterfield, Janet Montgomery, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Jenny Gabrielle, Sarah Minnich, Mia Stallard

trailer for The Space Between Us, directed by Peter Chelsom, screenplay by (2016)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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Lazy laughing languid Jenny,
Fond of a kiss and fond of a guinea,
Whose head upon my knee to-night
Rests for a while, as if grown light
With all our dances and the sound
To which the wild tunes spun you round:
Fair Jenny mine, the thoughtless queen
Of kisses which the blush between
Could hardly make much daintier;
Whose eyes are as blue skies, whose hair
Is countless gold incomparable:
Fresh flower, scarce touched with signs that tell
Of Love's exuberant hotbed:—Nay,
Poor flower left torn since yesterday
Until to-morrow leave you bare;
Poor handful of bright spring-water
Flung in the whirlpool's shrieking face;
Poor shameful Jenny, full of grace
Thus with your head upon my knee;—
Whose person or whose purse may be
The lodestar of your reverie?
This room of yours, my Jenny, looks
A change from mine so full of books,
Whose serried ranks hold fast, forsooth,
So many captive hours of youth,—
The hours they thieve from day and night
To make one's cherished work come right,
And leave it wrong for all their theft,
Even as to-night my work was left:
Until I vowed that since my brain
And eyes of dancing seemed so fain,
My feet should have some dancing too:—
And thus it was I met with you.
Well, I suppose 'twas hard to part,
For here I am. And now, sweetheart,
You seem too tired to get to bed.
It was a careless life I led
When rooms like this were scarce so strange
Not long ago. What breeds the change,—
The many aims or the few years?
Because to-night it all appears
Something I do not know again.
The cloud's not danced out of my brain—
The cloud that made it turn and swim
While hour by hour the books grew dim.
Why, Jenny, as I watch you there,—
For all your wealth of loosened hair,
Your silk ungirdled and unlac'd
And warm sweets open to the waist,
All golden in the lamplight's gleam,—

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Jenny Pazza

Jenny non vuol pi parlare
non vuol pi giocare
vorrebbe soltanto dormire
Jenny non vuol pi capire
sbadiglia soltanto
non vuol pi nemmeno mangiare.
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire.
Jenny ha lasciato la gente
a guardarsi stupita
a cercar di capire che cosa
Jenny non sente pi niente
non sente le voci
che il vento le porta.
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire.
Io che l'ho vista piangere di gioia e ridere
e pi di lei la vita credo mai nessuno am
io non vi credo lasciatela stare
voi non potete...
Jenny non pu pi restare
portatela via
rovina il morale alla gente
Jenny sta bene
la curano
potr anche guarire un giorno.
Jenny pazza
c' chi dice anche questo
Jenny pazza
c' chi dice anche questo.
Jenny ha pagato per tutti
ha pagato per noi
che restiamo a guardarla ora
Jenny soltanto un ricordo
qualcosa di amaro
da spingere gi in fondo.
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire
Jenny stanca
Jenny vuole dormire...

song performed by Vasco RossiReport problemRelated quotes
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Got til Its Gone

Whats... whats the next song?
The one about me
Oh yeah?
I like this song
Uh-uh like joni says...
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its--
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its--
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its--
You dont know what youve got til its--
Have a feelin
Now believin
That you were the one
I was meant to be with
Oh how Im wishin
Thinkin dreamin
Bout you
And the love
Howd I ever let you get away?
Got til its gone
Dont- dont- dont it always--,
Dont- dont- dont it always--
Got til its gone
Dont- dont- dont it always--
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its
Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its
Joni mitchell never lies
You dont know what youve got til its

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song performed by Janet JacksonReport problemRelated quotes
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Con Voi

Mia cara, voglio farvi sapere

Qualcosa che è molto importante per me,

E qualcosa che può essere

Molto importante per lei,

Se apprezzi il mio amore solo

Come valore di tuo.

Mia cara, sono stato con voi per

Come posso ricordare.

Mi ricordo quando eravamo bambini,

E i nostri genitori erano vicini,

E siamo stati vicini, come pure,


E i nostri genitori sarebbero pianificare 'gioco-date'

Come chiamati li allora e ancora adesso,

E c'era molto di più ad esso.

Si, tua sorella e tuo fratello sarebbe venuto sopra,

E potrebbe appendere fuori con mio fratello, mia sorella e me.

Ricordo che pensavo che le ragazze erano lorde,

E voi, vorrei evitare

E hai pensato che avevo una malattia,

Così sarebbe evitare me, troppo.

Ma, dopo un paio di settimane,

Siamo diventati amici,

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Jenny Carrister, The Heroine of Lucknow-Mine

A heroic story I will unfold,
Concerning Jenny Carrister, a heroine bold,
Who lived in Australia, at a gold mine called Lucknow,
And Jenny was beloved by the the miners, somehow.

Jenny was the only daughter of the old lady who owned the mine-
And Jenny would come of an evening, like a gleam of sunshine,
And by the presence of her bright face and cheery voice,
She made the hearts of the unlucky diggers rejoice.

There was no pride about her, and day after day,
She walked with her young brother, who was always gay,
A beautiful boy he was, about thirteen years old,
And Jenny and her brother by the miners were greatly extolled.

Old Mrs Carrister was every inch a lady in her way,
Because she never pressed any of the miners that weren't able to pay
For the liberty of working the gold-field,
Which was thirty pounds per week for whatever it might yield.

It was in the early part of the year 1871,
That Jack Allingford, a miner, hit on a plan,
That in the mine, with powder, he'd loosen the granite-bound face,
So he selected, as he thought, a most suitable place.

And when all his arrangements had been made,
He was lowered down by a miner that felt a little afraid,
But most fortunately Jenny Carrister came up at the time,
Just as Jack Allingford was lowered into the mine.

Then she asked the man at the windlass if he'd had any luck,
But he picked up a piece of candle and then a match he struck;
Then Jenny asked the miner, What is that for?
And he replied to blast the mine, which I fear and abhor.

Then with a piece of rope he lowered the candle and matches into the mine,
While brave Jenny watched the action all the time;
And as the man continued to turn round the windlass handle,
Jenny asked him, Isn't it dangerous to lower the matches and candle?

Then the man replied, I hope there's no danger, Jenny, my lass,
But whatsoever God has ordained will come to pass;
And just as he said so the windlass handle swung round,
And struck him on the forehead, and he fell to the ground.

And when Jenny saw the blood streaming from the fallen man's head,
She rushed to the mouth of the shaft without any dread,
And Jenny called loudly, but received no reply,
So to her brother standing near by she heaved a deep sigh.

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Sarah’s Special Birthday

There once was a girl named Sarah who had a special toy,

Her toy was a doll named Melodie who brought her lots of joy.

One night when Sarah fell asleep with Melodie in her hand,

Sarah started dreaming she was in a faraway land.

This land was filled with beautiful flowers, birds and butterflies,

This was the land of Krendoll where magical dolls come alive!

Then Sarah saw a shadow along side a tree,

She notices it’s Melodie as happy as can be!

Melodie is sitting on a magical unicorn, the unicorn is fair, soft and

The unicorn’s name is UniCandle with his horn shining bright!

Melodie jumps off of UniCandle who lets her to the ground,

And Sarah notices many, many, many presents all around.

The presents are all wrapped with big shiny bows,

They all fit in a glittering cart that has a glittering glow.

“It’s a Special Birthday for…guess who? You guessed it shouts

Melodie, Sarah all the presents are for you! ”

“The magic of your Special Dream brought you to this land,

The land of Special Birthdays is right where you now stand! ”

Then all of a sudden, UniCandle’s horn lit up a deep orange blue,

The flickering of his golden flame would make Sarah’s birthday wish

come true!

Then Melodie moved the cart with the help of the big golden handles,

So UniCandle could reach Sarah’s birthday cake and light Sarah’s

birthday candle.

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Jenny Wore Black

Jenny wore black
Jenny wore white - white!
And jenny was real
But almost not quite
And jenny was here
She was almost inside
And jenny was real
But jenny was frightened by the way
We looked at her
And jenny could see
She was only a child
Jenny concealed all but her smile
And when she smiled we said hey hey!
Youll never see clear with tears in your face hey!
Youll never see clearly anyway
I said I loved you blindly, and I do
Were only two strangers in ways
We shall say
Jenny wore black
Jenny wore white, white!
And jenny was real but almost not quite (la la la la la la)
And jenny was here she was almost on time
And jenny was real
But jenny was frightened by the way
We looked at her
And jenny could see within us for a while
Jenny revealed all but her smile
And when she smiled we said hey hey!
Youll never see clear with tears in your face hey!
Youll never see clearly anyway
I said I loved you blindly, and I do
Were only two strangers in ways
We should say
You always caught my eyes where
The dreams peter in
And I cant remember
Wherever Ive been
Theres still holes for my eyes
Where the dreams peter through
All I can remember
Is when I was with you
We say hey hey!
Youll never see clear with tears in your face hey!
Youll never see clearly anyway
I said I loved you blindly, and I do
Were only two strangers in ways
We shall say

song performed by Men Without HatsReport problemRelated quotes
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Tam Lin

O I forbid you, maidens a',
That wear gowd on your hair,
To come or gae by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.

There's nane that gaes by Carterhaugh
But they leave him a wad,
Either their rings, or green mantles,
Or else their maidenhead.

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has braided her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she's awa' to Carterhaugh,
As fast as she can hie.

When she came to Carterhaugh
Tam Lin was at the well,
And there she fand his steed standing,
But away was himsel.

She had na pu'd a double rose,
A rose but only twa,
Till up then started young Tam Lin,
Says, 'Lady, thou's pu nae mae.

'Why pu's thou the rose, Janet,
And why breaks thou the wand?
Or why comes thou to Carterhaugh
Withoutten my command?'

'Carterhaugh, it is my ain,
My daddie gave it me;
I'll come and gang by Carterhaugh,
And ask nae leave at thee.'

* * * * *

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has snooded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she is to her father's ha,
As fast as she can hie.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the ba,
And out then cam the fair Janet,
Ance the flower amang them a'.

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Tam Lin

O I forbid you, maidens a',
That wear gowd on your hair,
To come or gae by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.

There's nane that gaes by Carterhaugh
But they leave him a wad,
Either their rings, or green mantles,
Or else their maidenhead.

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she's awa to Carterhaugh
As fast as she can hie.

When she came to carterhaugh
Tam Lin was at the well,
And there she fand his steed standing,
But away was himsel.

She had na pu'd a double rose,
A rose but only twa,
Till upon then started young Tam Lin,
Says, Lady, thou's pu nae mae.

Why pu's thou the rose, Janet,
And why breaks thou the wand?
Or why comes thou to Carterhaugh
Withoutten my command?

"Carterhaugh, it is my own,
My daddy gave it me,
I'll come and gang by Carterhaugh,
And ask nae leave at thee."

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she is to her father's ha,
As fast as she can hie.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the ba,
And out then came the fair Janet,
The flower among them a'.

Four and twenty ladies fair

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Tam Lin

O I forbid you, maidens a',
That wear gowd on your hair,
To come or gae by Carterhaugh,
For young Tam Lin is there.

There's nane that gaes by Carterhaugh
But they leave him a wad,
Either their rings, or green mantles,
Or else their maidenhead.

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she's awa to Carterhaugh
As fast as she can hie.

When she came to carterhaugh
Tam Lin was at the well,
And there she fand his steed standing,
But away was himsel.

She had na pu'd a double rose,
A rose but only twa,
Till upon then started young Tam Lin,
Says, Lady, thou's pu nae mae.

Why pu's thou the rose, Janet,
And why breaks thou the wand?
Or why comes thou to Carterhaugh
Withoutten my command?

"Carterhaugh, it is my own,
My daddy gave it me,
I'll come and gang by Carterhaugh,
And ask nae leave at thee."

Janet has kilted her green kirtle
A little aboon her knee,
And she has broded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree,
And she is to her father's ha,
As fast as she can hie.

Four and twenty ladies fair
Were playing at the ba,
And out then came the fair Janet,
The flower among them a'.

Four and twenty ladies fair

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The Modest Couple

When man and maiden meet, I like to see a drooping eye,
I always droop my own - I am the shyest of the shy.
I'm also fond of bashfulness, and sitting down on thorns,
For modesty's a quality that womankind adorns.

Whenever I am introduced to any pretty maid,
My knees they knock together, just as if I were afraid;
I flutter, and I stammer, and I turn a pleasing red,
For to laugh, and flirt, and ogle I consider most ill-bred.

But still in all these matters, as in other things below,
There is a proper medium, as I'm about to show.
I do not recommend a newly-married pair to try
To carry on as PETER carried on with SARAH BLIGH.

Betrothed they were when very young - before they'd learnt to speak
(For SARAH was but six days old, and PETER was a week);
Though little more than babies at those early ages, yet
They bashfully would faint when they occasionally met.

They blushed, and flushed, and fainted, till they reached the
age of nine,
When PETER'S good papa (he was a Baron of the Rhine)
Determined to endeavour some sound argument to find
To bring these shy young people to a proper frame of mind.

He told them that as SARAH was to be his PETER'S bride,
They might at least consent to sit at table side by side;
He begged that they would now and then shake hands, till he
was hoarse,
Which SARAH thought indelicate, and PETER very coarse.

And PETER in a tremble to the blushing maid would say,
"You must excuse papa, MISS BLIGH, - it is his mountain way."
Says SARAH, "His behaviour I'll endeavour to forget,
But your papa's the coarsest person that I ever met.

"He plighted us without our leave, when we were very young,
Before we had begun articulating with the tongue.
His underbred suggestions fill your SARAH with alarm;
Why, gracious me! he'll ask us next to walk out arm-in-arm!"

At length when SARAH reached the legal age of twenty-one,
The Baron he determined to unite her to his son;
And SARAH in a fainting-fit for weeks unconscious lay,
And PETER blushed so hard you might have heard him miles away.

And when the time arrived for taking SARAH to his heart,
They were married in two churches half-a-dozen miles apart
(Intending to escape all public ridicule and chaff),

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Back O The Moon

[ music: dennis drew/lyric: natalie merchant ]
Jenny you dont know the nights I hide
Below a second story room
To whistle you down
The man whos let to divvy up
Time is a miser
Hes got a silver coin
Only lets it shine for hours
While you sleep it away
Theres one rare and odd style of living
Part only known to the everybody jenny
A comical wheres the end parade
Of the sort people here would think unusual
Tonight upon the mock brine of a luna sea
Far off we sail on to back o the moon
Jenny you dont know the days Ive tried
Telling backyard tales
So to maybe amuse
O your mood is never giddy
If you smile Im delighted
But youd rather pout
Such a lazy child
You dare fold your arms
Tisk and say that I lie
Theres one rare and odd style of thinking
Part only known to the everybody jenny
The small step and giant leap takers
Got the head start in the race toward it
Tonight upon the mock brine of a luna sea
Far off we sail on to the back o the moon
That was a sigh
But not meant to envy you
When your age was mine
Some things were sworn true
Morning would come
And calendar pages had
New printed seasons on
Their opposite sides
Jenny you dont know the nights I hide
Below a second story room
To whistle you down
O the man whos let to divvy up
Time is a miser
Hes got a silver coin
Lets it shine for hours

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song performed by 10000 ManiacsReport problemRelated quotes
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Thomas Hardy

The Dance At The Phoenix

TO Jenny came a gentle youth
From inland leazes lone;
His love was fresh as apple-blooth
By Parrett, Yeo, or Tone.
And duly he entreated her
To be his tender minister,
And call him aye her own.

Fair Jenny's life had hardly been
A life of modesty;
At Casterbridge experience keen
Of many loves had she
From scarcely sixteen years above:
Among them sundry troopers of
The King's-Own Cavalry.

But each with charger, sword, and gun,
Had bluffed the Biscay wave;
And Jenny prized her gentle one
For all the love he gave.
She vowed to be, if they were wed,
His honest wife in heart and head
From bride-ale hour to grave.

Wedded they were. Her husband's trust
In Jenny knew no bound,
And Jenny kept her pure and just,
Till even malice found
No sin or sign of ill to be
In one who walked so decently
The duteous helpmate's round.

Two sons were born, and bloomed to men,
And roamed, and were as not:
Alone was Jenny left again
As ere her mind had sought
A solace in domestic joys,
And ere the vanished pair of boys
Were sent to sun her cot.

She numbered near on sixty years,
And passed as elderly,
When, in the street, with flush of fears,
On day discovered she,
From shine of swords and thump of drum,
Her early loves from war had come,
The King's Own Cavalry.

She turned aside, and bowed her head
Anigh Saint Peter's door;

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Cushie Butterfield

I'm a broken-hearted keelman
and I'm o'er head in love
With a young lass from Gyetsid
And I call 'er my dove
Her name's Cushie Butterfield
And she sells yellow clay
And 'er cousins a muckman
And they call him Tom Gray
She's a big lass
She's a bonny lass
And she likes her beer
And I call her Cushie Butterfield
And I wish she was here
Her eyes is like two holes
In a blanket burnt through
And her breath in the mornin'
Would scare a young coo
She wears big galoshes
And her stockings once was white
And her bed gown it's lilac
And her hat's never straight
Cushie Butterfield
Aa's a broken hairted keel man and Aa's ower heed in luv
Wiv a young lass in Gyetsid an Aa caal hor me duv
Hor nyem's Cushie Butterfield and she sells Yalla clay
And her cousin is a muckman and they caall im Tom Gray.
Chorus- She's a big lass an' a bonnie lass an' she likes hor beer
An they caall hor Cushie Butterfield an' aa wish she war heor
Her eyes are like two holes in a blanket bornt throo,
An' her brows in a mornin wad spyen a young coo;
An' when aw heer her shootin "will ye buy ony clay,"
Like a candy man's trumpet, it steels ma young hart away.
Ye'll oft see hor doon at Sangit when the fresh harrin cims in,
She's like a bagfull o'saadust tied roond wiv a string;
She weers big galoshes tee, an' hor stockins once was white,
An' hor bedgoon it's laelock, but hor hat's nivver strite.
Whan Aa axed hor te marry us, she started te laff;
"Noo, nyen o'yor munkey tricks, for Aa like nee such chaff"
Then she started a' blubblin' an' roared like a bull,
An' the cheps on the Keel ses As's nowt but a fyeul.
She sez "The chep that gets me'll heh to work ivry day,
An when he cums hyem at neets hell heh te gan an' seek clay;
An' when he's away seekin't aal myek balls an' sing'
Weel may the keel row that my laddies in !"
Noo, aw heer she hes anuther chep, an' he hews at Shipcote'

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song performed by StingReport problemRelated quotes
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Making Love In The Rain

(duet with lisa keith)
Making love in the rain, I cant believe the joy it brings me
And when Im all alone, I hear the rain on my window
Its just a little thing, but it means so much to me
Our bodies together, while the rain plays a melody
Every raindrop makes me think of you
(wishing you were close to me)
There is nothing that Id rather do
Making love in the rain, I cant believe the joy it brings me
And when Im all alone, I hear the rain on my window
When its stormy outside, its calm in my heart, with you in my arms
And when youre away from me, I wish it would rain cause its always the same
Every raindrop makes me think of you
(wishing you were close to me)
There is nothing that Id rather do
(rather do)
Making love in the rain, I cant believe the joy it brings me
(I cant believe)
And when Im all alone, I hear the rain on my window
(on my window)
Every raindrop makes me think of you
(wishing you were close to me)
There is nothing
That Id rather do than
(that Id rather do than)
Making love in the rain, I cant believe the joy it brings me
(oh, oh making love)
And when Im all alone
(all alone)
I hear the rain on my window
(on my window, I hear it rain, yeah)
Making love in the rain, I cant believe the joy it brings me
Ooh, ooh ooh yeah
All alone, I hear the rain, I hear the rain

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song performed by Janet JacksonReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Jellyman Kelly

Heres a song about jellyman kelly,
He loves jelly the most.
Ah, but most of all,
Jellyman kelly loves jelly on toast.
And heres the part about jenny mulhenny,
Shes a firemans daughter.
Yeah, but most of all,
Jenny mulhenny loves to boil hot water
Jenny put the kettle on, jellyman kelly,
Can he come home, jenny, can he come?
Jenny put the kettle on, jellyman kelly,
Can he come home, jenny, can he come?
Oh, can he come home, jenny,
Can he come home, jenny can he come?
Oh, can he come home, jenny
Can he come home, jenny, can he come?
Yada yada yada voo doo papa
Yodely doo
Da voody doo doo doo
Yaka yaka yaka yaka hum hon no
(repeat chorus)
Thats the story about jellyman kelly-he still loves jelly!
And yes and maybe someday you and me, friend,
We can have tea with him!
(repeat chorus)

song performed by James TaylorReport problemRelated quotes
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Jenny Dreamed Of Trains

This song was first released on the all aboard! album. it is the only album it has been released on.
When jenny was a little girl, she only dreamed of trains
She never played with dolls or lacy kinds of things
Jenny counted boxcars instead of counting sheep
She could go anywhere when she went to sleep
All she ever talked about was getting on to ride
She was living in another time you could see it in her eyes
And every day after school shed head down to the track
Waiting for the train that was never coming back
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the nighttime came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
The depots been boarded up, the rails have turned to rust
There hasnt been a train through here since the mill went bust
No one believed her when she said she heard the train
Said she was just a little girl acting kind of strange
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the nighttime came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
Jenny laid a penny on the track one day
In God we trust she walked away
The very next morning all she could find
Was a little piece of copper squashed flatter than a dime
Jenny dreamed of trains
When the nighttime came
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
Nobody knew how she made it come true
Jenny dreamed of trains
Words and music by vince gill and guy clark

song performed by John DenverReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Gusto Nako Mahimo Kong Gary Soto

gusto nakong mosulat sama kang gary soto
kanang mora kog trabahante nga gadala anang
pala og piko kanang gakandos sa yuta og dayog
pangagho, kanang gahandom kos bulad nga sud-an
og humot kaayo nga mais nga luto og dayon og
inom sa bugnaw kaayong tubig gikan sa atabay,

gusto kong moadto sa uma og mosimhot sa mga
bulak sa iyang mga gapas, gusto nakong makita
ang iyang giingon nga pula kaayo nga adlaw nga
iyang gikumkom sa iyang palad, ganahan ko nga
mahimo kong gary soto, magtindog nga gary soto,
og molingkod nga gary soto, og modagan nga gary
soto, og moambak na gary soto, kadtong mokuyog
sa mga langgam nga namakwit paingon sa San
Francisco, kanang mora kog tubig sa kanal nga
mikuyog sa pagdagan sa hangin paingon sa mga
lugar nga dagko og sweldo ang hago nga trabaho,

apan dili man gyod nako makaya si gary soto,
mas nindot man gayod ang pagsulat ni gary
sa iyang mga pangagho, sa iyang mga kahiubos
og pagpalutos: dili gayod ako mahimong gary
soto, mao nga ako ania, mao lang gihapon sa
akong pagkaako niining akong mga balak sa
pag-eksperimento. Sagdi na lang, basin puhon
maawat ko ra si gary soto sa iyang pagkamaldito

poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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