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I am a huge admirer of Elizabeth I, and this intriguing biography gives a wonderful picture of the era.

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I Saw It Myself (Short Verse Drama)

Dramatis Personae: Adrian, his wife Ester, his sisters Rebecca and Johanna, his mother Elizabeth, the high priest Chiapas, the disciple Simon Peter, the disciple John, Mary Magdalene, worshipers, priests, two angels and Jesus Christ.

Act I

Scene I.- Adrian’s house in Jerusalem. Adrian has just returned home after a business journey in Galilee, in time to attend the Passover feast. He sits at the table with his wife Ester and his sisters, Rebecca and Johanna. It’s just before sunset on the Friday afternoon.

Adrian. (Somewhat puzzled) Strange things are happening,
some say demons dwell upon the earth,
others angelic beings, miracles take place
and all of this when they had put a man to death,
had crucified a criminal. Everybody knows
the cross is used for degenerates only!

Rebecca. (With a pleasant voice) Such harsh words used,
for a good, a great man brother?
They say that without charge
he healed the sick, brought back sight,
cured leprosy, even made some more food,
from a few fishes and loafs of bread…

Adrian. (Somewhat harsh) They say many things!
That he rode into Jerusalem
to be crowned as the new king,
was a rebel against the state,
even claimed to be
the very Son of God,
now that is blasphemy
if there is no truth to it!

Johanna. I met him once.
He’s not the man
that you make him, brother.
There was a strange tranquilly to Him.
Some would say a divine presence,
while He spoke of love that is selfless,
visited the sick, the poor
and even the destitute, even harlots.

Adrian. (Looks up) There you have it!
Harlots! Tax collecting thieves!
A man is know by his friends,
or so they say and probably
there is some truth to it.

Ester. Husband, do not be so quick to judge.
I have seen Him myself, have seen
Roman soldiers marching Him to the hill
to take His life, with a angry crowd
following and mocking Him.

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Picture Picture by Tanya Markova

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture ohh...

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture ohh...

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture
Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture

Picture picture ohh...

Nang gabing masilayan ka...
Dala-dala ko pa
Ang aking lumang camera

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture

Picture picture ohh...

Campus gig noon at nag-aya ang tropa
Maraming bebot ang nagsasayaw
Nang biglang mapansin kita

What a beautiful face
At kinunan kita
What a beautiful face
Angat ka sa iba

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture

Picture picture ohh...
Picture picture

What a beautiful
What a beautiful face

I saw her face
Mukha syang taga-a a outerspace
Si Mang Roger ako'y kinalabit
Ang sabi
Halika na balot muna

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Buried Alive!

The air was thin as I breathed it in,
It scarcely filled my throat,
I thrashed about and I tried to shout
But all I could do was croak,
I couldn't move for the lid above
And the sides just hemmed me in,
When a tap-tap-tap beneath my back
Broke in on my nightmare dream.

'Elizabeth! Elizabeth! ' I croaked,
As the torment grew,
'Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Oh Lord,
Please Lord, not you! '
The sweat broke out on my fevered brow,
The terror grew within,
For hell was there in my bleak despair
As the rattle of death chimed in!

My wife then slapped me about the face,
'Wake up - it's only a dream! '
I filled my lungs with a rush of air,
And fought the desire to scream.
'And who's this woman, Elizabeth? '
She said in a sombre tone,
'If ever I thought I'd caught you out
You'd be coming on home, alone.'

I shook my head in confusion then,
'Not true! There's only you!
The dream is simply an awful scene
Night terrors put me through.'
'You'd better get to a Shrink, ' she said,
'I've had enough of this,
For every night it's the same, you fight
For a woman you seem to miss.'

I went to a Psych, with no result,
I went to a Naturopath,
I tried to sweat out the evil in
The salts of a cleansing bath,
I even sat in a séance, tried
To find if a spirit cared,
When the spirit of one, Elizabeth, said:
'Remember the love we shared! '

'I know of no Elizabeth! '
I said, with my conscience clear,
It's only a dream that returns to me
Whenever the stars appear! '
It pushed the planchette back and forth,

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Wonderful World

(d. fletcher / m. flett)
This is a wonderful day
Its as bright as a days ever been
There is a big yellow sun looking down
On a wonderful scene
Up in the blue sky birds fly
And sing our cares away
And out of each throat each note
Greets a wonderful day
There is the sound of a symphony
Carried along on the breeze
Even the flowers are swaying in time
With the leaves on the trees
Heaven is found right here on the earth
It surrounds us in the wonderful things all around
In this wonderful wonderful
Wonderful wonderful world
This is a wonderful day
Its as bright as a days ever been
There is a big yellow sun looking down
On a wonderful scene
Heaven is found right here on the earth
It surrounds us in the wonderful things all around
In this wonderful wonderful
Wonderful wonderful world
Wonderful world, this wonderful world
Wonderful world, this wonderful world
Wonderful world, this wonderful world

song performed by Elvis PresleyReport problemRelated quotes
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How I Picture Heaven

How I Picture Heaven by Kenny Davis

How do I picture Heaven?
The great kingdom among clouds
His children, His saints
His angels, rejoicing loud

How do I picture Heaven?
This astonishing, glorious place
Where I pray to have the honor
To gaze upon his majestic face

How do I picture Heaven?
The street paved in gold
Worth more than the richest treasure
Even grander than I was told

How do I picture Heaven?
Beyond light-years away from earth
Beyond mere galaxies away from pain
Even much further away all of the hurt

How do I picture Heaven?
Many mansions made of pearl
Luster brighter than the stars
One that shines across the world

How do I picture Heaven?
Free of worry and strife
No more heartbreak and heart ache
Looking forward to this eternal life

How do I picture Heaven?
On every face, there is a smile
The joy amongst his followers
Can be seen for many miles

How do I picture Heaven?
Land of milk and honey
Sweeter than grain of a sugar cane
And every day is sunny

How do I picture Heaven?
Or should I say, “The land of honey and milk”
With everyone in their marvelous robes
Softer than Egyptian silk
How do I picture Heaven?
Land of joy and bliss
If you are to miss the train
Oh! What a party you would miss!

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_May 1, 1891_.


Elizabeth! Elizabeth!
The first May-morning whispereth
Thy gentle name in every breeze
That lispeth through the young-leaved trees,
New raimented in white and green
Of bloom and leaf to crown thee queen;--
And, as in odorous chorus, all
The orchard-blossoms sweetly call
Even as a singing voice that saith
Elizabeth! Elizabeth!


Elizabeth! Lo, lily-fair,
In deep, cool shadows of thy hair,
Thy face maintaineth its repose.--
Is it, O sister of the rose,
So better, sweeter, blooming thus
Than in this briery world with us?--
Where frost o'ertaketh, and the breath
Of biting winter harrieth
With sleeted rains and blighting snows
All fairest blooms--Elizabeth!


Nay, then!--So reign, Elizabeth,
Crowned, in thy May-day realm of death!
Put forth the scepter of thy love
In every star-tipped blossom of
The grassy dais of thy throne!
Sadder are we, thus left alone,
But gladder they that thrill to see
Thy mother's rapture, greeting thee.
Bereaved are we by life--not death--
Elizabeth! Elizabeth!

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Swr For The Love Of Sir Walter Raleigh

Elizabeth intelligent forthright
courageous won passionate;
risk love of Sir Walter Raleigh
eleven years her senior at least?

Elizabeth fell in love soon pregnant
spicy summer love won two heart’s;
without permission a marriage secret
birth to love baby boy Damerei born.

Elizabeth immediately returned
to royal court child named;
for claimed Sir Walter's ancestors
child of cursed plague died;

aged but babe six months
marriage ruin discovered;
in May 1592 ruinously was
reaped rage consequences.

Queen required her royal ladies
-in-waiting to get her permission;
to marry had Raleigh arrested
immediately jailed imprisoned;

in infamous Tower of London
Elizabeth expelled from court;
was also in tower imprisoned
Elizabeth obtained disfavoured;

quarters near her husband
at Tower where their child;
probably cell plagued died
to broken hearted distress.

Queen love couple expected
to sue for her royal pardon;
but both grief mourn refused
Raleigh disgrace fell five years.

Twas prize Spanish gold allowed
Raleigh bold release from prison;
to divide spoils from won captured
Spanish ship taken Madre de Dios.

During Raleigh's later absences
in search of El Dorado legends;
gold subsequent imprisonments
Elizabeth managed his business.

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The Wonderful Aussie Waler

When Allenby's Army smashed the Turk
Who was the bloke who did all the work
The Aussie knows and he'll tell you straight
That most of the job was done by his mate
The wonderful Aussie Waler
It was umpty-nine in the shade each day
And the wells were spoiled in the Turkish way
But with nothing to eat and plenty to do
The heart of the Waler carried him through
The wonderful, wonderful Waler

For ten long weeks through the desert hot
He plugged along and all that he got
Was a drink, or not a drink a day
But did the stamina once give way
Of the wonderful Aussie Waler?
Was he the one to desert his mate?
Just watch him coming up the straight
With twenty stone of harness and man
No wonder the Turk was an also ran
With the wonderful, wonderful Waler

When drinks were not and feeds were few
There still was his harness that he could chew
With a nibble or two at another's mane
He plucked up heart to march again
The wonderful Aussie Waler
And when everything edible seemed to be stale
A hair or two from a neighbour's tail
Makes a pleasant meal and there's no doubt
They took it turn and turn about
The wonderful, wonderful Waler

A great Australian through and through
There's a good time coming old horse for you
There's a paddock green with grass to your knees
And there you shall roll at your lordly ease
My wonderful Aussie Waler
With a gallop or two to keep you fit
And won't it bring back the thrill of it!
There 're no more hardships and little work
For the cobber who broke the heathen Turk
My wonderful, wonderful Waler

But what is that the orders tell?
This mate of mine they're going to sell
To the old home paddock you'll never come back
They are selling you as a local's hack
My wonderful, wonderful Waler
The times together that we've been through

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Bambino Io, Bambino Tu (Legenda)

Lui stava l seduto nel giardino,
ed era quasi nudo e piccolino.
Da dove era venuto non lo so,
era normale che lui fosse l.
Aveva un occhio nero e un occhio blu,
bambino io, bambino tu.
Sembrava primavera ed era inverno,
e c'erano dei fiori tutto intorno.
Doveva essere buio e c'era luce,
e tutto quello che mi piace.
Aveva un occhio nero e un occhio blu,
bambino io, bambino tu.
Mi sono seduto in terra l vicino,
ed era lui mio padre e lui mio figlio.
Ho parlato di cose che non so,
di cose che non ho saputo mai.
Aveva un occhio nero e un occhio blu,
bambino io, bambino tu.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
Poi mi venuto sonno l in giardino,
cantava e la sua voce era sottile.
Mi sono svegliato e lui non c'era pi,
c'era un fiore di carta al posto suo.
Io avevo un occhio nero e un occhio blu,
bambino io, bambino tu.
Mi sono svegliato e lui non c'era pi,
io avevo un occhio nero e un occhio blu,
bambino io, bambino tu.
Bambino io, bambino tu.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah...
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.
E ninna oh e ninna ah.

song performed by ZuccheroReport problemRelated quotes
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Elizabeth, I Love You

Written and composed by michael jackson
Welcome to hollywood
Thats what they told you
A child star in hollywood
Thats what they sold you
Grace with beauty, charme and talent
You would do what you were told
But they robbed you of childhood
Took your youth and sold it for gold
Elizabeth, I love you
Youre every star that shines in the world to me
Elizabeth cant you see that its true
Elizabeth, I love you
Youre more than just a star to me
Lovely elizabeth
You have surpassed them all
My friend elizabeth
Learned to outlast them all
Many started back when you did
Lost their way and now theyre gone
But look at you, a true survivor
Full of life and carrying on
This is your life
You seem to have it all
You reached your peak
They wanted you to fall
Its very sad, this world can be so bad
But though all the heartaches
When they put you down
You know you were the victor
And you earned the crown
Its like walking through the fire
Determinded to win
You were beating lifes battles
Again and again
Elizabeth, I love you
Youre every star that shines in the world to me
Elizabeth cant you see that its true
Remember the time I was alone
You stood by my side and said:
Lets be strong
You did all these tings
That only a true friend can do
Elizabeth, I love you
The world knows your work now
I pray one day Ill be just like... you.

song performed by Michael JacksonReport problemRelated quotes
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Con Voi

Mia cara, voglio farvi sapere

Qualcosa che è molto importante per me,

E qualcosa che può essere

Molto importante per lei,

Se apprezzi il mio amore solo

Come valore di tuo.

Mia cara, sono stato con voi per

Come posso ricordare.

Mi ricordo quando eravamo bambini,

E i nostri genitori erano vicini,

E siamo stati vicini, come pure,


E i nostri genitori sarebbero pianificare 'gioco-date'

Come chiamati li allora e ancora adesso,

E c'era molto di più ad esso.

Si, tua sorella e tuo fratello sarebbe venuto sopra,

E potrebbe appendere fuori con mio fratello, mia sorella e me.

Ricordo che pensavo che le ragazze erano lorde,

E voi, vorrei evitare

E hai pensato che avevo una malattia,

Così sarebbe evitare me, troppo.

Ma, dopo un paio di settimane,

Siamo diventati amici,

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Z. Comments


Madhur Veena Comment: Who is she? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ....You write good!

Margaret Alice Comment: Beautiful, it stikes as heartfelt words and touches the heart, beautiful sentiments, sorry, I repeat myself, but I am delighted. Your poem is like the trinkets I collect to adorn my personal space, pure joy to read, wonderful! Only a beautiful mind can harbour such sentiments, you have a beautiful mind. I am glad you have found someone that inspires you to such heights and that you share it with us, you make the world a mroe wonderful place.

Margaret Alice Comment: Within the context set by the previous poem, “Cosmic Probe”, the description of a lover’s adoration for his beloved becomes a universal ode sung to the abstract values of love, joy and hope personified by light, colours, fragrance and beauty, qualities the poet assigns to his beloved, thus elevating her to the status of an uplifting force because she brings all these qualities to his attention. The poet recognises that these personified values brings him fulfilment and chose the image of a love relationship to illustrate how this comes about; thus a love poem becomes the vehicle to convey spiritual epiphany.


Margaret Alice Comment: Your words seem to be directed to a divine entity, you seem to be addressing your adoration to a divinity, and it is wonderful to read of such sublime sentiments kindled in a human soul. Mankind is always lifted up by their vision and awareness of divinity, thank you for such pure, clear diction and sharing your awareness of the sublime with us, you have uplifted me so much by this vision you have created!

Margaret Alice Comment: The poet’s words seem to be directed to a divine entity, express adoration to a divinity who is the personification of wonderful qualities which awakens a sense of the sublime in the human soul. An uplifting vision and awareness of uplifting qualities of innocence represented by a beautiful person.


Kente Lucy Comment: wow great writing, what a way to bid farewell

Margaret Alice Comment: Sensory experience is elevated by its symbolical meaning, your description of the scene shows two souls becoming one and your awareness of the importance of tempory experience as a symbol of the eternal duration of love and companionship - were temporary experience only valid for one moment in time, it would be a sad world, but once it is seen as a symbol of eternal things, it becomes enchanting.


Margaret Alice Comment: You elevate the humnan experience of longing for love to a striving for sublimity in uniting with a beloved person, and this poem is stirring, your style of writing is effective, everything flows together perfectly.

Margaret Alice Comment:

'To a resplendent glow of celestial flow
And two split halves unite never to part.'

Reading your fluent poems is a delight, I have to tear myself away and return to the life of a drudge, but what a treasure trove of jewels you made for the weary soul who needs to contemplate higher ideals from time to time!


Margaret Alice Comment: When you describe how you are strengthened by your loved one, it is clear that your inner flame is so strong that you need not fear growing old, your spirit seems to become stronger, you manage to convey this impression by your striking poetry. It is a privilege to read your work.

Obed Dela Cruz Comment: wow.... i remembered will shakespeare.... nice poem!

Margaret Alice Comment: The poet has transcended the barriers of time and space by becoming an image of his beloved and being able to find peace in the joy he confers to his beloved.

'You transcend my limits, transcend my soul, I forget my distress in your thoughts And discover my peace in your joy, For, I’m mere image of you, my beloved.'

Margaret Alice Comment: You are my peace and solace, I know, I am, yours too; A mere flash of your thoughts Enlivens my tired soul And fills me with light, peace and solace, A giant in new world, I become, I rise to divine heights in celestial wings. How I desire to reciprocate To fill you with light and inner strength raise you to divine heights; I must cross over nd hold you in arms, light up your soul, Fill you with strength from my inner core, Wipe away your tears burst out in pure joy How I yearn to instill hope and confidence in you we never part And we shall wait, till time comes right. the flame in my soul always seeks you, you transcend my limits, transcend my soul, I forget my distress in your thoughts And discover my peace in your joy, For, I’m mere image of you, my beloved.


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Picture Book

Picture yourself when youre getting old,
Sat by the fireside a-pondering on[? ].
Picture book, pictures of your mama, taken by your papa a long time ago.
Picture book, of people with each other, to prove they love each other a long ago.
Na, na, na, na, na na.
Na, na, na, na, na na.
Picture book.
Picture book.
A picture of you in your birthday suit,
You sat in the sun on a hot afternoon.
Picture book, your mama and your papa, and fat old uncle charlie out cruising with their friends.
Picture book, a holiday in august, outside a bed and breakfast in sunny southend.
Picture book, when you were just a baby, those days when you were happy, a long time ago.
Na, na, na, na, na na.
Na, na, na, na, na na.
Picture book.
Picture book.
Picture book.
Picture book.
Picture book,
Na, na, na, na na,
Na, na, na, na na,
Picture book,
Na, na, na, na na,
Na, na, na, na na,
Picture book, pictures of your mama, taken by your papa a long time ago.
Long time ago,
Long time ago,
Long time ago,
Long time ago,
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

song performed by KinksReport problemRelated quotes
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Christmas Is Here

Christmas is here
Snowflakes filling the air
People rushing past every display
No time for napping
Theres buying and then wrapping
The gifts to be given away
Sparkling lights
All the dazzling sights
Christmas trees loaded with joy
Hearts full of giving
Children are living
For what could be their favorite toy
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful time of the year
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the year
Families together
No matter the weather
Feasting and fun is the goal
Grandma is making
Sugar cookies are baking
To warm up the body and soul
Full decoration
In anticipation of times
Marked with laughter and cheer
And day long awaited
And much celebrated
Christmas is finally here
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful time of the year
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the year
A festive occasion
A welcome invasion
Of carolers filling the air
Song of rejoicing
And everyone voicing
A story of hope we all share
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Its wonderful time of the year
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the year
Christmas is here
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the year
Christmas is finally here

song performed by Donna SummerReport problemRelated quotes
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Its A Wonderful World

(words & music by tepper - bennett)
Young as a circus parade, its a wonderful world
Pretty as pink lemonade, its a wonderful world
Life is a carnival, live it for all your worth
You are the star of the greatest show on earth
This big wide world is a clown with his nose painted red
A rainbow colored balloons dancing high overhead
Its everyones oyster, step up get your pearl
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world
This big wide world is a clown with his nose painted red
A rainbow colored balloons dancing high overhead
Its everyones oyster, step up get your pearl
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world
Its a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world

song performed by Elvis PresleyReport problemRelated quotes
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Some Kind Of Wonderful

I dont need a whole lots of money,
I dont need a big fine car.
I got everything that a man could want,
I got more than I could ask for.
I dont have to run around,
I dont have to stay out all night.
cause I got me a sweet ... a sweet, lovin woman,
And she knows just how to treat me right.
Well my baby, shes alright,
Well my baby, shes clean out-of-sight.
Dont you know that shes ... shes some kind of wonderful.
Shes some kind of wonderful ... yes she is, shes,
Shes some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh ...
When I hold her in my arms,
You know she sets my soul on fire.
Oooh, when my baby kisses me,
My heart becomes filled with desire.
When she wraps her lovin arms around me,
About drives me out of my mind.
Yeah, when my baby kisses me,
Chills run up and down my spine.
My baby, shes alright,
My baby, shes clean out-of-sight.
Dont you know that she is ... shes some kind of wonderful.
Shes some kind of wonderful ... yes she is,
Shes some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh ...
Now is there anybody, got a sweet little woman like mine?
There got to be somebody, got a, got a sweet little woman like mine? yeah!
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness? yeah ...
Can I get a witness? ohhh ...
Can I get a witness? yeah ...
Can I get a witness? yes.
Im talkin, talkin bout my baby. yeah.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Talkin bout my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Talkin bout my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Im talkin bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Im talkin about my baby, my baby, my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ... my baby, my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Talkin bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.
Im talkin bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
Shes some kind of wonderful.

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song performed by Grand Funk RailroadReport problemRelated quotes
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Wonderful Christmas

The moon is right
The spirits up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding Ohhhh
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The word is out
About the town
To lift a glass
Ahhh don't look down
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
They practiced all year long
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
The party's on
The spirits up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The moon is right
The spirits up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime

song performed by Paul McCartneyReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Wonderful Christmastime

The moon is right
The spirits up
Were here tonight
And thats enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The partys on
The feelins here
That only comes
This time of year
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding ohhhh
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The word is out
About the town
To lift a glass
Ahhh dont look down
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The choir of children sing their song
They practiced all year long
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
The partys on
The spirits up
Were here tonight
And thats enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
The moon is right
The spirits up
Were here tonight
And thats enough
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime
Simply having a wonderful christmastime

song performed by Paul McCartneyReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Wonderful In Young Life

Wonderful in young life
Two weeks in another town
Sending shivers along in the spine
Of your friends when they call
Here she comes
The wild wind blows
In rhythms of season
In young life and reasons
Deceiving and pleasing to some
Wild girls wild
In epic beauty wild
Surviving these changes
In paces and faces
In free wonder
Free wonder
Free wonder style
Little egypt eyes
And the world cant wait
And the beats white hot
Dream dream dream
Its the eighties youthful theme
Loving the city
A theme for great cities
And loved ones
And love
A crowded swallow skies
Whatever the weather
The climate is perfect for
So young
And so young in life
An angel day
Angels coming your way
Screaming food fortune
And follow
And look at the memories
That are stuck in our eyes
Little egypt eyes
And the world cant wait
Celebrate soul day
Wonderful in young life
Two weeks in another town

[...] Read more

song performed by Simple MindsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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