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Franz Kafka

One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.

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The Interpretation of Nature and


MAN, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or in thought of the course of nature: beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything.


Neither the naked hand nor the understanding left to itself can effect much. It is by instruments and helps that the work is done, which are as much wanted for the understanding as for the hand. And as the instruments of the hand either give motion or guide it, so the instruments of the mind supply either suggestions for the understanding or cautions.


Human knowledge and human power meet in one; for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produced. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed; and that which in contemplation is as the cause is in operation as the rule.


Towards the effecting of works, all that man can do is to put together or put asunder natural bodies. The rest is done by nature working within.


The study of nature with a view to works is engaged in by the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist, and the magician; but by all (as things now are) with slight endeavour and scanty success.


It would be an unsound fancy and self-contradictory to expect that things which have never yet been done can be done except by means which have never yet been tried.


The productions of the mind and hand seem very numerous in books and manufactures. But all this variety lies in an exquisite subtlety and derivations from a few things already known; not in the number of axioms.


Moreover the works already known are due to chance and experiment rather than to sciences; for the sciences we now possess are merely systems for the nice ordering and setting forth of things already invented; not methods of invention or directions for new works.


The cause and root of nearly all evils in the sciences is this -- that while we falsely admire and extol the powers of the human mind we neglect to seek for its true helps.


The subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the subtlety of the senses and understanding; so that all those specious meditations, speculations, and glosses in which men indulge are quite from the purpose, only there is no one by to observe it.


As the sciences which we now have do not help us in finding out new works, so neither does the logic which we now have help us in finding out new sciences.


The logic now in use serves rather to fix and give stability to the errors which have their foundation in commonly received notions than to help the search after truth. So it does more harm than good.


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Afrikaans: Sterregordels, Stilsonjare, Tydsbroekspypdinge, Haarsliert


Cosmology in Afrikaans is an ode to joy, the
terms form sing-song strings with delightful
sounds “ewigbewegende elektron”
continuously spinning electron

“elektron in die hart van die atoomkorrel”
electron in the centre of the atom particle
- what a song!

“Triljoene Melkwegstelsels waaromheen ons
Melkweg elke tweehonderdmiljoenjaar
wentel – ‘n mallemeule van sterregordels…”

“Dobberende patrone, mesone en elektrone,
'n konfigurasie van konvekse novae”…

- these terms are singing to me!

A merry-go-round of star systems

Quotes from Adriaan Snyman “Die Messias Kode” (The Messiah Code) pp.9,10

Bombardement Van Frekwensies (English Explanation)

Waarmee sal ek hierdie leë oomblikke,
ankerloos, betekenisloos; aan die ewigheid
vasmaak - die gevoelsruimte in my hart

Is leeg, alle gevoel en denke het gesamentlik
in die donker duisternis van my brein ingeval
‘n laserbrein wat die hologramwêreld

Self moet konsituteer uit ‘n bombardement
van betekenislose frekwensies – maar
vandag is die ligstraalfokus uit

My pendulumgedagtes swaai ongefokus rond
die opgerolde, ingevoude ses-en-twintig of
meer dimensies van die virtuele werklikheid

Wil nie vir my oopgaan nie…

All thought and feeling fell into the black hole in my brain and the twenty-six or more rolled-up frequencies of reality does not want to open for me today…

Geloof In Liefde - Faith In Love

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Hey girl, you're the one
That got me started
And i bet you'll be
The one to get us parted
In the beginning, in the beginning
You were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Now everybody's had their fun
How i'm wishing
We could live together
Ooh, but the answer
In your eyes is never
In the beginning, in the beginning
You were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Everybody's had their fun
Well, you and me
And we know what we're saying
To the rest of them
It's a game we're playing
In the beginning, in the beginning
We were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Everybody else will come
How i'm wishing
We could live together
Ooh, but the answer
In your eyes is never, never
In the beginning, in the beginning
You were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Or the mother of my son
In the beginning, in the beginning
You were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Everybody had their fun
How i'm wishing
We could live together
But the answer in your eyes is never
In the beginning, in the beginning
You were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning
Everybody had their fun
You and me
And we know what we're saying
To the rest of them
It's a game we're playing
In the beginning, in the beginning
We were the only one
In the beginning, in the beginning

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song performed by Uriah HeepReport problemRelated quotes
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Die Schwalbenhode


weh unser guter kaspar ist tot
wer trägt nun die brennende fahne im zopf wer dreht die
wer lockt das idyllische reh
auf dem meer verwirrte er die schiffe mit dem wörtchen
parapluie und die winde nannte er bienenvater
weh weh weh unser guter kaspar ist tot heiliger bimbam
kaspar ist tot
die heufische klappern in den glocken wenn man seinen vornamen
ausspricht darum seufze ich weiter kaspar
kaspar kaspar
warum bist du ein stern geworden oder eine kette aus wasser
an einem heißen wirbelwind oder ein euter aus
schwarzem licht oder ein durchsichtiger Ziegel an der
stöhnenden trommel des felsigen wesens
jetzt vertrocknen unsere scheitel und sohlen und die feen
liegen halbverkohlt auf den scheiterhaufen


jetzt donnert hinter der sonne
die schwarze kegelbahn und keiner zieht mehr die kompasse
und die räder der schiebkarren auf
wer ißt nun mit der ratte am einsamen tisch wer verjagt den
teufel wenn er die pferde verführen will wer erklärt uns
die monogramme in den sternen
seine büste wird die kamine aller wahrhaft edlen menschen
zieren doch das ist kein trost und schnupftabak für einen


auf den wasserkanzeln bewegten die kaskadeure ihre
fähnchen wie figura 5 zeigt
die abenteurer mit falschen bärten und diamantenen hufen
bestiegen vermittels aufgeblasener walfischhäute
schneiend das podium
der große geisterlöwe harun al raschid sprich harung al radi
gähnte dreimal und zeigte seine vom rauchen schwarz
gewordenen zähne
die merzerisierten klapperschlangen wickelten sich von ihren
spulen mähten ihr getreide und verschlossen es in steine
aus dem saum des todes traten die augen der jungen sterne
nach der geißelung auf der sonnenbacke tanzten die hufe des
esels auf flaschenköpfen
die toten fielen wie flocken von den ledernen türmen
wieviel totengerippe drehten die räder der tore
als der wasserfall dreimal gekräht hatte erblich seine tapete bis

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I Have A Woman Inside My Soul

I have a woman inside my soul,
Her eyes sombre and sad.
She waves her hand to try to reach me,
But I cant hear what she says.
I wish I knew what she says,
I wish I knew what she wants,
I wish I knew what she says to me,
I wish I knew what she means to me.
I see an asphalt road inside my soul,
Its pale even in a warm summers day.
It stretches into the mist and calls me,
But I dont know what it takes.
I wish I knew what it takes, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it gives, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it says to me, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it means to me. (I wish I knew)
I see a tombstone inside my soul,
Its old and mossy, covered in dead leaves.
It stands with an engraving on it surface,
But I dont know what it reads.
I wish I knew what it reads, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it says, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it says to me, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it means to me. (I wish I knew)
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey)
I feel snow covering inside my soul,
Its hard and shining in shades of grey.
No footsteps ever made their marks,
And I dont know when it melts.
I wish I knew when it melts, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew when it happens, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew if it happens at all, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it means to me. (I wish I knew)
I hear a stream running inside my soul,
Its cold and clear and carries a tune.
But I dont know what it sings and tells,
I dont know where it goes.
I wish I knew what it sings,
I wish I knew where it goes,
I wish I knew what it sings, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew where it goes, (I wish I knew)
I wish I knew what it sings. (I wish I knew)
(I wish I knew)
(I wish I knew) (yeah!)
(I wish I knew)
(I wish I knew)

song performed by Yoko OnoReport problemRelated quotes
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Beginning To See The Light

Well Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Some people work very hard,
But still they never get it right.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Now Im beginning to see the light.
Wine in the morning
And some breakfast at night.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Here we go again
Playing the fool again.
Here we go again
Acting hard again.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Now Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Im beginning to see the light.
I wore my teeth in my hands
So I could mess the hair of the night
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Hey Im beginning to see the light.
I met myself in a dream
And I just wanna tell you - everything was alright
Im beginning to see the light.
Here comes two of you,
Which one will you chose?
One is black, one is blue.
Dont look just what to do.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Now Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Well Im beginning to see the light.
Some people work very hard
But still they never get it right
Well Im beginning to see the light.
There are problems in these times
But none of them are mine
Baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Here we go again,
I thought that you were my friend.
Here we go again,
I thought that you were my friend.
How does it feel to be loved?
How does it feel to be loved?

song performed by Velvet UndergroundReport problemRelated quotes
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VII. Pompilia

I am just seventeen years and five months old,
And, if I lived one day more, three full weeks;
'T is writ so in the church's register,
Lorenzo in Lucina, all my names
At length, so many names for one poor child,
—Francesca Camilla Vittoria Angela
Pompilia Comparini,—laughable!
Also 't is writ that I was married there
Four years ago: and they will add, I hope,
When they insert my death, a word or two,—
Omitting all about the mode of death,—
This, in its place, this which one cares to know,
That I had been a mother of a son
Exactly two weeks. It will be through grace
O' the Curate, not through any claim I have;
Because the boy was born at, so baptized
Close to, the Villa, in the proper church:
A pretty church, I say no word against,
Yet stranger-like,—while this Lorenzo seems
My own particular place, I always say.
I used to wonder, when I stood scarce high
As the bed here, what the marble lion meant,
With half his body rushing from the wall,
Eating the figure of a prostrate man—
(To the right, it is, of entry by the door)
An ominous sign to one baptized like me,
Married, and to be buried there, I hope.
And they should add, to have my life complete,
He is a boy and Gaetan by name—
Gaetano, for a reason,—if the friar
Don Celestine will ask this grace for me
Of Curate Ottoboni: he it was
Baptized me: he remembers my whole life
As I do his grey hair.

All these few things
I know are true,—will you remember them?
Because time flies. The surgeon cared for me,
To count my wounds,—twenty-two dagger-wounds,
Five deadly, but I do not suffer much—
Or too much pain,—and am to die to-night.

Oh how good God is that my babe was born,
—Better than born, baptized and hid away
Before this happened, safe from being hurt!
That had been sin God could not well forgive:
He was too young to smile and save himself.
When they took two days after he was born,
My babe away from me to be baptized
And hidden awhile, for fear his foe should find,—

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poem by from The Ring and the BookReport problemRelated quotes
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Man Gave Names To All The Animals

Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal that liked to growl,
Big furry paws and he liked to howl,
Great big furry back and furry hair.
Ah, think Ill call it a bear.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal up on a hill
Chewing up so much grass until she was filled.
He saw milk comin out but he didnt know how.
Ah, think Ill call it a cow.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal that liked to snort,
Horns on his head and they werent too short.
It looked like there wasnt nothin that he couldnt pull.
Ah, think Ill call it a bull.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal leavin a muddy trail,
Real dirty face and a curly tail.
He wasnt too small and he wasnt too big.
Ah, think Ill call it a pig.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
Next animal that he did meet
Had wool on his back and hooves on his feet,
Eating grass on a mountainside so steep.
Ah, think Ill call it a sheep.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, in the beginning.
Man gave names to all the animals
In the beginning, long time ago.
He saw an animal as smooth as glass
Slithering his way through the grass.
Saw him disappear by a tree near a lake . . .

song performed by Bob DylanReport problemRelated quotes
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(feat. Twista)
[Verse 1 (Twista)]
I wish the way I was living could stop, serving rocks,
Knowing the cops is hot when I'm on the block, And I
Wish my brother woulda made bail,
So I won't have to travel 6 hours to see him in jail, And I
Wish that my grandmother wasn't sick,
Or that we would just come up on some stacks and hit a lick, And I (I wish)
Wish my homies wouldn't have to suffer,
When the streets get the upper hand on us and we lose a brother, And I
Wish I could go deep in a zone,
And lift the spirits of the world with the words with in this song, And I (I wish)
Wish I could teach a soul to fly,
Take away the pain out cha hands and help you hold them hi, And I
Wish my hommie Butch was still alive
And on the day of his death we had never took that ride, And I (I wish)
Wish God could protect us from the wrong
So that all the solders that were sent over seas come home
We will never break, though they devastate, we shall motivate,
And we gotta pray, all we got is faith.
Instead of thinking about who gonna die to day,
The Lord is gonna help you feel better, so you ain't gotta cry today.
Sit at the light so long,
And then we gotta move straight forward, cuz we fight so strong,
So when right go wrong,
Just say a little prayer, get ya money man, life go on!!!
Let's HOPE!
[Chorus (Faith Evans)]
Cuz I'm hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and he'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay.
Cause we hopeful
[Verse 2 (Twista)]
I wish that you could show some love,
Instead of hatin so much when you see some other people commin up (I wish)
I wish I could teach the world to sing,
Watch the music and have 'em trippin of the joy I bring, (shiit)
I wish that we could hold hands,
Listen instead of dissin lessons from a grown man, And I (I wish)
Wish the families that lack, but got love, get some stacks
Brand new shack and a lack that's on dubs, And I
Wish we could keep achieving wonders,
See the vision of the world through the eyes of Stevie Wonder, (you feel me) (I wish)
And I hope all the kids eat,
And don't nobody in my family see six feet, (ya dig)
I hope them mothers stain' strong,
You can make it whether you wit him or your mans gone, And I (I wish)

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song performed by Faith EvansReport problemRelated quotes
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[Twista talking]
Man, I know we had a lot of tragedies lately.
I just wanna say rest in peace to Aaliyah,
Rest in peace to Left Eye,
Rest in peace to Jam Master Jay,
And everybody lost in the Twin Towers,
And everybody lost period.
All we got is HOPE!!
[Verse 1 (Twista)]
I wish the way I was living could stop, serving rocks,
Knowing the cops is hot when Im on the block, And I
Wish my brother woulda made bail,
So I wont have to travel 6 hours to see him in jail, And I
Wish that my grandmother wasnt sick,
Or that we would just come up on some stacks and hit a lick, And I (I wish)
Wish my homies wouldnt have to suffer,
When the streets get the upper had on us and we lose a brother, And I
Wish I could go deep in a zone,
And lift the spirits of the world with the words with in this song, And I (I wish)
Wish I could teach a could teach a soul to fly,
Take away the pain out cha hands and help you hold them hi, And I
Wish God never gave the men power
To be able to hurt the people inside the Twin Towers, And I (I wish)
Wish God woulda turned they hearts righteous,
When they started to take innocent lives and become snipers, But uh
We will never break, dont devastate, we shall motivate,
And we gotta pray, all we got is faith.
Instead of thinking about who gonna die to day,
The Lord is gonna help you feel better, so you aint gotta cry today.
Sit at the light so long,
And then we gotta move straight forward, cuz we fight so strong,
So when right go wrong,
Just say a little prayer, get ya money man, life go on!!!
Lets HOPE!
[Chorus (Faith Evans)]
Though Im hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today,
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away,
And be hopeful (hopeful) and hell make a way
I know it aint easy but thats okay.
Cuz we hopeful!
[Verse 2 (Twista)]
I wish that you could show some love,
Instead of hatin so much when you see some other people commin up (I wish)
I wish I could teach the world to sing,
Watch the music and have em trippin of the joy I bring, (shiit)
I wish that we could hold hands,
Listen instead of dissin lessons from a grown man, And I (I wish)
Wish the families that lack, but got love, get some stacks
Brand new shack and a lack thats on dubs, And I

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song performed by TwistaReport problemRelated quotes
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Begining To See The Light

Well, Im beginning to see the light.
Well, Im beginning to see the light.
Some people work very hard,
But still they never get it right.
Well, Im beginning to see the light.
I wanna tell all you people, now.
Now, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Hey, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Wine in the mornin, and some breakfast at night.
Well, Im beginning to see the light.
Here we go again, playing the fool again.
Here we go again, acting hard again.
All right!
Well, Im beginning to see the light!
I wanna tell you, ooh-oh-oh!
Hey, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light!
It comes very softly now.
I wore my teeth in my hands so I could miss the hell of a night.
Hey! well, Im beginning to see the light!
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, baby,
Im beginning to see the light, now!
It comes softer!
Hey, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
I met myself in a dream, and I just want to tell you,
Everything was alright.
Hey, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Here comes two of you.
Which one will you choose?
One is black and one is blue,
Dont know just, what to do.
Well, Im beginning to see the light, oh, now, here she comes!
Hey, yeah, baby, Im beginning to see the light!
Some people work very hard,
But still they never get it right.
Well, Im begiing to see the light.
Ah, its getting a little softer, maybe, in there.
Now, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Ah, its coming around again,
Hey, now, now, now, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
One more time.
There are problems in these times,
But, woo!, none of them are mine!
Oh, baby, Im beginning to see the light.
Here we go again,
I thought that you were my friend.
Here we go again,
I thought that you were my friend.
How does it feel, to be loved?

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song performed by Velvet UndergroundReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I Have A Dream

I wish I were a poet to write about man and the tree
I wish all people could see
That life is beautiful and happiness is free
I wish I could make all the children of the world happy
I wish all people could embrace honesty
I wish I could help the poor and the needy
I wish there were equality
I wish all peoples would enjoy liberty
I wish man would stop cruelty
I wish springs had not dried
I wish the gap were not so wide
I wish our planet could be greener
I wish all hearts were tender
I wish friends would be sincere
I wish drinking water would be clear
I wish we heard birds at dawn
I wish peace would be the earth's crown
I wish parents could be more understanding
I wish children would be more obeying
I wish people knew money is a bad master
I wish they could respect each other
I wish I had power to stop wars
I wish my town were not so dirty
I wish my dreams became a reality
I wish we made an end to oppression and violence
I wish our kids were taught justice and tolerance
I wish they loved going to school
I wish I could convince them all.

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Youre The Wish You Are I Had

What was I supposed to do?
I turned around with the world and she simply was there
My blood ran like ice right through
She had your face and your lips
And your eyes and your hair
Youre the wish you are I had
Youre the wish you are I had
Youre the wish that I had
I wonder if she knows that when I made her up
I made her eat an apple
And I made her drink a cup or two
Wish wish wish wish wish
Wish wish wish wish wish for you
Whod believe me if I said
I brought an angel to earth by the power of mind
Think Im going off my head
She caught the same bus as me and she sat down behind
Youre the wish you are I had
Youre the wish you are I had
Youre the wish that I had
Little did I know that on a rainy day
All the little wishes I had put away
Would bring you
Wish wish wish wish wish
Wish wish wish wish wish for you
Well if wishing is bad bad bad
Then send me to hell hell hell
But if you take my wish away
Then this cold world would burn as well
Youre the wish you are I had

song performed by XtcReport problemRelated quotes
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VI. Giuseppe Caponsacchi

Answer you, Sirs? Do I understand aright?
Have patience! In this sudden smoke from hell,—
So things disguise themselves,—I cannot see
My own hand held thus broad before my face
And know it again. Answer you? Then that means
Tell over twice what I, the first time, told
Six months ago: 't was here, I do believe,
Fronting you same three in this very room,
I stood and told you: yet now no one laughs,
Who then … nay, dear my lords, but laugh you did,
As good as laugh, what in a judge we style
Laughter—no levity, nothing indecorous, lords!
Only,—I think I apprehend the mood:
There was the blameless shrug, permissible smirk,
The pen's pretence at play with the pursed mouth,
The titter stifled in the hollow palm
Which rubbed the eyebrow and caressed the nose,
When I first told my tale: they meant, you know,
"The sly one, all this we are bound believe!
"Well, he can say no other than what he says.
"We have been young, too,—come, there's greater guilt!
"Let him but decently disembroil himself,
"Scramble from out the scrape nor move the mud,—
"We solid ones may risk a finger-stretch!
And now you sit as grave, stare as aghast
As if I were a phantom: now 't is—"Friend,
"Collect yourself!"—no laughing matter more—
"Counsel the Court in this extremity,
"Tell us again!"—tell that, for telling which,
I got the jocular piece of punishment,
Was sent to lounge a little in the place
Whence now of a sudden here you summon me
To take the intelligence from just—your lips!
You, Judge Tommati, who then tittered most,—
That she I helped eight months since to escape
Her husband, was retaken by the same,
Three days ago, if I have seized your sense,—
(I being disallowed to interfere,
Meddle or make in a matter none of mine,
For you and law were guardians quite enough
O' the innocent, without a pert priest's help)—
And that he has butchered her accordingly,
As she foretold and as myself believed,—
And, so foretelling and believing so,
We were punished, both of us, the merry way:
Therefore, tell once again the tale! For what?
Pompilia is only dying while I speak!
Why does the mirth hang fire and miss the smile?
My masters, there's an old book, you should con
For strange adventures, applicable yet,

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poem by from The Ring and the BookReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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Love You Out Loud

I sit in my living room thinking of you
And the feelings I fear are coming true
And everything about you is wrong I know it
But I still taste you on my tongue
And I still breathe you in my lungs
And I wish I could stop breaking down
Wish I could love you out loud
Wish I could love you out loud
But I'll just keep it to myself
Wish I could hear how it sounds
To be with you and no one else
Don't make a sound
Don't tell a soul
It's 7:00am and I just want to call you
And tell you I'm falling in love
But, there's someone else inside these four walls
If she smells you on my skin
I can't let her know where I've been
I wish I could be with you now
Wish I could love you out loud
Wish I could love you out loud
But I'll just keep it to myself
Wish I could hear how it sounds
To be with you and no one else
Wish I could love you out loud
Because I'm under your spell
Wish I could tell the whole world
But I'll just keep it to myself
Don't make a sound
Don't tell a soul
Don't tell them anything
And I won't let you go
Don't say a word
Don't tell a soul
And I shiver at the thought of you
I can't believe that you love me too
And we quiver when we touch
I can't believe I love you so much
And I hate it when you walk away
I know we can't go on this way
But there's magic when we touch
I can't believe I love you so much
Wish I could love you out loud
Wish I could hear how it sounds
Wish I could love you out loud
Wish I could hear how it sounds
Wish I could love you out loud
But I'll just keep it to myself
Wish I could hear how it sounds
To be with you and no one else

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song performed by Meat LoafReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I Wish

Come on up, hey little darling
That was the way when I first met you baby
You werent right for me
I didnt really care
Act quite naturally
She said
Went on a boat going down by the river
Plenty more supplies
Seen a lot of planes going up in the air
Do you ever get the feeling
That you want to fly like a bird in the sky
Hey lucille, youll be the talk of the town
Lucille hey, youll be the talk of the town
She met a young man called johnnie
He played a little mean guitar
No matter how hard I try
I want to fly like a bird in the sky
I want to fly like a bird in the sky
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
Living the night, doing it wrong
Its a little lonely without you
The feeling was strong
The world was holding on
I want to be on my own
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
Wont you stay with me
Take from me what I take form you
You can take from me what I find in you
Come on, tell me, tell me, tell me
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
Hey, I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
Say I cant get by without your love
Say I cant get by without your love
Say I cant get by without your love
Say I cant get by without your love
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard
I wish I could take time
I wish oh I wish so hard

song performed by Wet Wet WetReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Die Die My Darling

(originally recorded by the misfits)
Die, die, die my darling
Dont utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty eyes
Ill be seeing you again
Yeah, Ill be seeing you, in hell
So dont cry to me oh baby
Your futures in an oblong box
Dont cry to me oh baby
You should have seen it a-coming on
Dont cry to me oh baby
I dont know it was in your card
Dont cry to me oh baby
Dead-end soul for a dead-end girl
Dont cry to me oh baby
And now your life drains on the floor
Dont cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Dont utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
Ill be seeing you again, yeah-yeah
Ill be seeing you, in hell
Dont cry to me oh baby
Your futures in an oblong box
Dont cry to me oh baby
You should have seen it a-coming on
Dont cry to me oh baby
I dont know it was in your card
Dont cry to me oh baby
Dead-end soul for a dead-end girl
Dont cry to me oh baby
And now your life drains on the floor
Dont cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Dont utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth
Ill be seeing you again
Ill be seeing you, in hell

song performed by MetallicaReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I Believe I'm Gonna Die

Dark rewrite of R Kelly's I Believe I Can Fly

I now know
I've been told that no longer can I go on
All because against God I committed such an awful wrong
Thought I knew the meaning of true love
Too late I discovered
It was just the devil's lust
Found in the wrong one's arms
If only I had't rode it then maybe I would't have caught it
If only I had't let myself fall for it then maybe I would't be having to live through it


I believe I'm gonna die
I believe it because of all the unprotected things
All the naughty, unprotected things I did with that last guy
I suffer for it every night and day
I believe he's the one who made me this way
He's the one who made me feel so sore
'Cause I let him pound it so hard through my wide open door
I believe I'm gonna die
I believe I'm gonna die
I believe I'm gonna die

So alone
Feels like I'm on the cusp
On the verge of breaking down
Sometimes the silence in this room is so loud
I feel as if there's nothing, no miracle left in this life that I can achieve
As ever stronger, the weakness grows inside of me
If only I had't rode it then maybe I would't have caught it
If only I had't let myself fall for it then maybe I would't be having to live through it

I believe I'm gonna die
I believe it because of all the unprotected things
All the naughty, unprotected things I did with that last guy
I suffer for it every night and day
I believe he's the one who made me this way
He's the one who made me feel so sore
'Cause I let him pound it so hard through my wide open door
I believe I'm gonna die
I believe I'm gonna die
I believe I'm gonna die

Hey, Markus, 'cause I fell so blindly in love with you

If only I had't rode it then maybe I would't have caught it
If only I had't let myself fall for it then maybe I would't be having to live through it

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poem by Report problemRelated quotes
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Canto the Second

Oh ye! who teach the ingenuous youth of nations,
Holland, France, England, Germany, or Spain,
I pray ye flog them upon all occasions,
It mends their morals, never mind the pain:
The best of mothers and of educations
In Juan's case were but employ'd in vain,
Since, in a way that's rather of the oddest, he
Became divested of his native modesty.

Had he but been placed at a public school,
In the third form, or even in the fourth,
His daily task had kept his fancy cool,
At least, had he been nurtured in the north;
Spain may prove an exception to the rule,
But then exceptions always prove its worth -—
A lad of sixteen causing a divorce
Puzzled his tutors very much, of course.

I can't say that it puzzles me at all,
If all things be consider'd: first, there was
His lady-mother, mathematical,
A—never mind; his tutor, an old ass;
A pretty woman (that's quite natural,
Or else the thing had hardly come to pass);
A husband rather old, not much in unity
With his young wife—a time, and opportunity.

Well—well, the world must turn upon its axis,
And all mankind turn with it, heads or tails,
And live and die, make love and pay our taxes,
And as the veering wind shifts, shift our sails;
The king commands us, and the doctor quacks us,
The priest instructs, and so our life exhales,
A little breath, love, wine, ambition, fame,
Fighting, devotion, dust,—perhaps a name.

I said that Juan had been sent to Cadiz -—
A pretty town, I recollect it well -—
'T is there the mart of the colonial trade is
(Or was, before Peru learn'd to rebel),
And such sweet girls—I mean, such graceful ladies,
Their very walk would make your bosom swell;
I can't describe it, though so much it strike,
Nor liken it—I never saw the like:

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poem by from Don Juan (1824)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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There lies a vale in Ida, lovelier
Than all the valleys of Ionian hills.
The swimming vapour slopes athwart the glen,
Puts forth an arm, and creeps from pine to pine,
And loiters, slowly drawn. On either hand
The lawns and meadow-ledges midway down
Hang rich in flowers, and far below them roars
The long brook falling thro' the clov'n ravine
In cataract after cataract to the sea.
Behind the valley topmost Gargarus
Stands up and takes the morning: but in front
The gorges, opening wide apart, reveal
Troas and Ilion's column'd citadel,
The crown of Troas. Hither came at noon
Mournful Œnone, wandering forlorn
Of Paris, once her playmate on the hills.
Her cheek had lost the rose, and round her neck
Floated her hair or seem'd to float in rest.
She, leaning on a fragment twined with vine,
Sang to the stillness, till the mountain-shade
Sloped downward to her seat from the upper cliff.

"O mother Ida, many-fountain'd Ida,
Dear mother Ida, harken ere I die.
For now the noonday quiet holds the hill:
The grasshopper is silent in the grass:
The lizard, with his shadow on the stone,
Rests like a shadow, and the winds are dead.
The purple flower droops: the golden bee
Is lily-cradled: I alone awake.
My eyes are full of tears, my heart of love,
My heart is breaking, and my eyes are dim,
And I am all aweary of my life.

"O mother Ida, many-fountain'd Ida,
Dear mother Ida, harken ere I die.
Hear me, O Earth, hear me, O Hills, O Caves
That house the cold crown'd snake! O mountain brooks,
I am the daughter of a River-God,
Hear me, for I will speak, and build up all
My sorrow with my song, as yonder walls
Rose slowly to a music slowly breathed,
A cloud that gather'd shape: for it may be
That, while I speak of it, a little while
My heart may wander from its deeper woe.

"O mother Ida, many-fountain'd Ida,
Dear mother Ida, harken ere I die.
I waited underneath the dawning hills,
Aloft the mountain lawn was dewy-dark,

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poem by Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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