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Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.

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A Legal Matter

I told you why I changed my mind
I told you why I changed my mind
I got bored by playing with time
I got bored by playing with time
I know you thought you had me nailed
I know you thought you had me nailed
But Ive freed my head from your garden rails
But Ive freed my head from your garden rails
Now its a legal matter, baby
Now its a legal matter, baby
You got me on the run
You got me on the run
Its a legal matter, baby
Its a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
A legal matter from now on
My minds lost in a household fog
My minds lost in a household fog
Wedding gowns and catalogs
Wedding gowns and catalogs
Kitchen furnishings and houses
Kitchen furnishings and houses
Maternity clothes and babys trousers
Maternity clothes and babys trousers
Now its a legal matter, baby
Now its a legal matter, baby
Marryins no fun
Marryins no fun
Its a legal matter, baby
Its a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
A legal matter from now on
I told you why I changed my mind
I told you why I changed my mind
I got bored by playing with time
I got bored by playing with time
I know you thought you had me nailed
I know you thought you had me nailed
Well, Ive freed my head from your garden rails
Well, Ive freed my head from your garden rails
Now its a legal matter, baby
Now its a legal matter, baby
You got me on the run
You got me on the run
Its a legal matter, baby
Its a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
A legal matter from now on
You aint the first and you aint the last
You aint the first and you aint the last

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song performed by WhoReport problemRelated quotes
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She Went To Germany

What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do on your vacation?
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do for relaxation?
Change you name?
Cut your hair?
You can go anywhere.
You deserve some fun and rest.
You deserve the very best.
She went to germany.
Went there without me.
She went to germany.
Left me in misery.
She went to germany.
Gots some style insanity.
She went to germany.
Left me in disharmony.
Why you gonna do?
Why you gonna do?
Why you gonna do that to me baby?
Are you telling me were thru?
Are you telling me were thru?
Are you telling me were thru or is it maybe,
Just another declaration of some female independence,
Or another proclamation to some male friends in attendance.
She went to germany.
Went there without me.
She went to germany.
Left me in misery.
She went to germany.
Gots some style insanity.
She went to germany.
Left me in disharmony.
She eating wurst.
Shes drinking beer.
She loves a crowd, thats what I hear.
She went to germany.
Went there without me.
She went to germany.
Left me in misery.
She went to germany.
Gots some style insanity.
She went to germany.
Left me in disharmony.
She went to germany.
Went there without me.
She went to germany.
Left me in insanity.

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song performed by Violent FemmesReport problemRelated quotes
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The Death Of Adolf Hitler’s Personal Physician

Why was Hilter’s personal physician
sentenced to death Daddy Daddy?

What did he do Daddy Daddy?

Karl Brant Hilter’s personal physician
was sentenced to death by the U.S.
War Crime Tribunal in August 1947!

Brandt was indicted with 22 other Nazi
SS doctors and SS officers! Brandt was
Reich Commissioner for Health and Sanitation!

Brandt was charged found guilty on all four
counts! Brandt was charged with conspiracy:
conspiracy in war crimes, aggressive wars,

membership in the criminal SS organization,
crimes against humanity, criminal acts
including participating in and consenting to

the use of concentration camp inmates;
to be used as test subjects in medical
experiments, including experiments on

women children without any anesthetic,
vivisection cutting up live people
without an anesthetic to reduce raw pain.

SS Medical Corp wore a serpent crest
on the collar patches of SS unit insignia.
From1935 to 1938 SS Medical Corps

began to serve a far more sinister purpose.
SS doctors serving in concentration camps
engaging in human medical experiments.

In 1936 SS doctors strengthen the master
race, culling the mentally disabled and
physically handicapped, vital work to assist

purification in Nazi Race Euthanasia Program.

By 1941 elite Waffen-SS doctors were highly
trained both in medical skills and combat
tactics, many receiving high combat awards.

SS doctors achieved such heights through
human medical experiments, notorious
experiments, at Aushwitz and Dachau

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To Germany With Love

I am an emigree, I write to germany
In foreign words, a tongue of actuality
Hands in grey gloves
To germany with love
A war between the wars
A war between the wars
Triumph over bygone sorrow
Can in unity be won
Let them all persue this purpose
Till reality is gone
I am an unexpected spy
From the outside of my eye
Translate it first then comprehend
Im here indeed but there I stand
I write to germany, I write to germany
To germany with love, to germany with love
This is the turn of colours
All real, some still unseen
There is no more decision cause theres too much in between
Let us build a nightmare nation
Learn and work as never yet
That this cold new generation faith in its own fears beget
Here comes the modern rat, here comes the terror squad
Ours is the salt of wisdom, here we come all dressed in black
From the ruins risen slowly to the future turned we stand
Flourish in this blessing glory
Flourish german fatherland
I write to germany, I write to germany
All quiet in germany, all quiet in germany

song performed by AlphavilleReport problemRelated quotes
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Is There A Legal Ground

Is there a legal ground?
One can stand on to feel safe and sound.
Is there a legal ground?
One that can be found that's not shaking around.
Is there a legal ground?

One that is near,
Not to be feared...
And if one should fall,
A solidness is clear!

Is there a legal ground?
One understood.
One that is shared.
Is there a legal ground?

One that is cemented...
Making feelings of it different,
With a jumping up and down...
Packing heavy weighted pounds.
Is there a legal ground?
To be found!
Is there a legal ground?

To be found.
Is there a legal ground?

To be found.
Is there a legal ground?

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I can't forget

I can't forget your smile
I can't forget your laughing eyes
Your kindness causes me to cry

I ask.
I ask.
I ask myself why

Are you s much apart of my life
Our midnight conversations rang in the back of my mind.

Time after Time

I crave for your company

I cry out at night for your warmth
I can't forget the woman you are.
I can't forget you are my friend

As well as my lover.
I can't forget you waiting outside my J.O.B.

To bring me home
I can't forget your tears
When I was laid off.

I can't forget, I just can't

I can't forget the first time I saw you.
Radiant and full of life/ you are.
Your voice low and sweet,

Eyes glued to mine as we speak
I just can't forget
I can't forget how myself esteem grew
While with you.

I can't forget
The long walks and talks of encouragement
You are...You are...You are!


You are my life line
You are my door to time
I can't forget

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Bush At Helm

Turkey’s Touristic Problem
Kurds coming over the hill!
Bush’s sovereign
non-interventionist, Foreign
Policy! Mountain
grave sides agore to fill!

Arise with Saddam’s Hitler admired
imitated stylised televised word!
Scapegoats falsely labelled executed
insurgents reduced rankle not dead!

In flight fled fear fed!
Refugee refuge
safe sanitary zones?

Symbolic symptom
(flat-lining) Bush’s!
International problem
ignored (New World Order) !

A few baby refugee corpses
small accountant price to pay!
(collateral damage civilian)
For history sought new world order!
Is this true political point scoring?
Sentiment stripped to bare bone?
Baboon floating his own balloon?

Democracy must accountable mean
no elected esteemed humane official?
Is above pan-morality credibility Check!
Democracy must not be policy tarnished!
Diverted treated acted easily white washed!
Non-accountable an expendable indifference!

An estimated? millions of Kurds!
Fled into neighbouring countries
during the Bush crisis in 1991!

An estimated four to five
million persecuted Iraqi Kurds!
Under Saddam’s dictatorship!
Were forbidden to celebrate
their ethnic culture! Or organize
representative political activities!

Oppressed Iraqi Kurds
were under constant invasive state
censure! Surveillance!

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Appeasement For Adolf Hitler

The price of peace
appeasing Adolf Hitler
will never work.

Was Neville Chamberlain
falling on his held sword
stalling an act to buy time;
or naive guillible ready...
to buy peace at any cost?

The British Prime Minister
left Munich believing
that in appeasing Hitler;
“he had assured
'peace for our time'”?

Both Britain and France
pursued a foreign policy
of political appeasement;
in their desperate hope
that Hitler would not drag
Europe into a new world war.

What was appeasement?

Appeasement expressed
a consensus widespread
collective British desire;
to heal the horrific wounds
of raw recent World War I.

Appeasement expressed
a consensus widespread
collective British desire;
to correct what many
British officials regarded;
as the injustices of
punitive reparations;
in the Versailles Treaty.

Remember their were
officials who regarded
a powerful Germany;
as a necessary desirable
bulwark against communism;
a feared rising Soviet Union.

Heartbreaking growing anxiety;
“horrible, fantastic, incredible”

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German Virile E-Coli Misdiagnosed

Ground breaking earth shaking Germany has done it again
first Germany introduced German measles then Adolf Hitler
now German E-Coli to rock reshape an entire watching globe
German crack researchers health experts could not even tell
this was a virile new E-Coli strain a hybrid of two old strains
or a rare highly toxic strain of E-Coli bacteria misdiagnosed?

Germany blamed Spanish cucumbers could not even identify
new strain next German experts will claim a carrot for radical
new research its E-Coli source German beans German beans
let us not forget Germany wanted Greece to sell their Acropolis
or rent it out to pay off EEC debt then cucumbers Spanish growth
time Germany sold trade peace compass plus Brandenburg gate

The disease Rubella, is also known as German measles, because it was first described by German physicians, in the mid-eighteenth century.

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European Union Austerity Measures Inflicted On Greece

an interesting development...
an online censor clerk,
has learned, an innovative, art
a strategic censorship perk

instead of banning...
problematic whole book,
article, poem, attacking
austerity measures

a strategic strike intriguing...
a crafty innovative hook,
just delete, fine tune, targeting
precisely, paragraph, paragraphs

referencing offending...
sponsorship bankers bank,
austerity, measures, mince meating
Greece, Greek, citizens

a lie shrouded adjustment...
offered by Germany her allies,
austerity, leads to, internal deflation repeat
Greece, will regain, competitiveness

proposed solution a no-brainer neat...
suppose miraculously austerity succeeds,
actually, could deliver, deflation sweet
growth, nominal GDP suppressed, decreases

turns negative burden of debt...
will increase reducing Greek wages,
relative, to Germany, in prime position seat
Greece, has sacrificed made, 'progress':

private-sector wages fell 5.4%...
in the third quarter of 2011,
from, a happier, year earlier 12%
since, peak first quarter, of 2010

leaked European Commission report...
called for nominal wages in business,
economy, to be reduced, by a further 15%
during,2012-2014, exploitation finesse

will Germany accept...
undesired price of inflation,
for stability, political, benefit
of keeping, intact, pet eurozone?

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Death Fugue

Black milk of daybreak we drink it at sundown
we drink it at noon in the morning we drink it at night
we drink it and drink it
we dig a grave in the breezes there one lies unconfined
A man lives in the house he plays with the serpents
he writes
he writes when dusk falls to Germany your golden
hair Margarete
he writes it ans steps out of doors and the stars are
flashing he whistles his pack out
he whistles his Jews out in earth has them dig for a
he commands us strike up for the dance

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you in the morning at noon we drink you at
we drink and we drink you
A man lives in the house he plays with the serpents
he writes
he writes when dusk falls to Germany your golden hair
your ashen hair Sulamith we dig a grave in the breezes
there one lies unconfined

He calls out jab deeper into the earth you lot you
others sing now and play
he grabs at teh iron in his belt he waves it his
eyes are blue
jab deper you lot with your spades you others play
on for the dance

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at at noon in the morning we drink you
at sundown
we drink and we drink you
a man lives in the house your golden hair Margarete
your ashen hair Sulamith he plays with the serpents
He calls out more sweetly play death death is a master
from Germany
he calls out more darkly now stroke your strings then
as smoke you will rise into air
then a grave you will have in the clouds there one
lies unconfined

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at noon death is a master from Germany
we drink you at sundown and in the morning we drink
and we drink you
death is a master from Germany his eyes are blue

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Fugue of Death

Black milk of daybreak we drink it at nightfall
we drink it at noon in the morning we drink it at night
we drink it and drink it
we are digging a grave in the sky it is ample to lie there
A man in the house he plays with the serpents he writes
he writes when the night falls to Germany your golden
hair Margarete
he writes it and walks from the house the stars glitter he
whistles his dogs up
he whistles his Jews out and orders a grave to be dug in
the earth
he commands us strike up for the dance

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you in the morning at noon we drink you at
drink you and drink you
A man in the house he plays with the serpents he writes
he writes when the night falls to Germany your golden
hair Margarete
Your ashen hair Shulamith we are digging a grave in the
sky it is
ample to lie there

He shouts stab deeper in earth you there and you others
you sing and you play
he grabs at the iron in his belt and swings it and blue are
his eyes
stab deeper your spades you there and you others play on
for the dancing

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at nightfall
we drink you at noon in the mornings we drink you at
drink you and drink you
a man in the house your golden hair Margarete
your ashen hair Shulamith he plays with the serpents

He shouts play sweeter death's music death comes as a
master from Germany
he shouts stroke darker the strings and as smoke you
shall climb to the sky
then you'll have a grave in the clouds it is ample to lie

Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at noon death comes as a master from
we drink you at nightfall and morning we drink you and
drink you

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Forget Me Not

Forget me not
Baby baby
As I rock you gently
Right here in my arms
I promise to always
Be here for you
Keep you safe and warm
Sometimes in the middle of the night
I wake up cryin when I think of how long
It took to find you
And now that I have I wont be movin on
Nothing can ever separate us
We know where we belong
All Im asking you
All Im asking
Before this moments gone
Forget me not
Dont forget what we got
Every day is surely but a dream
I found the sweetest of all things
For all my life
Youll be my light
With every beat thats in your heart
Oh baby please remember to
Forget me not
Time is funny
Time can fly
Thats one thing for sure
Ill wake tomorrow
Blink my eyes
See you standin at that door
And Ill be lookin at you
See the wonder of what love can be
Someday I might have to let you go
And thats just so hard to believe
And if I do youll know just
How much you mean to me
And all Ill ask of you
All Ill ask you
Before I set you free
Forget me not
Dont forget what we got
Every day is surely but a dream
I found the sweetest of all things
For all my life
Youll be my light
With every beat thats in your heart
Oh baby please remember to
Forget me not
Forget me not

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song performed by Celine DionReport problemRelated quotes
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If I Ever Forget You

If i ever forget you,
the sun would forget
to shine nor the moon
at night.

If i ever forget you,
ants would forget to gather
food and the fish would
forget how to swim.

If i ever forget you,
the river would forget the
sea and the sunflower would
forget to gaze at the sun.

If i ever forget you,
babies would forget how
to crawl and cock would
forget how to crow.

If i ever forget you,
farmers would forget there
path and humans would forget
there name.

If i ever forget you,
the tree would forget to
bear fruit and demons would
forget to do evil.

If i ever forget you.
i will never forget you.

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Beating Around The Bush: A Foreign Policy

Saddam claimed to be greater
than Hitler and Nebuchadnezzar,
an ancient king of Babylon.

Saddam believed he would
build a Greater Empire than both,
beginning from modern Iraq.

This is the man Mr Bush!
Decided to let continue
to rule during his watch?

In 1979 Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
claimed he was a direct lineal descendant
of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II.

Saddam called himself Nebuchadnezzar III
had coins struck showing his likeness
coined with the Babylonian king on these coins.

The two likenesses proved to be! Uncannily similar!

In his memoirs George Herbert Bush
compared Saddam to Adolf Hitler!
Aspirations for Empire! Ambitions!
Ethnic Cleansing! Rule by Dictatorship!

[Chemical weapons, deportations!
Forced disappearances, Secret police!
Targeted assassinations, torture, murders!
Sounds like a resume of Adolf Hitler!
Yes Saddam was another Hitler wanta be! ]

[This is monster Mr Bush
decided to let continue
to rule during his watch? ]

Invasion and Annexation
Kuwait invaded by Iraqi!
August 2 1990!
Iraqi forces first bomb
Kuwait City terror tactics!

The Kuwaiti civilian capital
attacked by Iraqi commandos!
Deployed by helicopters boats
all airports two airbases seized!

Remember Invasion Kuwait?
Saddam’s Iraq-Kuwait War?

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ZF2 'Angel Of Death' A Demonic Nazi Doctor

he is the 'Angel of Death'
a demonic Nazi doctor
an SS physician in Auschwitz
concentration camp dedicated
to creating a master race
for Satanic Adolf Hitler

he carried out genetic experiments
vivisection on living human victims
without anesthetic without pain killers
cutting you up alive to find the key
to produce Aryan master race twins
to artificially increase Aryan birthrate

a serial killer without empathy pity
a chilling estimated 400,000 deaths
in medical experiments at Auschwitz
succeeded decades ahead of all rivals
experimenting on live humans not rats
doctor death to South America escapes

natural twin rates about one in rarely
in Argentina doctor death will openly
practice medicine far surpass this rate
in small town Candido Godoi in Brazil
in 1960′ s Josef achieves 1: 5 twin ratio
a phenomenon not occurring naturally

Nazi Josef Mengele his results will chill
resulting offspring is Nazi order unique
almost all twins born in Candido Godoi
have blond hair blue eyes to Hitler order
experimental results knife research based
Angel of Death at Auschwitz it learned

Candido Godoi was Mengele's laboratory
the clone master attended treated women
followed his genetic research pregnancies
treated patients with new unknown drugs
preparations talked artificial insemination
in human beings continued animal studies

proclaiming he could get cows to produce
male twins like the plot in the 1978 feature
film ‘The Boys From Brazil’ Mengele was
hiding in South America with real plans to
begin a Fourth Reich with other loyal Nazi
a town museum is the House Of The Twins

Auschwitz angel of death Nazi doctor Josef

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Your Own Disater

Just think of this and me,
as just a few of the many things,
to lie around and clutter up your shelves
I wish you wern't worht the wait
cos theres somthing id like to say to you
and i dont think that you knwo what you've been missing
and i dont think that you knwow hat you've been missing
and i dare you to forget
the marks oyu left across my neck
from those nights when we were both at our best
and now i could make this obvious
and you, you could deny me
all in one breath you could shug mr off your shoulders
cos i dont think that you know what oyuve been missing
and i dont hitnk that you knwo what you've been missing
cos i dont think that you,
i said i dont think that you know
cos i dont think that you know what youve been missing
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
hey lush have fun
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
hey lush have fun
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
(forget me, its that simple)
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
(forget me, its that simple)
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
(forget me, its that simple)
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
(forget me, its that simple)
(oh i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
its the weekend
(forget me, its that simple)
(no i dont think that you know what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
(forget me, its that simple)

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song performed by Taking Back SundayReport problemRelated quotes
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Forget Me Not

My friend, never
Forget, forgotten me,
Forget and be forgotten.

Never forget
Our friendship,
Our relationship,
Our partnership.

Never forget
Our hope,
Our inspiration,
Our courage,
Our confidence.

Forget me not,
When we live separately,
When we out of sight,
When we out of mind,
When we out of sanity.

Forget yet remember me,
Forget yet forgive me,
Forget yet pray for me,
Forget yet call me.

Please forget me not.
Not to forget,
Your friend,
Your dream and vision,
Your ambition and success.

Forget me not,
Forget the No,
Forget the Maybe,
Forget the should be.

Think not to forget,
Think to remember,
Think to feel,
Think to say.

Forget, forgotten,
All bad things,
All bad deeds,
But forget me not.

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The Holocaust Files & Other Theme Poems

Theme: Love Poems (various forms of love,10 poems only)
*any theme category may be extended upon reader interest and requests
A Family Blessing
Changing Scene
For Our Loved Ones
Look Across Time
Memory Of A Lover
My Love
Single Red Ribbon
Song Of My Love
True Love

The Holocaust Files: (32 poems) are a work in process and this reference will be removed upon completion. This is a collection of holocaust related poems to give voice to the 12 million killed, tortured and enslaved by the SS during World War II. The Poles, Romani and Slavic victims who are sometimes overlooked in brief reviews or marginalized, will hopefully have a poem as their voice by the completion of this project. The poems will ease into and out of the full extent of this horror, to contrast kaleidoscopic images of the holocaust in tribute to the slaughtered, and may provide a differing overview of Nazi Ideology to address succinct examples of how and why in historical perspective. (Historical optional background notes, have been added below some poems to assist in this purpose.)
The cruelty of topic material in some of the main poems may shock or offend innocent readers. Looking up pictorial images of these events is not advised for children.
The poems should be read in the order listed below: -
A Vibrant Life 18.5.2010
Appeasement For Adolf Hitler 15&16.10.2010
Indomitable Will To Survive 12.7.2010
Holocaust Latvia Begins 30.5.2012
Nazi Death Squads Enter Eastern Europe 29.5.2012
SS Single Shot Executioners 28.5.2012
Legal Genocide Committed On Industrial Scale 16.10.2010
Stone Cross Prologue 85 87
Stone Cross 85 87
Hitler's Holocaust Product Of A Demonic Mind 1987
When Satanic Power Ruled A Third Reich 1987
Blind Neo-Nazi Nationalism Hitler's New World Order 1987
How Evil Regenerates Perpetuates 1987
Nazi Evolution Vile Carbon Monoxide Gas To Zyklon-B 1987
Indictment Against Entire Nations 1987
An Image Of The Beast Rules
Fallen Nation Transformation 1987
Cartoon Caricature Of The Master Race 17.5.2010
The SS Who Will You Kill 17.5.2010
Classic Dance Steps 17.2.1989
Peaked Cap; Skull-And-Crossbones Badge 17&18.3.2010
A Moral Civilized World 17.3.2010
The Death Of Adolf Hitler's Personal Physican 17.5.2010
Dagmar Topf A Defence Of Family Ovens 17&18.3.2010
Not To Be Written 7.5.2010
Struck Down With A Thunderbolt 20.4.2010
Love Has Rewards Worth Attaining 19.5.2010
SS Demons 15.12.2010
How Did You Kill Me?
They Did It All Before You 18.5.2010
'Angel Of Death' A Demonic Nazi Doctor 9.3.2011
Proclaiming Retrofit New World Order 9&10.3.2011

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Englishman In New York

I dont take coffee I take tea my dear
I like my toast done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
Im an englishman in new york
See me walking down fifth avenue
A walking cane here at my side
I take it everywhere I walk
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
If, manners maketh man as someone said
Then hes the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candles brighter than the sun
Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run
If, manners maketh man as someone said
Then hes the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york

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