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Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.

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Life means more

Life means imagination; the ability to perceive and
dream beyond the absolutely extraordinary,

Life means observation; the magical prowess to imbibe
the maximum out of the stupendously magnificent

Life means seduction; the uncanny desire of being
tantalized every second to the most unprecedented

Life means devotion; the immortal virtue of being
obsessed with the entity you uninhibitedly cherish and

Life means fascination; the incessant entrenchment
perpetuated by all the mesmerizing beauty wandering on
this planet,

Life means God; Life means perennially unending; Life
means more….

Life means grandiloquent; the royally majestic sights
embedded on the trajectory of this boundless planet,

Life means benevolent; the philanthropic element to
help all those fellow compatriots in inexplicable
misery and tumultuous pain,

Life means turbulent; the vivacious swirl of rampant
thoughts and emotions; that engulf one's countenance
by storm,

Life means fragrant; the profusely redolent aroma;
which emanated from the voluptuous conglomerate of
lotus in the pond,

Life means prudent; the incomprehensible ability of
the human brain to act the most sagaciously in every

Life means God; Life means perennially unending; Life
means more….

Life means unfathomable; the paradise existing beyond
unprecedented corridors of perception,

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One touch, spark, electricity
Flame burns hot and viciously
Microscopic, glittery
Catalystic energy
Time need glow so flickery
Scintillation, glittering
Ember, heat, so viciously
Pulsing flow
Theres an energy
Washing chemically over me
I cant take it anymore
Like my destiny
Running endlessly over me
Youre the one Im waiting for
You know that we are the sun and the moon, the stars
Every time we touch
You know that we are the light
And the universe has been changed because we touched
Our sun flash so brilliantly
Incandescent energy
White hot luminosity
Phosphorus intensity
Radiate so vividly
Beam of light transmitting a
wave of Glowing, glimmery, shining flash
Every time we touch
Theres an energy
Washing chemically over me
I cant take it anymore
Like my destiny
Running endlessly over me
Youre the one Im waiting for
You know that we are the sun and the moon, the stars
Every time we touch
You know that we are the light
And the universe has been changed because we touched
One touch, spark, electricity
Flame burns hot and viciously
Microscopic, glittery
Catalystic energy
Time need glow so flickery
Scintillation, glittering
Ember, heat, so viciously
Pulsing flow

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song performed by Darren HayesReport problemRelated quotes
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Rudyard Kipling

The Ubique

There is a word you often see, pronounce it as you may -
'You bike,' 'you bikwe,' 'ubbikwe' - alludin' to R.A.
It serves 'Orse, Field, an' Garrison as motto for a crest,
An' when you've found out all it means I'll tell you 'alf the rest.

Ubique means the long-range Krupp be'ind the low-range 'ill -
Ubique means you'll pick it up an', while you do stand, still.
Ubique means you've caught the flash an' timed it by the sound.
Ubique means five gunners' 'ash before you've loosed a round.

Ubique means Blue Fuse1, an' make the 'ole to sink the trail. 1extreme range
Ubique means stand up an' take the Mauser's 'alf-mile 'ail.
Ubique means the crazy team not God nor man can 'old.
Ubique means that 'orse's scream which turns your innards cold.

Ubique means 'Bank, 'Olborn, Bank - a penny all the way -
The soothin' jingle-bump-an'-clank from day to peaceful day.
Ubique means 'They've caught De Wet, an' now we sha'n't be long.'
Ubique means 'I much regret, the beggar's going strong!'

Ubique means the tearin' drift where, breech-blocks jammed with mud,
The khaki muzzles duck an' lift across the khaki flood.
Ubique means the dancing plain that changes rocks to Boers.
Ubique means the mirage again an' shellin' all outdoors.

Ubique means 'Entrain at once for Grootdefeatfontein'!
Ubique means 'Off-load your guns' - at midnight in the rain!
Ubique means 'More mounted men. Return all guns to store.'
Ubique means the R.A.M.R. Infantillery Corps!

Ubique means the warnin' grunt the perished linesman knows,
When o'er 'is strung an' sufferin' front the shrapnel sprays 'is foes,
An' as their firin' dies away the 'usky whisper runs
From lips that 'aven't drunk all day: 'The Guns! Thank Gawd, the Guns!'

Extreme, depressed, point-blank or short, end-first or any'ow,
From Colesberg Kop to Quagga's Poort - from Ninety-Nine till now -

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War Means

War Means death
War Means destruction
War Means fire
War Means bombing
War Means sorrow
War Means turmoil
War Means tears
War Means guns
War Means blood
War Means confusion
War Means explosions
War Means mutilation
War Means sickness
War Means killing
War Means occupation
War Means loss
And lots more

But after one side
Or the other side
Has finally had enough
And lays down their arms
To surrender and give up

War Means Peace

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War Means

War Means death
War Means destruction
War Means fire
War Means bombing
War Means sorrow
War Means turmoil
War Means tears
War Means guns
War Means blood
War Means confusion
War Means explosions
War Means mutilation
War Means sickness
War Means killing
War Means occupation
War Means loss
And lots more

But after one side
Or the other side
Has finally had enough
And lays down their arms
To surrender and give up

War Means Peace

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This Means War

(you get your head down, will you)
I want you to march
Eyes go right, shoulder arms
Left wheel turn, show your charms
Change your clothes, cut your hair
Aint no joke, aint no place for kids
When the flags are high, hear the battle cry
Treaty gone, see the bandits fly
Dig the trench, watch that blast
Shell shock come, coming fast
Name and rank on parade
Might get laid by a hand grenade
Do you know what it means?
This - means - war
This means war, this means war
I said this means war, this means war
This means war
(run for cover, hit the deck, call for your mother)
I need you to fire
Cock your gun, wet your sights
Get the bull dead to rights
Volunteers, one pace back
On the beach aint no place for kids
When the flack is high on a bomber run
You dont talk back to an ack-ack gun
Fire range, and youre in the blitz
Keep your head or youre blown to bits
Name and rank on parade
Might get laid by a hand grenade
Do you know what it means?
This - means - war
Whos going there, is it a friend or foe?
Propaganda time on the radio
Top brass shout as they clown around
Peace talks die in geneva town
Do you know what it means?
This - means - war
This means war, this means war
I said this means war, this means war
This means war

song performed by AC-DCReport problemRelated quotes
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There's No 'I' In Team

Well I can't regret,
can't you just forget it?
I started something I couldn't finish
And if we go down,
we go down together
best friends means,
well best friends means
And I've got a twenty-dollar bill
that says you're up late night starting
fist fights versus fences in your backyard
Wearing your black eye like a badge of honor
Soaking in sympathy
from friends who never loved you
nearly half as much as me
Broken down in bars and bathrooms
All I did was what I had to
Don't believe me when I tell you
it's just what anyone would do
Take the time to talk about it
Think a lot and live without it
Don't believe me when I tell you
it's something unforgivable...ohoh
Well I can't regret,
can't you just forget it?
I started something I couldn't finish
If we go down,
we go down together
best friends means,
well best friends means
You never knew
well i never told you...
Everything I know about breaking hearts
I learned from you, it's true
I've never done it with the style and grace you have
But I've made long term plans
based on these mistakes
Broken down in bars and bathrooms
All I did was what I had to
Don't believe me when I tell you
it's just what anyone would do
Take the time to talk about it
Think a lot and live without it
Don't believe me when I tell you
it's something unforgivable
Is this what you call tact?
I swear you're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back
so let's end this call,
and end this conversation
there's nothing worse...
(that's right he said, that's right he said it)

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song performed by Taking Back SundayReport problemRelated quotes
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She Means Nothing To Me

Oh well here she comes now oh Im on the run now
Pretending just pretending that I dont see her
Just to teach her but darling how much longer
Can I keep on living this lie
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me
Im still as free as a bird
Dont care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
Oh shes my world oh not just some girl
Harder its getting harder to fool anyone
Not just her but I act like a man
Shed expect me to
No tears win her respect
Who am I fooling if I cant fool me
Who believes what their eyes dont see
But I keep on lying
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me
Im still as free as a bird
Dont care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
All my dreams are depending on her
And how good I am at pretending that
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (havent you heard)
Im still as free as a bird
Dont care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (havent you heard)
Im still as free as a bird
Dont care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more
She means nothing to me
She means nothing to me (havent you heard)
Im still as free as a bird
Dont care what you heard about me
She means nothing to me no more

song performed by Cliff RichardReport problemRelated quotes
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Where The Rubber Meets The Road

Somewhere some girl is crazy.
And some boys half out of his head.
Somewhere somebodys fearless.
And someone wont wind up dead.
Somewhere two hearts are pounding.
And they dont care whats correct.
Somewhere somebodys fallin in love.
Without a background check...
Son Im mr p.c.
Belive you me.
Im the ultimate king of correct.
And if you wanna make it.
You gotta make her take it.
As a sign a your deep respect.
If youre gonna do it.
You gotta see through it.
To the hevenly trust that is...
Then you can call her a slut.
And you can call her a slave.
If you remember to call her ms...
Where the rubber meets the road.
Welcome to protection mode.
Used to be sex was a fine hello.
Where the rubber meets the road.
Ya say girl, youre a beauty.
But Im no beast.
I got a little contract right here...
See, you can slam on the brakes.
Anytime you got the stick.
Even if were in 4th gear.
Cop in the front seat.
Lawyer in the back seat.
Gettin it on videotape.
Got a shrink in the bed, lord.
Sittin on the headboard.
Swearin that we both got raped.
Now the rubber meets the road.
Where the rubber meets the road.
Boy meets girl then watch it explode.
Yes means no means yes means no.
Where the rubber meets the road!
Somewhere some girl is crazy.
And some boys half out of his head.
Somewhere somebodys fearless.
And someone wont wind up dead.
Somewhere two hearts are pounding.
And they dont care whats correct.
Somewhere somebodys fallin in love.
Without a background check...
Somewhere somebodys fallin in love.

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song performed by Meat LoafReport problemRelated quotes
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Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society


Υδραν φονεύσας, μυρίων τ᾽ ἄλλων πόνων
διῆλθον ἀγέλας . . .
τὸ λοίσθιον δὲ τόνδ᾽ ἔτλην τάλας πόνον,
. . . δῶμα θριγκῶσαι κακοῖς.

I slew the Hydra, and from labour pass'd
To labour — tribes of labours! Till, at last,
Attempting one more labour, in a trice,
Alack, with ills I crowned the edifice.

You have seen better days, dear? So have I —
And worse too, for they brought no such bud-mouth
As yours to lisp "You wish you knew me!" Well,
Wise men, 't is said, have sometimes wished the same,
And wished and had their trouble for their pains.
Suppose my Œdipus should lurk at last
Under a pork-pie hat and crinoline,
And, latish, pounce on Sphynx in Leicester Square?
Or likelier, what if Sphynx in wise old age,
Grown sick of snapping foolish people's heads,
And jealous for her riddle's proper rede, —
Jealous that the good trick which served the turn
Have justice rendered it, nor class one day
With friend Home's stilts and tongs and medium-ware,—
What if the once redoubted Sphynx, I say,
(Because night draws on, and the sands increase,
And desert-whispers grow a prophecy)
Tell all to Corinth of her own accord.
Bright Corinth, not dull Thebes, for Lais' sake,
Who finds me hardly grey, and likes my nose,
And thinks a man of sixty at the prime?
Good! It shall be! Revealment of myself!
But listen, for we must co-operate;
I don't drink tea: permit me the cigar!
First, how to make the matter plain, of course —
What was the law by which I lived. Let 's see:
Ay, we must take one instant of my life
Spent sitting by your side in this neat room:
Watch well the way I use it, and don't laugh!
Here's paper on the table, pen and ink:
Give me the soiled bit — not the pretty rose!
See! having sat an hour, I'm rested now,
Therefore want work: and spy no better work
For eye and hand and mind that guides them both,
During this instant, than to draw my pen
From blot One — thus — up, up to blot Two — thus —
Which I at last reach, thus, and here's my line
Five inches long and tolerably straight:

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poem by (1871)Report problemRelated quotes
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Meaning Of War

Meaning of war

War means bombing
War means explosions
War means fire
War means destruction
War means hating
War means mutilation
War means killing
War means tears
War means guns
War means loss

War means not of who is right
War means not of who is wrong
War means only of whom is left

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What Christmas Means To Me

Candles burning
Lots of mistletoe
Lots of snow and ice
Everywhere we go
Choir singing carols
Right outside my door
All these things and more
Thats what christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
I see your smiling face
Like Ive never seen before
Though I love you madly
It seems I love you more
The little though you give me
Will touch my heart for sure
I feel like running wild
Those angels a little shy
I caught you underneath the mistletoe
I kiss you twice and then some more
I wish you merry christmas baby
And a happy new year
Lets deck the halls with holly
Singing silent night
Fill the dreams with angels hair
Pretty, pretty lights
Go to sleep and wake up
Just before daylight
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love
Christmas means to me my love...

song performed by HansonReport problemRelated quotes
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IX. Juris Doctor Johannes-Baptista Bottinius, Fisci et Rev. Cam. Apostol. Advocatus

Had I God's leave, how I would alter things!
If I might read instead of print my speech,—
Ay, and enliven speech with many a flower
Refuses obstinate to blow in print,
As wildings planted in a prim parterre,—
This scurvy room were turned an immense hall;
Opposite, fifty judges in a row;
This side and that of me, for audience—Rome:
And, where yon window is, the Pope should hide—
Watch, curtained, but peep visibly enough.
A buzz of expectation! Through the crowd,
Jingling his chain and stumping with his staff,
Up comes an usher, louts him low, "The Court
"Requires the allocution of the Fisc!"
I rise, I bend, I look about me, pause
O'er the hushed multitude: I count—One, two—

Have ye seen, Judges, have ye, lights of law,—
When it may hap some painter, much in vogue
Throughout our city nutritive of arts,
Ye summon to a task shall test his worth,
And manufacture, as he knows and can,
A work may decorate a palace-wall,
Afford my lords their Holy Family,—
Hath it escaped the acumen of the Court
How such a painter sets himself to paint?
Suppose that Joseph, Mary and her Babe
A-journeying to Egypt, prove the piece:
Why, first he sedulously practiseth,
This painter,—girding loin and lighting lamp,—
On what may nourish eye, make facile hand;
Getteth him studies (styled by draughtsmen so)
From some assistant corpse of Jew or Turk
Or, haply, Molinist, he cuts and carves,—
This Luca or this Carlo or the like.
To him the bones their inmost secret yield,
Each notch and nodule signify their use:
On him the muscles turn, in triple tier,
And pleasantly entreat the entrusted man
"Familiarize thee with our play that lifts
"Thus, and thus lowers again, leg, arm and foot!"
—Ensuring due correctness in the nude.
Which done, is all done? Not a whit, ye know!
He,—to art's surface rising from her depth,—
If some flax-polled soft-bearded sire be found,
May simulate a Joseph, (happy chance!)—
Limneth exact each wrinkle of the brow,
Loseth no involution, cheek or chap,
Till lo, in black and white, the senior lives!
Is it a young and comely peasant-nurse

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poem by from The Ring and the BookReport problemRelated quotes
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ACT: Goodbye

Girl: Goodbye
I always want to say it in front of you
And there would be no more “I love you”
But why though I really meant to
The pain is still haunting my soul

Guy: Goodbye
You don’t know there’s a mystery inside
You are a fool to quickly decide
When you say something you don’t want to
It will affect you most with regret

Girl: Goodbye means leaving
Guy: Goodbye means nothing
Girl: Goodbye means releasing
Guy: Goodbye means waiting

Girl: And will you forget me after
Guy: Or will I love you forever
Girl: And how if I miss you in the lonely night
Guy: I will torture you to see my face

Girl: It’s over!
Guy: Not yet
Girl: Why are you so stubborn?
Guy: Because you make it complicated
Girl: But there’s no future for us
Guy: There’s always a hope

Girl: Goodbye
I will definitely cry
But the tears are not going to show
I don’t ask to be forgiven
Because I’m the one who put this misery

Guy: Goodbye
You can’t beat me with just that
Don’t judge me because I have the power of
Though I let my beloved go
Someday I’ll bring you to my arm again

Girl: Goodbye means separate

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Death means Love means

Death means freedom
Love means pain
Which would you choose?
Death means rest peacefully
Love means restless motion
Which would be comfortable?
Death means life
love means death to the heart
Which one would you want?
Death means everlasting happiness
Love means confusion
Which would be more rich?
Death means rejoice with loved ones
Love means losing someone
Which would be better?
Death means peaceful dreams for forever
Love means fear of nightmares
Which would you perfer?

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VIII. Dominus Hyacinthus de Archangelis, Pauperum Procurator

Ah, my Giacinto, he's no ruddy rogue,
Is not Cinone? What, to-day we're eight?
Seven and one's eight, I hope, old curly-pate!
—Branches me out his verb-tree on the slate,
Up to -aturus, person, tense, and mood,
Quies me cum subjunctivo (I could cry)
And chews Corderius with his morning crust!
Look eight years onward, and he's perched, he's perched
Dapper and deft on stool beside this chair,
Cinozzo, Cinoncello, who but he?
—Trying his milk-teeth on some crusty case
Like this, papa shall triturate full soon
To smooth Papinianian pulp!

It trots
Already through my head, though noon be now,
Does supper-time and what belongs to eve.
Dispose, O Don, o' the day, first work then play!
—The proverb bids. And "then" means, won't we hold
Our little yearly lovesome frolic feast,
Cinuolo's birth-night, Cinicello's own,
That makes gruff January grin perforce!
For too contagious grows the mirth, the warmth
Escaping from so many hearts at once—
When the good wife, buxom and bonny yet,
Jokes the hale grandsire,—such are just the sort
To go off suddenly,—he who hides the key
O' the box beneath his pillow every night,—
Which box may hold a parchment (someone thinks)
Will show a scribbled something like a name
"Cinino, Ciniccino," near the end,
"To whom I give and I bequeath my lands,
"Estates, tenements, hereditaments,
"When I decease as honest grandsire ought."
Wherefore—yet this one time again perhaps—
Shan't my Orvieto fuddle his old nose!
Then, uncles, one or the other, well i' the world,
May—drop in, merely?—trudge through rain and wind,
Rather! The smell-feasts rouse them at the hint
There's cookery in a certain dwelling-place!
Gossips, too, each with keepsake in his poke,
Will pick the way, thrid lane by lantern-light,
And so find door, put galligaskin off
At entry of a decent domicile
Cornered in snug Condotti,—all for love,
All to crush cup with Cinucciatolo!

Let others climb the heights o' the court, the camp!

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poem by from The Ring and the BookReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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What Is The Light?

What is the light
That you have
Shining all around you?
Is it chemically derived?
Cause if its natural
Something glowing from inside
Shining all around you
Its potential has arrived
Looking into space, it surrounds you
Love is the place that youre drawn to
Looking into space, it surrounds you
Love is the face that youre drawn to
What is the light
That you have
Shining all around you?
Is it chemically derived?

song performed by Flaming LipsReport problemRelated quotes
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Hopelessly Addicted

Opened my eyes today
And I knew there's something different
Saw you in a brand new way
Like the clouds had somehow lifted
And if yesterday I heard
Myself saying these words
I would swear it was a lie

I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling
Was I so blind
I was loving you all the time
Now I'm hopelessly addicted
Helplessly attracted

I'll make a wish this day
And I'll send it to the heavens
That we will always stay
Entwined like this forever
And though the world may change
Coz nothing stays the same
I know we will survive

I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling
I was so blind
I was loving you all the time
Now I'm hopelessly addicted
Naturally we acted

I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling
I was so blind
I was loving you all the time
And now I'm
Hopelessly addicted
Helplessly attracted
Chemically reacted
Naturally we acted
I was loving you all the time
Hopelessly addicted
Helplessly attracted
Chemically reacted
Naturally we acted

song performed by The Corrs from Talk On CornersReport problemRelated quotes
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I Like The Way

Somewhere inside my evolution
Karmically I seek retribution
Looking for love in physical beauty
Desire is the drug of the bourgeoisie
And now I try to intellectualize
Like a glimmer of good in a bad man's eyes
I am consumed by the flesh haunting me
I know temptation taunts the empty
So pour yourself over me
Until there's nothing left to see, yeah yeah
Because I like the way you move in the dark
I like the tension, the tension and the spark
The decadence of giving into desire
Creates such entropy within
Looking for love in spiritual faces
Blind to the art of fabrication
I'm like a baby sucking mama's milk
Want to drink my fill and then some
Leave me alone
I always thought I was better than this
But temptation tempts the temptee
Pour yourself over me
Until there's nothing left to see, yeah yeah
Oh, because I like the way you move in the dark
And I like the tension, the tension and the spark, oh
Because I like the way you move in the dark, oh
You know I like the tension, the tension and, the tension and the spark, oh
This physicality
Shifting me chemically
Such power over me
It's just desire
I know it's treachery (shifting me chemically)
I know it's just skin deep (such power over me)
I know I should resist
I'm just too tired
Too tired
There's just one thing missing
One thing missing here is
I like the way you move in the dark
I like the tension, the tension and the spark (so pour yourself over me)
You know, I like the way you move in the dark (so pour yourself over me)
You know, I like the tension, the tension and, the tension and the spark
So pour yourself over me
(There's just one thing missing)
(One thing missing)
Until there's nothing left to see
(There's just one thing missing)
(The tension and the spark)
(One thing missing)

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song performed by Darren HayesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Staying Away From Arrangements of Bliss

Few relationships are partnerships at all.
And beyond wedding gifts...
Marriages are more conveniences,
For someone's purpose to circumvent!

Those in unions who share with an openness,
Seem more chemically suited...
To be united together like this.

Others who join in matrimony,
Have agendas and timetables to meet.
The lure of being with anyone...
Depends more on the hunt,
And a game to win over to defeat.

Competitve are these false companionships.
It's not long after they begin...
Nothing surprises to hear of a riff that splits.

Those in unions who share with an openness,
Seem more chemically suited...
To be united together like this.

And those who have been burned,
By an array of 'assessments'...
Are more likely than not,
To appear after the healing...
To be the happiest.

And staying away from arrangements of bliss.
With eyes wide open.
And wrists in bandages after being slit.

I cut myself shaving! '

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