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I Hear The Echo by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika (Translated from Assamese)

I hear the echo
I hear the echo
I hear the echo

I hear the echo
Of the screaming night
Carried over from the other side
Of the mountain bodering my village

I hear the echo

I train my ears but can't hear a thing
I open my eyes wide but can't see a thing
I close my eyes and think, but do not understand
I don't know how to climb a thousand mountains
I hear the echo of the screaming night

I hear the echo

May be its the tragic story of a young girl
May be its grandma's bedtime fairy tale
May be its the longing of a farmer's nursery

The tragic story of the young girl has come to an end
The bed time fairy tale of grandma has come to an end
The longings of the farmer's nursery has come to an end
The familiar song still escapes me
I hear the echo of the new cry

I hear the echo

My dark hair get tinted with morning's red hues
The panicky mist before the eyes vanishes to the blue
A thousand cries come out of a people awakened
A thousand mountains crumble in the impact of its sound

I hear an approaching storm in the sea of humanity
I hear the echo of the new cry

I hear the echo...

- Dr. Bhupen Hazarika (1953)

© Syed Ahmed Shah(Translator) , Bokultol, Guwahati.

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