Enterprising Education..
Trickle the wealth capitalists say
Limiting the wealth is socialist way
Distribute it the communists say
Capture it for self is all their game
Making everyone rich or poor
Dependent on some other
Is not the way to empower!
Growing people with power
Is the need of the hour..
Power is neither wisdom nor wealth
Neither vote nor health
Power neither grows on guns
Nor it does on just bread and buns.
The ability to spot a need
The ability to create a feed
The ability to serve with speed
Is real people power indeed!
Past is dead, present is dying
Let us make our future flying
Create a future that keeps trying
Children who are enterprising..
Till no child remains illiterate
Fight with illiteracy and eradicate..
Literacy of less words and more deeds
Litter them on our seeds..
Reading, Writing and Mathematics
Swallowing, Vomiting as is where is
Push our education go beyond these
Transforming their real lives..
Every child rich or poor
Education should make them entrepreneur
With courage, confidence, hope and honor
Let our businesses spread the world over..
Neither in capital nor in a book
Entrepreneur is born in the outlook
Let education sharpen the young minds
Enable them to make new finds..
Empowering our future to self-rule
Enterprising Education is the tool
Poverty to Prosperity
Everyone an Entrepreneur is the key
poem by TheBigThinkg Human
Added by Poetry Lover
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