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Inside My Secret Chamber

All i am here
Only a soul in this heart
Living within the beat chamber
Vibrating this life in every second
Counting days and years till it will be stopped
Like the clock sounds, tick tock we're passing time
Still i am here learning to catch my past beats
The old running moments escaped from my pulses
Now, searching who i am in each breath i had
Mistakes I have done, written as scars
Reveal me things untold by smiles
Time will keep flying, no waiting
But the child in me still learning
For who i am, and what i living for
Till the end of my given time
Searching myself, my soul
I will find inside here
My heart chamber
After mistakes
resolves mistakes
For another chance
I will take, with no surrender
Learning more as who i am here
Completing mystery of my unwritten soul
To be answered, in the last page of my days
Oh my dear LORD, lead me to guide in your way,
I am on my way waiting, to meet You soon someday

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